Sentences with phrase «by electron capture»

The next most common decay path is by electron capture.
In order for K - 40 to decay by electron capture, there has to be an electron (for the radioactive nucleus) to capture.

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In my view this arises from the striving of partly completed atoms and molecules to complete their forms by capturing electrons.
I think the capture of molecules from solution by a growing crystal is rather like this and so is the capture of an electron by an ion.
There are basically two types of lines, those produced by collisions between the atoms or ions and the electrons in the surrounding gas, which are called collision lines, and which are very bright for elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and neon, and lines which are produced when ions capture free electrons, which are called recombination lines, and which are bright only for those gases with the highest abundances in the interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium.
A microbial fuel cell, for example, could generate electricity by capturing electrons from the bacteria on electrodes instead of the rocks that these organisms evolved to breathe.
The image, captured by a scanning electron microscope, was taken as the nanowires grew on silicon at room temperature.
In two other papers Vuckovic took a different approach to electron capture, by modifying a single crystal to trap light in what is called a color center.
To bring out specific structural features, the coloring was digitally added by biogeologist and electron microscopist Geisen, who captured this image in 2000.
By varying the time delay between the pulse and the probe, the scientists can capture the subtle shifts in atomic arrangements as the lattice responds to the «kicked - up» electrons.
One possibility involves running the solar reaction in reverse, by capturing the neutrinos with lithium - 7 which would then be converted into beryllium - 7 and emit an electron.
By demonstrating the presence of such coherence resulting from a capture of an incoherent electron, Prof. Krishnakumar and co-workers have shown that such coherence can also stem from the transfer of more than one value of angular momentum quanta.
Their latest results published in the Journal, Nature Physics (DOI: 10.1038 / nphys4289), show that the coherence induced by the capture of single electron by H2 molecule results in the ejection of H?
Elizabeth Heidrich, a PhD student at Newcastle University in England and lead author of the new study, studies microbial fuel cells — devices that generate electrical current by capturing the electrons freed as bacteria break down organic matter in wastewater.
This means they have a hitherto unsurpassed ability to capture electrons and thus protect other molecules from being destroyed by the electrons.
In this image, captured by an electron microscope, HIV is infecting these CD4 T immune cells.
They managed to do that by capturing light in a net of carbon atoms and slowing down light it down so that it moves almost as slow as the electrons in the graphene.
Tully runs a prototype lab in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) that draws on the fact that neutrinos can be captured by tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, and provide a tiny boost of energy to the electrons emitted in tritium decay.
Detection of the signal via an electron multiplication CCD camera allows image capture at speeds to hundreds of frames per second as demanded today by live cell imaging.
Ordinary atoms, once ionized by the removal of one or more electrons, also emit a continuum EM spectrum, which is not quantized, because a newly captured free electron can have any initial energy before being captured by the ion.
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