Sentences with phrase «by exception»

The receipt in question is also not covered by the exceptions.
Unless by exception, accommodation should be in pairs or multiples, and prior agreement should be obtained from the necessary people before single accommodation arrangements are confirmed.
Some exceptions apply here, but people don't live by exceptions.
Mr. Patti is correct that the total number of admissions by exception is not 8.
Accordingly, the streaming from websites which offer works without the consent of the respective right holders are not covered by the exception of Article 5 (1) InfoSoc Directive.
Secure Futures and the university thought that even if what was really just a financing arrangement somehow fell afoul of Dominion's monopoly, surely they were covered by the exception in § 56 - 577 (A)(6) available to customers whose own utilities do not offer 100 % renewable energy.
Students admitted by exception still make up a tiny percentage of the approximately 50,000 freshmen allowed in each year.
Management by exception and letting the facts drive the project reduces that fear... culture is complicated but it does lead to a higher level of trust and the wiliness to kill quickly projects quickly.
That is, how often do older people really want to see themselves represented by the exceptions — those elders who «look younger» or who are «exceptionally active for their age» or who have just won a marathon or a swim meet?
Nonetheless fascism, like any other thing, can't be defined by its exceptions.
(a) A campus or district that is granted an exception under Section 25.112 (d) from class size limits shall provide written notice of the exception to the parent of or a person standing in parental relation to each student affected by the exception.
Donald Fisher may have committed rather too pragmatically to «never buy an artist I can not sell at auction», but he bought at top dollar and was blessed with good advice and a rare eye; faulted as predominantly white, male and blue - chip, the collection is all that, but shines through for its timelessness and marks by its exceptions.
Renewable Energy Credits must be retained, unless allowed by Exception I06 - E10 4/2015 — Government REC Sales.
Mr. Laycock responded that, in the case in question, Ms. Perich, is covered by the exception because» [s] he teaches religion.»
Indicative timelines are likely to be highly hedged by exceptions.
A communication to the public which is not authorized by the right holder, or which is not covered by an exception infringes and creates liability.
The defendant argued that streaming, even from an unlawful source, was covered by the exceptions for temporary reproductions under Article 5 (1) InfoSoc Directive.
Second, after having ruled in ACI Adam (see Quintais / de Leeuw) that downloading from unlawful sources amounts to copyright infringement, the Court now has decided that streaming from unlawful sources also violates the right of reproduction without being covered by an exception under Article 5.
However, that rule is accompanied by an exception which has acquired undeniable scope and applies to cases where national public authorities are implementing Union law, to use the wording of the Charter.
It further found that viewing such content is not privileged by the exception of Article 5 (1) for temporary reproduction of the same directive, thereby rendering the provision as well as the streaming of unlawful content illegal, and thus increasing the circle of persons who can be held liable.
Fair use is decided on a case by case basis; it's impossible to know for sure whether a particular use of a copyrighted work is covered by the exception until the copyright holder sues you for infringement.
It has been argued by some UAV enthusiasts in the US that regulation by exception is not desirable, in part because it demands a lot of resources and in part because it is uncertain.
Beyond this basic principle, the difficulties then lie in working out, on a case - by - case basis, whether the appropriate preconditions to privilege exist and whether the privilege is defeated by any exceptions.
Whatever the facts of a particular case, however, if there are retirement plan interests and either spouse is under age 59 1/2 counsel may wish to consider taking advantage of the window of opportunity afforded by the exceptions to the penalty tax on premature distributions found in Code § 72 (t).
Mr. Patti and I can quibble over the numbers, but the bottom line is this: the counsel for a public university is trying to defend a policy of «admission by exception» for students who take high - school classes taught from a Christian perspective.
The number 8 is the number of homeschoolers who were admitted by exception, and it is still significant in this sense.
Furthermore, temporary reproductions made in the course of such a communication, be that on a server or on a device of an end user, also require authorization — again, unless covered by an exception.
Naomi Schaefer Riley claims that the University of California admitted only 8 students through its «admission by exception» policy last year, when the number was actually more than 1,000 students («Keeping Out the Christians,» features, Summer 2006).
At the National Board we are working to ensure that every teacher in America is on a path to accomplished teaching — by design and not by exception.
This copying is not covered by the exception, particularly since the copies are made by individuals and not by the library itself.
Chief Justice Roberts inquired as to who is covered by the exception.
Copyright gives the copyright holder control over derivative works, so if your story can be classified as a derivative work of Dr.. Who, and is not covered by the exceptions that exist in copyright law (i.e. Parody, Fair use), then you would breach copyright.
A perspective that regarded individuals as being free to frame, manage and resolve their disputes as they deem best and to involve the state (e.g., judges) only on a «by exception» basis, would likely come to a different assessment of what access to justice entailed.
When their stated rules developed hard cases, the rules were modified by the use of fiction, by exceptions and distinctions, and even by direct overruling.
Jobs Exempt from Hiring Requirements Even jobs which do not include religious activities are covered by this exception.
If the message is a commercial message covered by the CASL and not covered by an exception, then the CASL requires the sender to have obtained either express or implied consent from the recipient.
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