Sentences with phrase «by emotional reactivity»

Inflexibility is a common and often serious problem in marital negotiating, and this is especially so when it is accompanied by emotional reactivity on either side of that spectrum.
More professional intervention is needed to clean - up and contain the «messes» created by emotional reactivity and related communications, and this, in turn, drives up your costs.

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The study, conducted by Francesca Filbey, Ph.D., Director of Cognitive Neuroscience Research of Addictive Behaviors at the Center for BrainHealth and her colleagues, shows that risk - taking teens exhibit hyperconnectivity between the amygdala, a center responsible for emotional reactivity, and specific areas of the prefrontal cortex associated with emotion regulation and critical thinking skills.
An overstimulated, undernourished nervous system results in greater emotional sensitivity and reactivity, so by strengthening this system we increase our threshold for stress - and anxiety - provoking stimuli.
Leash reactivity is trainable, and you can improve your dog's behavior by changing his emotional state.
Atkinson repeats that individuals are overtaken by the intensity of their emotional reactivity.
Topics were tailored in response to the specific concerns of burden, physical / practical concerns, emotional reactivity, self - needs and social support endorsed by Singaporean caregivers on the Caregiver Quality of Life Index - Cancer (CQOLC) in the study mentioned earlier.38 The content of each session is described here:
In addition to their ability to maintain sensitivity to unexpected events against a background of expected stressors, Novel rats also exhibit reduced emotional reactivity measured in the open field (11, 22), enhanced HPA negative feedback control as indicated by a greater CORT suppression of hippocampal field potentials (23), and a reduced basal CORT concentration (13).
Women who held hands with their partners during this experience subsequently showed improved emotional regulation in the face of the threat, as detected by reduced reactivity within the brain.
Variations in caregivers» emotional reactivity to unpleasant child - feedback may be partially explained by their dispositional empathy levels.
Mindful parenting interventions are hypothesized to help reduce interparental conflict by lowering partners» emotional reactivity to each other, thereby preventing couples from a negative spiral of anger and blame during discussions of conflict.
In a collaborative divorce, divorce coaches (licensed mental health professionals) reduce your costs by preparing you to communicate effectively in and during meetings, while also helping you to manage your emotional reactivity.
Costs also typically increase significantly when emotional reactivity is enacted by partners in ways that sabotage your reaching an agreement.
Teachers in the Schussler et al. (2016) study reported increased emotional awareness and reduced reactivity in emotional situations; the breathing and emotion awareness exercises learned as part of the MBI were commonly utilised by teachers to effect this outcome.
As irritable mood is characterized by excessive reactivity to negative emotional stimuli, irritable individuals are more likely to be angry or aggressive in response to provocation [19].
Parent anxiety may also be related to general relationship problems as couples struggle to compensate for the functional limitations or emotional reactivity introduced by one partner's anxiety.
Shmotkin suggests that people may adapt to old age by adjusting their aspirations, using complimentary social comparisons, and restraining their emotional reactivity.
It is a relational disorder marked by high emotional sensitivity, high emotional reactivity, and a slow return to baseline.
The current pilot study examined the impact of comorbid internalizing disorders and comorbid Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) on emotion regulation in children with ADHD by measuring RSA as an indicator of dysregulated emotional reactivity.
It also suggests that increased dispositional mindfulness may act as a protective factor against the effects of negative emotional reactivity by neuroticism.
The aims of the study were to examine implicit aspects of emotional regulation by measuring facial expression in response to a therapeutic video game (Islands), and explicit aspects of emotional reactivity (i.e. anger and anxiety), measured by self - reported questionnaires, in both acute and recovered states of BN patients.
In sum, the results suggest sex - specific and more complex influences of OT on sympathetic and emotional reactivity in human pair - bonds than might be suggested by the neuropeptide's advertisement and perception in the public domain.
For example, dispositional mindfulness has been associated with cortical and limbic markers of emotional reactivity, including less amygdala activation at rest (Way et al., 2010) and during emotional threat (Creswell et al., 2007), as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
The latter traits, typically highly correlated, have been shown to correlate negatively with trait mindfulness (Giluk, 2009) and are marked by negative emotional reactivity to unpleasant life events (Goldberg, 1993) and neural reactivity to negative stimuli (Canli et al., 2001).
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