Sentences with phrase «by false detections»

But computerized searches can be greatly compromised by false detections caused by a small amount of light scattering in the telescope's camera — particularly when there are bright stars or densely packed stars in the image.

Not exact matches

Musk replied by pointing out that the detection system «tunes out» objects that it labels as road signs, underlining that this helps the car running at optimal speed and away from «false braking events.»
Responding to a review of 19 research papers, funded by Cancer Research UK, which reported information on cancer false alarms and the impact on people reporting future symptoms, including six carried out in the UK, Davinia Green, Head of Breast Awareness and Early Detection at Breast Cancer Care, says:
Predators, he reasoned, locate their prey by looking for their outlines, so animals with high - contrast markings that disrupt telltale edges and create false ones can evade detection.
The LIGO detectors have sophisticated systems for reducing unwanted vibrations, but the team needs to carefully check that any detection is not a false alarm — vibrations produced by a passing truck, for instance.
Discounting false positive sources based on observational or instrumental artifacts or produced by statistically possible coincidences of noise - features in low - amplitude detections, such sources are all related to eclipsing systems.
Detections by the transit method are contaminated to a large extent by «false positives», produced by sources other than transiting planets.
Because of these false positives, a sequence of tests - as originally outlined by Alonso et al. (2004)- is employed, beginning with detailed revisions of the detection light - curves, and continuing for surviving candidates with follow - up observations, to either reject them from the list of planetary candidates or to verify their planetary nature.
The planet detections are accompanied by over one thousand astrophysical false positives.
Giant transiting exoplanets are easily mimicked by false positives, so spectroscopic follow - up observations are needed to establish the planetary nature of the transit detections, and easily reveal blended multiple stellar systems.
A feature detection approach that directly targets identified peptides (minimizing missing values), but also offers robustness against false - positive features (by assigning meaningful confidence scores), would thus be highly desirable.
Fire detection integrated with CCTV can allow security officers to distinguish between genuine threats from fire and student pranks (false alarms) by providing instant visual verification.
This should stop false detection by ransomware protection products (e.g. Bitdefender) which think that Final Days is trying to mess with the users documents.
Extremely hypersensitive pattern detection was vital, because there was little cost for frequent false alarms but a great risk of becoming a snack by missing detecting a real leopard.
If you find yourself getting too many false alerts after adjusting the motion detection sensitivity, you can reduce them by using the Zones feature.
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