Sentences with phrase «by extract»

Given that Kris» recently declared love for the 45 - year - old - and - still - sexy - thank - you - very - much actress Hope Davis seems to be shared by a few of you out there, you may be tickled by this extract from a Guardian piece, in which Hadley Freeman tackles the eternal issue of Hollywood's double standards of gender and age: It is all too easy -LSB-...]
All the above sections, by extract type, by application or by regions, evaluate the present scenario and the growth prospects of the stevia market for the period 2014 — 2020.
Unfortunately, there was only one study backing green coffee's alleged weight - loss capabilities, and it was funded by the extract's manufacturer.
By extracting attributes from winners only, we miss the companies that chose the same strategies and failed.
A commodities boom has driven the Canadian dollar from a 62 cents US low up to parity, vaporizing any labour cost advantage we previously enjoyed over the U.S. and changing the structure of the economy; at the margin, a Canadian worker adds far more to our economy by extracting resources than by building cars.
These types of products will help unlock the mobile experience by extracting the complexity of checkout and payment into the cloud, so that customers can simply pull out their phones and do the things that they need to do.
Talla helps you find the information you need faster by extracting relevant content from pages.
The trick is to persuade employees to hand retirement funding over to financial managers whose idea was to make money off the economy by extracting interest and dividends off workers, homeowners and companies being bought on debt leverage.
Financial institutions, the next market for Windward's unique data platform, are hungry for advanced data solutions that can provide valuable trading opportunities by extracting faint trading signals from noisy datasets such as maritime information.»
By extracting and communicating what makes content linkable in a particular keyword space, SEOs can guide content teams and social media participants towards increased impact and influence in the market.
Go back to your book that says the boogie man made man by breathing on the dirt and woman by extracting a rib from him.
He doesn't rationalize why some people are rescued and others are hanged and doubts there is a way that God «redeems» situations by extracting good from them.
First, there can be no question of getting behind the mythological form of the kerygma by extracting a non-mythical kernel of truth.
Though Coover painstakingly researched his subjects, he has compounded the impact of his borrowings from history with fantastic excursions: the executions at Sing Sing Prison, for example, are transposed to Times Square; Richard Nixon is fancifully shown trying to win favor with Uncle Sam by extracting a last - minute confession from Ethel Rosenberg, only to make love to her instead; Nixon's fictionalized reward is his sodomization by Uncle Sam.
We can best get at the heart of For the Sake of Heaven by extracting from it those parts that deal with the character of the Seer and the Yehudi and with the encounters between them.
Its okay to bash Christians by extracting passages from the bible, but it is disgusting to mention the fact that the greatest mass extermination of humanity (and in modern times) was at the hands of atheists.
Ginger Zest is created by extracting fragrant oils from pure ginger, spring lemons and grapefruit that have been immersed in — Belvedere Vodka.
The new expression is created by extracting fragrant oils from ginger, lemon and grapefruit that have been immersed in Belvedere Vodka.
By extracting all the natural and delicious flavors of coffee and tea, and leaving behind the bitter acids and oils attached to their warm brew counterparts, the Toddy Cold Brew System produces a smooth, low acid concentrate ideal for hot or iced coffee or tea.
They are created by extracting the protein component of a food through a variety of methods that may include concentration, isolation, hydrolysation or microfiltration.
Pea protein powder is made by extracting the soluble pea protein from yellow - split peas.
Traditionally aamras is prepared by extracting the pulp of ripe mangoes using hands and passing it through muslin cloth to remove any fibrous strands.
Former Russian Premier League winner Spalletti has done this by extracting the best from largely the same team that failed so dramatically last year.
By extracting the moisture from the air, it makes breathing more comfortable, so it is perfect for a nursery, bedroom, or office space.
To try to pin down its role, McCarley and his team first tracked the levels of adenosine by extracting samples of brain fluid from cats throughout normal sleep - wake cycles.
«By extracting wood from unmanaged forest and bringing these forests under production, humans released carbon into the atmosphere that would otherwise be stored in the biomass, litter, dead wood, and soil of the forest,» Naudts said.
One option is to let temperatures overshoot the 2C target while developing technology to cool the planet by extracting greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, the draft says.
Three years ago, at the first international conference on ancient DNA, there appeared to be few limits to the possibilities of gazing into ancient worlds by extracting genes from fossils.
By extracting blood from the stomach of engorged mosquitoes, Theodore Andreadis and his colleagues found that 40 percent of the infected mosquitoes had feasted on the blood of the American robin, a species that can carry the virus without showing symptoms.
It's possible to produce hydrogen to power fuel cells by extracting the gas from seawater, but the electricity required to do it makes the process costly.
The more complex an organism, the more likely it became that way by extracting multiple protein meanings from individual genes
Type IIIs would derive energy by extracting it from billions of stars and black holes.
Eggert studies elusive elephants in Ghana, Mali, and Cameroon by extracting DNA from dung.
By extracting these key drivers, we realised we don't need to run the catchment model for all the long - term dry periods.
Martins found the answer by extracting two molecules from the meteorite: uracil, a nucleobase found in RNA, and xanthine, an intermediate in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
The question now, experts said, is what the discovery of the bottoms - up ice formation means for efforts to understand ice sheet behavior and to investigate past climate by extracting ice cores.
It is the first marijuana - based drug to be made by extracting the compounds from the plant, rather than synthesizing them.
The food industry prevents this by extracting potato starch and chemically altering it to prevent the long chains from entangling.
Thus, induced seismicity can be caused by injecting fluid into the subsurface or by extracting fluids at a rate that causes subsidence and / or slippage along planes of weakness in the earth.»
The bug thrives in water almost devoid of oxygen by extracting energy...
With SCNT, you begin by extracting an egg from a female golden retriever.
At ZIB we aim at understanding biological and biochemical processes with a high spatio - temporal resolution by extracting biological structures from large - scale microscopy and by mathematical modeling of biological networks.
By extracting DNA from the coprolites, followed by metagenomic characterization, we show that both cultures can be distinguished from each other on the basis of their bacterial and fungal gut microbiomes.
The approach is especially promising because stem cells are a renewable source of beta cells, meaning patients can generate many more islet cells from one pancreas than could be gathered by extracting only the mature islet cells.
«Some approaches to creating cancer vaccines begin by extracting a patient's own immune cells, priming them with tumor antigens and returning them to the patient, a process that is complex and expensive,» says Mark Poznansky, MD, PhD, director of the MGH Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center and senior author of the report.
Making use of freeze - dried strawberries was significant because by extracting the water in the berries, the preventive substances were concentrated by almost 10 x times.
But, as we mentioned earlier, by extracting the juice from fresh ginger and consuming it on its own or adding it to smoothies and homemade drinks instead of simply using it to spice your dishes, you can optimize its bioavailability and utilize its maximum healing potential.
Stevia is made by extracting the sweet compound called Rebaudioside A (or Reb A for short) from the leaf.
Diosmin can also be produced by extracting hesperidin from citrus rinds and modifying its components.
It is created by extracting the most potent constituent from plants like Meadowsweet and Willow Bark, called salicylate.
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