Sentences with phrase «by eating meat»

I understand the damage that is caused by eating meat and animal products.
Definitely NOT people who think you can only get enough protein by eating meat!
There is a common misconception that iron is only obtained by eating meat and that iron deficiency is more prevalent amongst vegans and vegetarians.
Natural selection has given them all of the biological equipment they need to survive just by eating meat, and seafood is known for being among the healthiest meats.
Perhaps the most interesting of the three classes, monsters develop by eating the meat dropped by enemies.
He knew the health problems that can be caused by eating meat, the awful treatment of animals in factory farming, as well as the ecological problems for the health of the planet.
Cats, as obligate carnivores, have evolved differently from humans and dogs, and can only meet their nutritional needs by eating meat products.
So Stellan Welin, a bioethicist, thinks the ethical questions posed by eating meat from rare and unusual species can be...
So Stellan Welin, a bioethicist, thinks the ethical questions posed by eating meat from rare and unusual species can be «sidestepped» with meat grown from stem cells (3 September, p 8).
Plague is often transmitted by fleas, but cats can be infected by eating the meat of infected animals (often small mammals).
Oh and just to give some insight here — jesus supposedly spent 40 days in the desert... the fasting is penance and inner cleansing for catholics... which is confusing because if one was to be not clean by eating meat then why eat it in the first place if once eaten one has to fast to be clean from it?
There was friction between «the strong» who exercised their freedom from superstition by eating meat that had been offered to idols and «the weak» who felt compromised in their faith by eating (8:1 - 13).
We ended the day by eating meat, and lots of it, at Meatopia.
Because some persistent compounds accumulate at the top of the food chain, humans can be exposed to POPs by eating meat and fish.
A calorie deficit is required to burn body fat, but I find it far easier to achieve by eating meat and vegetables than by doing endless hours in the gym and denying myself the pleasure of a glass of wine and some dark chocolate.
However, we have very good reason to believe that diabetes is caused by over-fat consumption (which is directly related to eating meat) and then the condition is worsened by eating meat (since eating animal protein increases insulin a whole lot).
Today's new paleo devotees attempt to copy this diet by eating meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and avoiding processed foods, grains, legumes, and dairy products.
We don't need to get our minerals second - hand by eating meat, dairy and eggs, get it from where the animals get it from, where God intended us to get it from... the plants.
Obligate carnivores have evolved in such a way that all of their nutritional needs are most efficiently met by eating meat.
Humans, like many carnivores, can meet their salt needs by eating meat and seafood, provided they do not sweat excessively.
The easiest way for the baby to get additional iron is by eating meat.
The best way for the baby of getting additional iron is by eating meat.
The easiest way for the baby to get additional iron is by his eating meat.
Obligate carnivores have evolved to meet all of their dietary needs by eating meat, which has a very different mix of amino acids.
Simply put, cats are obligate carnivores who are biologically «designed» to meet all of their nutritional needs by eating meat.
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