Sentences with phrase «by fleas»

The intense itching caused by flea infestation causes pets to scratch and bite themselves.
Only one third of pets have a flea bite allergy, therefore, the majority of pets will not feel the need to scratch when bitten by a flea.
This is a disease transmitted by fleas, or from contact with other infected rabbits or objects.
This is spread by fleas feeding on cats with this bacterial infection, and then moving to your cat.
It's carried by fleas from one contaminated cat to another.
Areas of a pet's body most affected by flea allergy include the base of the tail, the spine, the inner thighs and the abdomen.
This area is easily identified as being caused by flea allergies.
However, there are some serious conditions that can be caused by a flea infestation on a cat.
Some cat owners swear by flea collars and others haven't had any luck with them.
Many people whose dog or cat has never been bothered by fleas before are now being attacked by hordes of them.
Once a flea gets on your dog, it will remain there until it is killed by a flea product or dies naturally.
And, of course, the best thing is to do whatever you can to prevent your kitty from getting attacked by fleas.
If you suspect your puppy may be infected by fleas, you will have to check.
This means there are usually plenty of new fleas to replace those fleas on your pet that are being killed by your flea product.
Cats plagued by fleas may hide in elevated hiding spots, trying to get away from the critters in the carpets.
By keeping your dog on an appropriate flea control year round, then you can avoid fleas and the allergic reactions caused by flea saliva.
Its natural ingredients will help soothe skin that has been irritated by fleas, ticks, mites, or other insects.
It is transmitted between animals by fleas, ticks, and sand flies.
Unfortunately even the most groomed dogs are prone to being affected by fleas including stay at home pets.
Now it is believed that the disease originated in rodents, and was spread to humans by fleas, and then from human to human through airborne particles.
It is unclear why some cats are more annoyed by fleas than others.
There may be other bacterial and viral infections that are transmitted by fleas from pet to pet and from pet to people.
All cats can be affected to some extent by flea bites, but an allergic cat will react with disproportionate severity.
Hot spots are bacterial skin infections that are often triggered by fleas or allergies.
The aloe content, on the other hand, acts as a soothing agent calming the itch and irritation left by the fleas on your dog's skin.
This bacteria is again picked up by fleas feeding on cats that are carriers of it.
A lot of cat owners swear by this flea medicine and it wouldn't hurt to give it a go especially if your kitty's infestation is a bit out of control.
It's important to remember that even cats that have an exclusively indoors - only lifestyle can be plagued by fleas brought into the home by humans or the family dog.
Remember that you can bring fleas into your house by a flea jumping onto your clothing from your walking outside.
Interestingly, often people assume their cats are not affected by fleas because they don't see them scratching.
However, any newly emerged fleas that jump onto pets will be killed by the flea control product used.
Since any itchy skin disease is made worse by fleas, good flea control is imperative and it is important not to assume that not seeing fleas means they are not there.
Many dogs are allergic to flea bites and will have their weekend ruined by itching if bitten by a flea, so don't forget this month's dose of flea and tick preventative.
These are spread by fleas or by eating rodents.
The plague and cat scratch fever can be transmitted by fleas.
Your pets can get very sick from germs carried by fleas and ticks, in addition to the itching and discomfort of the pests themselves.
This type of treatment is efficient if your pet is allergic to flea bites and the scratching is cause by flea allergies.
Some animals are more noticeably bothered by fleas - scratching, chewing, grooming excessively - and some pets do not seem to notice.
If your cat has been affected by a flea allergy, she will bite at the top of her tail, and scratch herself often for hours.
It is also important to inspect other pets that are in the home to see if they have been affected by the flea infestation.
If the color remains brown or black, the dog is not affected by fleas.
Although most dogs are bothered to some extent by fleas, some are actually allergic to them.
Signs of anemia caused by fleas include pale gums and lack of energy.
While the original was inspired by a flea market find from Paris, today's tunics offer more variety — at least in terms of how and why to wear them.
Tapeworm eggs, which are shed within tapeworm segments in feces, are eaten by flea larvae that develop into infected fleas.
Tapeworm eggs are eaten by the flea larvae, which then develops as the flea itself matures.
Bartonellosis is transmitted between cats by fleas.
Examples: Hawaiian honeycreepers infested with feather lice, birds in Puerto Rico afflicted by Philornis flies and the endangered Florida scrub jay parasitized by fleas.
Inspired by flea market finds, these reproductions, with their distressed round frames are sure to brighten any room.
This is not a problem for the flea as it already has its exoskeleton but it is a problem for any eggs laid by the flea as the larvae inside will not have the chitin egg - tooth they need to break out of the shell.
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