Sentences with phrase «by experiments of»

Causality of CO2 influence on climate is, after all, proved by experiments of its effect on absorbing longwave radiation.
It was by experiments of this kind that genes were identified and the process of gene mutation discovered.
How can descent from simple life be contradicted by experiments of life from non-life?
4 noble truths of the Buddhism are: Suffering, the origin of this suffering shown by the ignorance due to a failing perception of the reality, the cessation of the suffering and the real path of the cessation of the suffering by the experiment of that would be the real nature of the phenomena.

Not exact matches

CASIS's mission is to encourage «use of this unparalleled platform for innovation» — and Merck is taking this to heart by experimenting with drug development in the realm of microgravity.
We got to where we are now by experimenting and trying new things, and a lot of those experiments didn't work.
In one of the experiments, the researchers primed some of the participants for feelings of either power or powerlessness by assigning them to roles as bosses or employees in a face - to - face mock task of solving brain - teasers.
The digital platform we're experimenting with, designed by Waterloo - based Plasticity Labs, asks us to make daily estimates of our happiness on a scale of 1 - 100 and to occasionally answer questions like, How often do you make time for things that make you happy?
A good example of this is the famous experiment conducted by the Boston Orchestra in the 1950's.
But by 2 p.m. on most days of Week 1 of our experiment no one had bothered to even log in.
The market for education software is crowded today, but D2L has kept ahead of its competition by listening closely to educators, experimenting constantly and having faith that the market will catch up to its ideas.
Most of the experiments endeavour to reduce insect farming's most expensive input, human labour, which accounts for a stunningly high 60 % of costs (in the heavily mechanized cattle farming industry, by comparison, it's rare for labour costs to reach even half of that).
That's the vision of Harvard geneticist George Church, who has been experimenting with recreating an actual Wooly Mammoth by combining DNA from one of the long dead creatures found frozen in Siberia with material from modern elephants.
Invented by the Wright brothers as a psychological experiment to test the boundaries of human patience and basic comfort, airplanes are the in - demand, out - of - shape transportation of the future.
In an experiment by KissMetrics, twin landing pages were established; one of these featured a phone number while the other did not.
It's then followed by toxicity and allergenicity studies, in the form of either experiments or evidence from the scientific literature.
Before Dan Price caused a media firestorm by establishing a $ 70,000 minimum wage at his Seattle company, Gravity Payments... before Hollywood agents, reality - show producers, and book publishers began throwing elbows for a piece of the hip, 31 - year - old entrepreneur with the shoulder - length hair and Brad Pitt looks... before Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist and Harvard Business School professors asked to study his radical experiment in paying workers... an entry - level Gravity employee named Jason Haley got really pissed off at him.
However, in November, Germany's largest publisher, Axel Springer scrapped a bid to block Google after an experiment by a consortium of about 200 German publishers caused online traffic to plunge.
The Dan Price Pay Experiment will either be hailed as a stroke of genius showing that entrepreneurs have underpaid their workforces to their companies» detriment, or as proof positive that Gravity is being run by a well - intentioned fool.
But they did leave those of us who prefer to be guided by research with a natural experiment of what could be wrought by a sub-optimal policy mix.
Using an online resource, such as, can help you find complimentary blends of colors by experimenting with its color wheel.
Linton suggests experimenting by sending e-mails at varying times of day and measuring open rates on multiple devices.
To find out, they developed a series of five experiments in which they asked student volunteers to plan for a variety of daunting goals — from acing a tough test to nailing a dream job interview — by mapping out each action they'd need to complete to succeed.
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said at a press briefing on November 9 that the force expected to have a report on the experiment by the end of December, after which it would make decisions about the program and potential battlefield tests.
Facebook's AI research team has created a free software toolkit that outsiders can download to help with their experiments by compiling data and viewing the research and results of other participants in the project.
A group of incubators, including Portland Incubator Experiment, Portland Seed Fund and Upstart Labs, are being backed by local organizations and outside venture capitalists.
Brin's partner Larry Page once publicly made the case for setting aside «a part of the world» for technology experiments that would not be constrained by bureaucracy.
By the time I arrived, the concrete structure was filled with groups working on experiments, and the tens of thousands of tiny corals were back in their tanks outside.
An experiment by Fox on a dating website to promote its hit series «The Mindy Project» tests the limits of native advertising.
Canadians aren't alone in this regard: In the U.S., companies such as Motorola and Charles Schwab have experimented with forced holidays, and even the government of Japan — a country with a word, karoshi, to describe sudden death caused by occupational exhaustion — is mulling mandatory time off.
After seven months at the helm of the television show made legendary by Steve Allen, Jack Paar and Johnny Carson, O'Brien was given the choice to either move the show to a half hour later to make room for the return of Jay Leno, whose 10 p.m. experiment was a flop, or to hit the road.
According to an online experiment of 2,338 Americans supported by the National Science Foundation, «introducing name calling into commentary tacked onto an otherwise balanced newspaper blog post, the study showed, could elicit either lower or higher perceptions of risk, depending on one's predisposition to the science of nanotechnology.»
Lee's research team experiments with technology for creating objects in an «additive» manner like Carbon3D's machines as opposed to a «subtractive» manner in which objects are created by cutting away at large hunks of materials.
We have to live by the values that we have, of running these innovation experiments, and if they fail, it's all part of it.
It's a huge source of strength for a leader and a powerful tool to build genuine trust by providing a safe space in which to discuss, experiment, fail, and innovate, according to experts.
We keep it interesting by experimenting with different formats and aligning individual goals with the marketing health of the client.
But the most important consequence of the XENON100 analysis is with regards to the controversial claim of dark matter detection by researchers at the DAMA / LIBRA experiment in Italy, which is in conflict with the results from many other detectors such as the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search.
With customary flair, Stack ended the experiment by gathering up all the rating sheets and setting them on fire in a small picnic area in back of the plant.
Rich campfire experiences, followed by lots of localized experiments can create enough visible evidence that change is happening that others jump aboard.
One experiment showed that a quarter inch tab of the spray - on antenna boosted a GPS signal by 300 percent.
Other experiments discovered that you can boost your creativity by simply priming yourself with the idea of darkness — even just describing an experience of being in the dark,» writes Liu.
The researchers conducted a series of three experiments that encouraged some participants to think of time and money as interchangeable by calculating their hourly wage from their earnings.
So they pulled out all the stops by experimenting with an in - store cafe, free Wi - Fi, monthly book swaps, a children's play area, entertainment, more than 200 in - store author readings a year and community forums on topics of interest to customers.
This bias was demonstrated in an experiment at Stanford University in which a group of students was asked to guess the songs tapped by others on a table.
It is dominated by the far - seeing genius of Josh Boger, who at age 7 does experiments in a lab above his parents» garage (including sending a hapless mouse soaring aloft on a Hindenberg - type contraption he rigs up).
The first phase of the initiative is primarily a crowdsourcing experiment directed by McCauley, who is affiliated with the UCSB Marine Science Institute.
We have four divisions, 34 brands, 140 countries, and digital is by definition pretty decentralized, so you have hundreds of initiatives and experiments.
One series of experiments run by the two - year - old Marine Warfighting Laboratory, in Quantico, had 18 squads of marines fanning out over 1,500 square miles of desert.
Nike has experimented with fitness trackers by releasing Nike FuelBand, but the tracker was part of an integrative strategy for the athletic brand, not a focus, and marketing for the product has fallen off, notes McIntyre.
The 2011 study, conducted by a team of psychologists at Columbia, Wisconsin - Madison and Harvard universities, put groups of students through four cognitive and computer - based experiments designed to test recall and word recognition.
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