Sentences with phrase «by environmental factors»

And are influenced somewhat by environmental factors such as diet and exercise.
That shows that it's not just a local phenomenon caused by environmental factors (air pollution, cigarette smoke) but a condition in the whole body.
Using genetics to predict people's risk of a complex disorder is tricky, especially with a trait highly influenced by environmental factors.
Instead, the correlation is in the process of training itself, and the fact that dogs are affected by the environmental factors, as demonstrated in several other scientific papers.
Your moisture barrier can be compromised daily by environmental factors like indoor heating, sun exposure, dehydration, pollution, and dirt.
It is generally thought to have a genetic origin, which can be further triggered by environmental factors.
They returned to an age - old question: How much of cancer is driven by environmental factors, and how much by genetics?
Your let down may be affected more by environmental factors such as lack of privacy rather than your technique.
Sure, women make choices, but the choices are heavily constrained by environmental factors.
The size and shape of the pod is inherited, but is subject to considerable modification by environmental factors.
This suggested not only that species could change — already a divisive concept back then — but also that the changes were driven purely by environmental factors, instead of divine intervention.
The remainder of the correlation is explained by environmental factors that are particular for the individual, which is interesting.
A shared upbringing accounted for only 36 per cent of the differences, with the remainder accounted for by environmental factors that weren't shared, such as each twin having a different teacher.
As mentioned above, your skin type can be much disturbed by environmental factors.
This change creates risk factors for depression, anxiety and anger, all which can be enhanced by environmental factors like unhealthy living conditions, violence or drug abuse in the home.
Instead, they are caused by environmental factors --- and these are factors you have the power to change.
Its health and surface appearance are determined by environmental factors as well as the function of the components that comprise the layers below.
The genetic analysis is built on extensive international scientific findings showing that up to 60 % of our personality is influenced by DNA, with the rest being affected by environmental factors.
Although these diseases have a genetic component, there is evidence that they may also be triggered by environmental factors and stress.
One difficulty in studying the genetics of common mental illnesses is that they are generally caused by environmental factors in combination with multiple gene variants, any one of which usually could not by itself cause disease.
Although genes contribute to the array of abilities and limits each of us possesses, from conception forward their expression is constantly shaped by environmental factors, by the unique experiences of each individual and by purely chance factors in biological and social development.
CANCER is often caused by environmental factors including toxic chemicals added to household goods, pesticides and poor air quality, local Green Party MEP Caroline Lucas will tell a Brighton cancer - prevention day this Saturday, February 9th.
The degree of hereditability is moderate in nature, meaning that the formation of the hip joints can also be modified by environmental factors such as over nutrition, excessively rapid growth, and certain traumas during the growth period of the skeleton.
Additionally, countless mothers without such medical conditions may be limited by environmental factors, such as difficulty with latch, poor breastfeeding education, or a lack of support from their employer or significant other.
«The brain along with the reproductive system and every other cell in your body is exquisitely sensitive to exceedingly small changes in estrogen and other sex hormones, and the fact that the environment is full of chemicals that can activate estrogen receptors means this phenomenally sensitive system is being perturbed constantly by environmental factors
The speaker in the cartoon is assuming that if homsexuals are made so by environmental factors, then all humans must be born neutral and their sexuality, in either direction, is shaped by the environment; when in fact one could also argue (and I believe the argument actually is) that humans are born hetero by default and shifted to homosexuality be environmental factors.
The genes are not effected by environmental factors, but the epi - genome absolutley is.
ADHD is not the only psychopathology impacted by environmental factors, said Hinshaw, senior author of the study.
«Genetic changes caused by environmental factors linked to suicide risk.»
Consumption Junction: Childhood Obesity Determined Largely by Environmental Factors, Not Genes or Sloth
These harmful algal blooms are stimulated by environmental factors like light, salinity and nutrient levels such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
The In vitro Antibiotic Tolerant Persister Population in Burkholderia pseudomallei is Altered by Environmental Factors.
Natural tear production tends to decrease with age, dipping hormone levels can exacerbate dryness, and eyes may be more easily irritated by environmental factors like dust, medications, and contact lenses, says John Huang, MD, an assistant professor in Yale Universitys department of ophthalmology.
Since identical twins share the same genes, any differences between them must be spurred by environmental factors (like time spent in the gym).
The randomness introduced by these environmental factors makes this activity prone to mean reversion.
With the exception of Rage Syndrome, which is a neurological disorder, all the listed problems can be induced or exacerbated by environmental factors.
Once deposited in the soil, they are highly resistant to desiccation by environmental factors such as temperature extremes and sunlight and can remain viable for years.
However, risk and severity of hip dysplasia may also be increased by environmental factors such as overfeeding that leads to rapid growth during early puppyhood, neutering prior to maturity, and possibly certain types of exercise.
In human patients, insulin resistance is largely the result of genotype but is worsened by environmental factors such as obesity (21,29).
It is a complex genetic trait (involving several genes) which can be made worse by environmental factors such as a dog being overweight or having inappropriate exercise.
A dog can be dysplastic in one or both hips, can have a shallow socket and a normal ball, a malformed ball and normal socket, a shallow socket and malformed ball, a misaligned joint, loose ligaments, or a combination of these structural problems complicated by environmental factors such as rate of growth, level of nutrition, and exercise.
Treating Dog Eye Allergies: These types of allergies are also casued by environmental factors, insect bites near that eye, food allergens and hypersensitivity by the immune system.
Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket and is a genetic trait aggravated by environmental factors.
The scale of human activity, the level of natural resource consumption (both because of increased human population and increased expectation of material comfort), is so much higher now, that China's economy, and that of other developing nations as well, could easily become constrained by environmental factors before they can turn to cleaning up their environment, as happened elsewhere.
However, current understanding suggests that, unless substantial ocean circulation changes occur, plankton growth remains roughly unchanged because it is limited mostly by environmental factors, such as nutrients and light, and not by the availability of inorganic carbon it does not contribute significantly to the ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2.
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