Sentences with phrase «by elephant sounds»

Some they guess based only on facial expressions like a tongue flickering in and out indicating a snake or an arm in front if the nose to signify a trunk accompanied by elephant sounds.

Not exact matches

The thought of fermenting coffee beans by feeding them to small cat - like civits or large elephants only to collect them again at the other end of the digestive process sounded unappetizing and cruel to Edgar Salgado — even if it produces a less bitter...
The sound made by an elephant larynx on a tube is difficult to describe.
Mantis shrimp also produce low rumblings, similar to sounds uttered by elephants.
Also, elephants are known to exhibit vocal flexibility and vocal learning, by vocally imitating environmental sounds and the vocalizations of other species, including different elephant species and humans [62], [63].
Like The Lion King II's Special Edition DVD, each fact's arrival is by default announced by a sound effect, such as an elephant trumpet, a drum beat or chimp calls.
We had about 120 elephant seals here in April and it sounded like we had been invaded by Orcs.»
I went to hear her talk, and was completely captivated by her stories, her photographs, and the sounds of the elephants that she played.
My fellows here make reference to the «elephant in the room» and to the fact that «the general public, who tends to get their news on this issue in tv sound bites, is confused by the denial crowd who never seem to produce substantiated, peer reviewed scientific evidence for their positions.»
The well recognized sound of a Star War's TIE Fighter zipping through space was created by combining the sound of an elephant call with a car driving over wet pavement.
Commanding officers and enlisted service people in every branch of our military often strategize and live by an interesting and sound concept whose adage advises, «If you want to eat an elephant, eat it one bite at a time.»
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