Sentences with phrase «by epigenetic factors»

The difference in eye colour is determined by epigenetic factors.
The readability of genes is controlled by epigenetic factors, namely factors which do not influence the gene sequence directly, but rather cause certain genes and chromosomal segments to be packed in different densities — and thus make them accessible for reading.

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Epigenetics are heritable changes caused by factors other than DNA.
Indeed, the ability to clone animals, such as Dolly the sheep, by fusion of an adult cell to an enucleated oocyte demonstrates that the epigenetic programming responsible for maintaining an adult cell in a stable state can be erased by factors present in the cytoplasm of the oocyte.
Epigenetic factors modify histone tails by e.g. transferring methyl or acetyl groups on lysine side chains.
Many properties are determined by genetic factors, but we are starting to recognize that also epigenetic factors are of great importance.
«A general message from these studies is that cancer cells benefit from modulating epigenetic factors like SIRT6 by acquiring the ability to override normal cellular growth control patterns,» says Mostoslavsky, an associate professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and an associate member at the Broad Institute.
Joining forces with dermatologists and oncologists from the University Hospital in Zurich and backed by the University Research Priority Program «Translational Cancer Research,» Sommer's team was able to demonstrate that, in melanoma cells, the epigenetic factor EZH2 controls genes that govern tumor growth as well as genes that are important for the formation of metastases.
Washington State University researchers say environmental factors are having an underappreciated effect on the course of disease and evolution by prompting genetic mutations through epigenetics, a process by which genes are turned on and off independent of an organism's DNA sequence.
A new study by researchers at the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine reports which epigenetic factors in certain chromosomes that make one twin more at risk for autoimmune thyroid diseases.
The methylation of DNA is one of the epigenetic mechanisms regulating the functioning of the genome, influenced by not only by variations in DNA sequence, but also environmental factors such as fluctuations in the circadian rhythm.
But now, findings by a McGill team suggest that the solution may lie not with genetics alone, but rather with a combination of genetic and epigenetic factors.
PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University researchers say environmental factors are having an underappreciated effect on the course of disease and evolution by prompting genetic mutations through epigenetics, a process by which genes are turned on and off independent of an organism's DNA sequence.
His research is based on the concept that normal brain aging and the pathogeneses of sporadic neurological diseases are not a consequence of a few single or «disease - specific «factors alone, rather they are driven by holistic events that include one's individual genetic and epigenetic condition, progression of aging, and lifestyle.
Epigenetics is the study of how genes can be switched on and off by factors in the environment or other external factors rather than an individual's DNA sequence.
Through this packaging mechanism, researchers think that histone proteins are the key to regulating access to the genetic information by making different parts of the DNA accessible to factors that express the gene, so - called epigenetic regulation.
The epigenetic variation at MEs is determined randomly and is influenced by many environmental factors, ranging from the nutritional breakdown of the mother's diet to the season.
Whether these observations reflect causal processes or are confounded by genetic and social factors remains unclear, although animal (and some human) studies suggest that epigenetic programming events may be involved.
The field of epigenetics provides crucial understanding about the ways that changes to genes caused by environmental factors drive disease, specifically chemical modifications on DNA and surrounding proteins that can alter the ways in which genes are expressed, even without the gene itself experiencing a mutation.
The pluripotent population is characterized by a high degree of plasticity in chromatin structure [3], and lineage specific transcription factors show bivalent chromatin epigenetic marks characteristic of both suppression and inactivation [4].
I study genetic and epigenetic changes induced by smoking and other environmental factors to identify the mechanisms that play a role in carcinogenesis.
Shanahan delves into the study of epigenetics, which is essentially the study of how existing genes can be turned on or off by lifestyle factors like diet.
The focus of the conference was connecting how epigenetics (cellular and physiological phenotypic trait variations that are caused by external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off and affect how cells read genes instead of being caused by changes in the DNA sequence — in other words nutrition and lifestyle choices) impact whether or not an individual actually develops a specific health issue even though they have a SNP mutation.
While many of today's tools were not yet available in 1991, IFM was already focused on using this emerging knowledge to adapt therapies to the patient (rather than the reverse) by training clinicians to examine the genetic and epigenetic factors for each patient and to develop an individualized therapeutic approach that addresses these underlying factors.
A: I'm fascinated by the field of epigenetics, which is the study of how environmental factors like diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins directly affect the expression our genes.
The transcription factor nerve growth factor - inducible protein a mediates epigenetic programming: Altering epigenetic marks by immediate - early genes
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