Sentences with phrase «by electric fields»

The direction was controlled by the electric field generated by the probe.
These holes can also move around freely and will be accelerated by the electric field upwards towards the absorption region.
There are materials with magnetic ordering, which react to magnetic fields, and there are materials with electric ordering, which can be influenced by electric fields.
Ions trapped by electric fields and controlled via laser enable the device to run any algorithm, or sequential operation of steps, using 5 qubits.
It is merely the latest example of the incursion of illuminated screens powered by electric fields into every arena of human life.
«Neural stem cells steered by electric fields in rat brain.»
The best previous guess at what causes the pyrotechnics was hot ionized gases confined by electric fields, but such plasma blobs should flame out in fractions of a second.
Bacteria, algae, and fungi are swept up by winds and lifted to the altitude of a Boeing 747 — or catapulted 20 miles into the stratosphere by electric fields during thunderstorms.
Using high - speed video, Ristenpart's team discovered that if the droplets are carrying low or moderate charges produced by an electric field of certain strength, then the cones are relatively short and wide, with a large angle at their tops.
The findings may have implications in a variety of applications, he says, such as painting, producing synthetic fibers, and performing mass spectrometry, to name a few that depend on the precise control of tiny droplets of liquid augmented by electric fields.
The team used the strain induced by an electric field applied to a piezoelectric material (which deforms mechanically in response to an electric field) to manipulate the chirality of the domain wall.
On the chip's surface, which is cooled to near absolute zero -LRB--- 459 degrees Fahrenheit) to eliminate thermal vibrations, two tiny aluminum cones connected by an electric field generate extremely faint sound waves that bounce back and forth.
They then tested the new material to show that the ferrimagnetic atoms followed the alignment of their ferroelectric neighbors when switched by an electric field.
In contrast, electronic EAPs (such as ferroelectric polymers, electrets, dielectric elastomers and electrostrictive graft elastomers) are driven by electric fields.
A sail formed not of material, but by electric fields reaching a diameter of 40 kilometers could tap the solar wind and propel the fastest man - made object ever
A storm isn't forecast for Schiaparelli's time of arrival, but the timing does give it a chance to study the role of dust in the martian atmosphere and the part played by electric field.
The attractive dipole force exerted by the electric field on the negative charges of the particle is stronger than the repulsive force on the positive charges.
The reason for this is that new current - carrying charges within the material are liberated by the electric field, thus increasing the conductivity.
Because tumor cells in the brain frequently divide, normal brain cells would remain unaffected by the electric fields, the team reports online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Matter's solidity is an illusion caused by the electric fields created by subatomic particles.
When water molecules rise into the upper atmosphere, sunlight breaks the water into hydrogen ions which are fast and escape easily, and heavier oxygen ions which are carried away by the electric field.
Then they measured how much the water - acid clusters were deflected by an electric field, to see if the acid was intact.
One approach relies on elastic deformation of the magnetic material to tune its magnetic properties, which can be achieved by electric fields.
This system appears to give texture to a touchscreen, which is pure awesomeness, and will make the touchscreen feel rough, rigid or rounded, in certain areas, by using «tixels» generated by electric fields from elements embedded around the screen.
From the Guardian: The 1301 fluorescent tubes are powered only by the electric fields generated by overhead powerlines.
Because of the dipole force, atoms can be trapped by an electric field that has a local maximum of some point in space.
The kilometric radiation, he adds, is thought to result from electrons accelerated by electric fields in the planet's magnetosphere, and those electric fields also contribute to the generation of the polar auroras.
They are powered by electric fields or magnetic energy emitted by the receivers they broadcast to.
The logic clock is based on a single aluminum ion (electrically charged atom) trapped by electric fields and vibrating at ultraviolet light frequencies, which are 100,000 times higher than microwave frequencies used in NIST - F1 and other similar time standards around the world.
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