Sentences with phrase «by difficult people»

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One of the most exciting things about studying Musk and other breakthrough innovators is that it reveals that even though these people often have special, difficult - to - imitate abilities or traits, the mechanisms by which these abilities and traits lead to innovation are often something we can tap ourselves.
«When life is difficult,» she emphasizes, «your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you.»
This is incredibly difficult, especially in an industry that very few people grow up dreaming of working in (not a lot of web developers that always wanted to build a quilting website), but the value of a leadership team can be judged by their ability to attract and keep the right talent.
By listening, the salesperson has the opportunity to build trust, empathy and rapport and it calms down the difficult person.
«I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit,» Ladar Levinson, the company's founder, said in a letter to users.
People capital is by far the most difficult issue we deal with on a daily basis.
According to the study, being slightly more difficult to get along with may come with monetary benefits, but people who are agreeable by nature tend to have stronger friendships, are liked more by their peers and are more satisfied with life in general.
This may seem difficult, but a group of people who genuinely enjoy their work and who are led by caring, helpful managers can accomplish extraordinary things.
But if enough people feel SpaceX is threatening what they value (such as the environment — here or there), or disadvantaging them in some way (for example, by allowing rich people to move to another planet and abandoning the rest of us here), they'll make life difficult for the company.
While Musk is clearly smart enough to have considered all this already (or at least to pay someone else to consider it), Maynard ends with a word of caution for the SpaceX team: «If enough people feel SpaceX is threatening what they value (such as the environment — here or there), or disadvantaging them in some way (for example, by allowing rich people to move to another planet and abandoning the rest of us here), they'll make life difficult for the company.»
People often start off their day by completing easy tasks to get themselves rolling and leave their more difficult work for later.
Some people can't stand these kinds of stocks — it's just too difficult to see it get beaten down, even if you believe the bad news is temporary — but others, like Buffett, have made boatloads of money by being patient.
O'Brien said that one automaker, Daimler, told him that it was difficult for people to look at a virtual car from all angles when limited to a 15 foot by 15 foot area like the Vive Pro's predecessor.
As someone who helps prospective and existing business owners for a living, I am heartened by all the media attention aimed at helping people find employment and survive this difficult economy.
Costa believes her success comes from creating products people appreciate, but ask anyone who's attended a direct sales party hosted by a friend or co-worker, and they'll also tell you it's difficult to go home without buying something.
But people who respond to a difficult question by saying «I don't know» are demonstrating «a self - awareness and confidence that I think is increasingly rare.
But fair use has always proved to be a difficult set of guidelines for publishers, interpreted to varying degrees of strictness by various people, and for some, better safe than sorry.
This is especially difficult for those who are used to working in busy office environments and being surrounded by people.
Even if your company has a strong mission, a learning culture with smart people to learn from and lots of growth opportunities, it's very difficult to know what it's like to work there by reading your job listing and looking at your marketing website.
For example, people who have been affected by restructuring brought about by globalization often face difficult adjustments, including retraining and moving long distances.
It was difficult at first because there's so much to learn, but people in my store took me under their wing and helped me step by step.
Of the small businesses that do form, their share of scale - ups (ability to grow and employ 50 + people by their 10th year of operation) has dropped from 2 % to 1.6 % since 1987, indicating that the businesses which do form have an increasingly difficult time growing and creating jobs.
Some of these launching pits are located in areas near hospitals and schools in the heart of populated areas and institutions attended by a large number of people, making them difficult to attack because of the risk of civilian casualties.
People who are making good uses of signals generated by experts, they find it difficult to make huge losses when trading options.
Jordan points to a quote by Montesquieu: «If we only wanted to be happy it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, which is almost always difficult, since we think them happier than they are.»
And while I'm not particularly phased by death (people die, it happens), even I am not so callous as to make the day someone loses their mother more difficult than it already is.
A person who now has to make a very difficult decision after being forced by a man to have intercourse against her will?
Buttiglione addresses the especially controverted question raised by the more difficult passages in Amoris Laetitia: whether or not a person who is divorced and civilly remarried, or simply cohabiting, may receive Holy Communion.
Very difficult to understand by people of non-oriental and south asian back grounds.
In Charleston, South Carolina, when those innocent people were shot during a bible study, the eloquence of their difficult words, «I forgive you,» spoke more directly to defeat the evil perpetrated by a tortured man than did the ensuing media firestorm which brought down one Confederate flag.
In fact, people may try to avoid the challenge of the more difficult work by preoccupying themselves with the latest in tools and techniques.
Unfortunately, in combating this false understanding of addiction, Hitchens errs to the other extreme by implying that the will remains untouched by addiction and asserting that if addicts are held merely accountable for their actions and blamed for the outcome of those actions, then «huge numbers of people will give up a bad habit even if it is difficult
Permit me to preface my remarks by saying that I do not wish to take a position on the thorny doctrinal question whether we know that some (unknown) persons will be damned, although I take it for granted» as do von Balthasar and Neuhaus» that Catholic theology does not hold or teach that we know all will be saved, a proposition it is unlikely even the optimistic Origen affirmed with certainty, and is surely difficult to square with Jesus» repeated teaching on the «two ways» (e.g., Matthew 7:13 «14), especially his answer to the question whether only a few would be saved.
Shocked as we have been by well attested stories of unspeakable tortures and degradation's, by the mass exterminations of the gas chamber, and by the living death of such places as Belsen and Buchenwald, many people find it difficult to react with proper indignation to contemporary cruelties such as the Communist slave camps in Siberia, or the callous indifference of most people to the plight of millions of refugees.
And in the same paragraph: «It is really very difficult for people — including large associations of people and huge corporations — to do anything very bad, for very long, when they are not buttressed by the threat of physical coercion.»
All profoundly religions people are gripped by a vision of reality which is not only beyond the state but beyond the difficult lessons of experience, beyond the realistic analysis of social forces and societal needs, beyond the prudential calculations of common sense, and beyond the fragmented bits of data we get from daily life.
As to obligations of a more personal nature I have many people to thank — colleagues who have advised me, students at Union Theological Seminary who have stimulated me with their responsive interest, members of the congregation of The Riverside Church, New York, who, by their attentive listening to mid-week lectures on the subjects handled in this book, have kept alive my confidence that even difficult and recondite problems concerning the Bible are of vital, contemporary importance.
In a war that has no clear moral purpose, where it is difficult to distinguish friend from foe or soldier from civilian and where it is forbidden by one's superiors either to win or to lose — such a war impels even fairly decent people to commit atrocities.
It is difficult at this point to imagine that any informed person is still unaware of these developments, for feature articles on recombinant DNA technology have been carried by national periodicals from the Atlantic Monthly and Harper's to Time magazine and even the Saturday Evening Post.
To speak of sexual undertakings in the way implied by the traditional marriage rites of the churches is to deny people access to a basic human good from the start and for reasons that are difficult if not impossible for modern people to grasp.
One of the aspects of Buber's thought on God which is most difficult to understand is his characterization of God as an «Absolute Person,» as Being which becomes Person in order to know and be known, to love and be loved by man.
«Salisbury has been through a difficult time, it's got some of the same ingredients in terms of betrayal, a murderous attack and people who have been deeply injured by this,» Bishop Nicholas said.
The plain fact is that some of the happiest people we have ever known have been in difficult circumstances, handicapped within and hard bestead without; but for all that, by the magic of selective attention, they lived radiant and victorious lives.
The idea of «God in three persons» is difficult enough, without compounding the difficulty by calling one of them a «Ghost.»
When history appears to be empty of God, «with nowhere a beckoning of His finger,» it is difficult for an individual and even more for a people to understand themselves as addressed by God.
Such questions can be difficult - either inherently or contingently so» and imperfect or even unsound positions can be adopted by intelligent and well - informed people who are doing their very best to think honestly and carefully about them.
So, if it is difficult to say what actually happened, it is easy to say what is meant by the story: the new life coming from God in Jesus» person and work is powerfully present now.
There is the likelihood, moreover, as Ahlstrom concludes in his massive religious history of the American people, that by the 1970s «Americans, whether conservative, liberal, or radical, found it increasingly difficult to believe that the United States was still a beacon and blessing to the world.
One person said that if Christians would be honest (and stop cherrypicking their favorite passages to live by while ignoring the difficult ones), they would come to the conclusion that God is nothing more than a giant hand that gives and takes away.
It is not difficult to help parents to see that their most heartfelt desire for their children is that they should grow up to be good people who are respected by others.
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