Sentences with phrase «by each passing day»

The fans at Arsenal are getting more anxious by each passing day in hope that their key player would sign a contract extension at the club.
So this January seems to be getting more and more interesting by every passing day of the transfer window, with the top clubs already looking to add more than just a few stars.
Asked when the system upgrade will end, he said, «In a case like this, there is no definite time as it only improves by each passing day.
Speaking at the House of Representatives in Abuja on Monday, Kachikwu also revealed that Nigeria at the moment loses 800,000 barrels of crude oil by each passing day.
That lean, muscular, and fit look that is becoming more rare in America by each passing day is built off of wholesome foods, and hard physical exertion.
As the weeks progresses, keto diet is going to get tougher by each passing day.
Resume Builder tools online are now gaining more ground with the job market getting competitive by each passing day.
Our love have been waxing stronger and stronger by each passing day.

Not exact matches

I checked my cell phone carrier's website, and found that by the end of my planned travel for this winter and spring, the Solis would be less expensive than any useful international roaming plan I could sign up for — that includes the cost of the device and day passes, though factors in my travel companions who can also avoid the pricey roaming plans.
The simple truth in business is... time is precious and can not be replenished, so if you don't leverage it every waking day, the competition will pass you by
On a similar note, when you take the time to do more than just go through the motions, you might actually feel your work day pass by faster.
With tons of people passing through, the puppies were touched by hundreds of people every single day.
You respond by explaining that you are having a horrible day because a close family member or cherished pet just passed away.
Roughly a quarter of all oil transported by sea (more than 15 million barrels per day) passes through the Strait of Malacca.
Every day Rachel takes the commuter train to London, and every day she passes the same house occupied by a couple who seem perfect.
And the day after the interview, the House passed the JOBS Act, designed to increase small businesses» access to capital, by a next - to - unanimous bipartisan vote.
Although much of the recent drop in oil prices has been due to the prospect of higher exports from Iran in the coming months (the International Energy Agency forecasts an extra 300,000 barrels a day by the end of March), the dumping of stored oil is essentially a short - term factor, and its influence on crude prices should logically pass quite quickly.
Though thick, lavishly illustrated Sunday papers became popular in the United States during the late 19th century as a form of weekend leisure, religious pressure to ban labour and trade on Sundays assured that Saturday papers remained the more popular weekend reading in Canada — something cemented by the passing of the federal Lord's Day Act in 1906.
The manager who propositioned Uber engineer Susan Fowler — on her very first day working for him — was allegedly given a pass by HR because he was a «high performer.»
You can obtain permanent residence in Belize by renewing a tourist visa every 30 days until a full year has passed or, if you're over age 45 and meet certain criteria, by applying through the Qualified Retired Persons program.
The repeated flights by the Sukhoi SU - 24 warplanes, which also flew near the ship a day earlier, were so close they created wake in the water, with 11 passes, the official said.
My husband and I were just discussing if we could pay off our house by the time we're 40 and it's sounding more and more possible and enticing as the days pass.
Almost 10 years of commitment to self - mastery have passed by and I never take one day off without learning and growing in some way.
Hopefully, this will not happen again, but the reality now is that the budget runs from the day of delivery (March 21st this year) to the tabling and passing of the budget bills by June 30.
In a 4 - 1 vote today by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an amendment has passed to lift the 80 year ban on the general solicitation and advertising of Regulation D («Reg D») offerings which will go into effect in 60 days.
Our goal is to be able to buy our time back and every day that passes by, gets us closer to the finish line.
But a large number of dark horses are emerging out of the blue with every passing day and taking the world of virtual currencies by storm.
The price of single - day passes at Walt Disney World in Orlando was bumped up by $ 4 earlier this week, bringing the base adult ticket to $ 95 at EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom, and admission to the Magic Kingdom up to $ 99 ($ 105 and change after taxes).
Mining Bitcoins are getting harder as days are passing by no matter how popular they are.
Jay introduces the guests and sponsors for the day's show and talks about how warnings in speeches given by Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy have come to pass.
These days must pass, this nation needs to rise up and fight back, in the name of every fallen soldier and every other person who is affected by the hate these vile being spew.
When you die, I promise you: I will not make the decision to not embalm you I will not make the decision to not show you off to a room full of people surrounded by flowers for 2 days I will not make the decision to not parade you through town with traffic stopping pomp I won't bury you within 24 hours I WILL allow YOUR family to make those decisions for you in respect to what you wish for in your passing.
But it was a very unsatisfying attempt — to have weighty theological questions determined by delegates who came together for a few days with little prior study of the issues, who were sometimes inclined to suppose that such questions admitted of «yes» or «no» answers, and who passed judgment after rather limited opportunity for discussion and debate.
A Boob, who spends all day talking through a lens to a tube, speaking to boobs, who spend all day staring at the tube, brain relaxed, almost comatose, beta waves prevalent, while life passes them by.
Every time I pass by my bookshelf and catch a glimpse of my Ray Bradbury collection (on the top shelf, of course), I am reminded of the day I found out of Bradbury's passing.
That just as all the products we use came into existence through a mind, these being consistent with reality, so likewise of not only the earth with its marvelous ecological systems, but all the universe by which we keep time, from the passing of one day to the passing of one year allowing to keep track of time, that all these diverse, but harmonious systems are the product of a Supreme Designer for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind.
Reject those things that do not pass the test, but keep an open mind as we all are being built up in our faith day by day.
What availed as the common wisdom of mankind until the day before yesterday — for example, that man, woman, mother, and father name natural realities as well as social roles, that children issue naturally from their union, that the marital union of man and woman is the foundation of human society and provides the optimal home for the flourishing of children — all this is now regarded by many as obsolete and even hopelessly bigoted, as court after court, demonstrating that this revolution has profoundly transformed even the meaning of reason itself, has declared that this bygone wisdom now fails even to pass the minimum legal threshold of rational cogency.
But because of this fear that he should one day regret committing himself to the Eternal, a man deserves some day to be compelled to regret bitterly that he allowed the time to pass by.
My 20 yrs in Africa has revealed Americans who claim they care about 20,000 children dying every day from hunger and disease are guilty of the same useless rhetoric they criticize in politicians who are at least trying to stop unnecessary daily deaths in this country, by getting elected and passing moral laws.
All other TRUE PROPHETS including Abraham (God called him His friend), Jesus (God called him His mightiest Prophet), Mohammed (God called Him a mercy to mankind) and including all humankind will wait till God allows them to enter paradise by passing His Judgement on the Judgement Day.
in the greater scheme of things, as time was created for us as a means of seperating the day from the night but god, the idea that when God made the heavens and earth before establishing time, many billions of years may have passed by, even the time frame I mean men according to the bible used to live for 600 - 11 years old.
But, today's modern evangelical fundamentalists, going back to the days of Abraham Vereide founding of the religio - business - political cabal The Family / The Fellowship / C Street / National Prayer Breakfast, chooses to ignore Jesus» comments about his ministry and are bound and determined to have our government controlled by theocratic politicians who are passing laws to further their goal of turning this country into an theocracy.
This article by Richard John Neuhaus, who passed away January 8, 2009, was published in the February 1999 issue of First Things, and is reprinted below in honor of the feast day of Mother Teresa.A couple of years ago physicist Alan Sokal published an article in Social Text arguing in the most abstruse postmodernistic jargon that gravity, among other things, is a social construct.
Think of the blogger who describes, minute by minute, a day that has passed.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
Whether it be because you work with children, pass by a homeless individual every day, or have witnessed the impact of cholera and unsafe sanitation on a community, we all have something that triggers a desire to help.
Secondly, the belief in the imminent coming of the day of the Lord, so strong in the thought of Paul, and presumably in that of the early church, was bound to wane in intensity by the time two generations of Christians had passed away and the expected end - time had not yet come.
And it shall come to pass, when that appointed day has gone by, that then shall the aspect of those who are condemned be afterwards changed, and the glory of those who are justified.
Days passed, weeks went by, month followed month, one year was gone, another began, and according to the account of al - Cha» bi even a third year came without another revelation.
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