Sentences with phrase «by droughts related»

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These appear to have no direct connection with one another (although 2:3 a may reflect an effort to relate them), since the famine is caused not by locusts but by drought (see 1:18 - 20).
This project also complements a related effort, also funded by the Foundation for MetroWest, by Massachusetts Rivers Alliance and the Charles River Watershed Association to improve the state's drought management plan and promote better water conservation.
Because the effects of drought on legume production were found to be affected less by climatic regions and related more to legume species, the selection and promotion of drought - resistant legume species could provide an approach to minimize the impact of droughts.
Normally, plants adapt to drought - related stress by producing osmoprotectants — molecules like soluble sugars that help prevent water from leaving cells.
The research uses a large, high - quality database provided by the European Forest Fire Information System to analyze the burned areas in summer in Mediterranean Europe which coincide with drought episodes and are related to previous wet conditions.
Some beekeepers lost colonies because of a combination of inadequate nutrition related to periods of agricultural drought, stress related to honey bee transportation, and parasitism by Varroa mites.
With multiyear field studies, Xue identified plant traits related to drought tolerance, which can be used by breeders to develop drought - tolerant wheat cultivars and geneticists to screen molecular markers and speed the breeding process.
A recent report issued by the UN shows that over the last twenty years, 90 per cent of major disasters have been caused by 6,457 recorded floods, storms, heatwaves, droughts and other weather - related events.
By 2010 impacts long predicted were turning up, sooner than many had expected — acidification of the oceans, unprecedented deadly heat waves, record - breaking floods and droughts, heat - related changes in the survival of sensitive species.
In the course of the last 15 years, governments and authorities the world over have been warned loudly and repeatedly that global warming could be accompanied by a greater risk of severe weather - related events: floods, heatwaves, ice storms, typhoons and droughts.
It combines Swiss Re's expertise in natural catastrophe modelling with drought - related data compiled by the Zurich - based Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science,» said the bulletin.
For 4 decades now, the construction of water supplies has not kept pace with population growth, and the current drought is made worse by neglect of the system in place and other ecology - related decisions.
It contains field reporting on: climate - related problems and threats such as desertification in Nigeria, soil salination in Senegal, and the lack of technical support available to smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe; the range of responses and solutions adopted by farmers and governments; and how livestock - raising communities in the Kenyan county of Turkana are facing up to one of the worst droughts in living memory.
The need to limit global warming is urgent, according to two experts from the Harvard Medical School and Duke University speaking for the nonprofit Civil Society Institute, who expressed their concern earlier this month that droughts fueled by unchecked global warming would touch off more wildfires and a rise in related public health problems.
A second study warns that by the century's end weather - related disasters — floods, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and windstorms — could claim a 50-fold increase in fatalities, and expose 350 million Europeans to harmful climate extremes every year.
Dr. Curry; In an excellant article on the effects of rain in Pakistan as it relates to the lack of attribution to Global Climate Change, and KPO's use of marchesarosa's literary references to 800 years of Russian peat bog fires and drought, I would like to see a completion of the weather extreme trilogy by a discussion of wind.
If we say «this drought is a climate change related disaster» we are overstating what we can literally say by just a tiny bit.
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