Sentences with phrase «by dogfighters»

They were kept in enclosures closely resembling those commonly used by dogfighters in the United States.
As evident from the seized Vick dogs — the further removed the less skilled they are at fighting or wanting to fight... Bait dogs are a new tool used by dogfighters as some pits today will not fight other animals w / o hesitation as those originally bred for fighting as late as the 1980s.
He showed no other apparent injuries, but some suspect Hector, because his teeth appear to have been pulled, might have been used as a «bait dog» by dogfighters.
Others will be stuck outside and will likely die of starvation, temperature extremes, be hit by cars, infected with lingering, debilitating diseases, stolen by laboratory dealers, used as bait by dogfighters, attacked by other animals, or tortured and / or killed by cruel people.
Bumper, once «owned» by a dogfighter, wouldn't participate in the blood «sport» and was saved by a young boy.

Not exact matches

If you would like to take this action a step further, you can schedule a meeting with your state legislators to discuss implementing a recommended amendment drafted by the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) which would «enable prosecutors to charge dogfighters under the respective state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (commonly referred to as «RICO») statue.
Dogfighters assess gameness by testing their dogs in the pit, with the ultimate (and very cruel) goal to produce a dog that would fight other dogs to the death (these rare dogs are referred to as «dead game»).
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