Sentences with phrase «by focusing on test scores»

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 required schools to focus on struggling students and raise proficiency by focusing on test scores, which prompted many schools to separate out children who were behind so they could provide targeted instruction.
But Meier eventually became disillusioned with the Bloomberg administration's mission for small schools, believing that, while there was surface agreement on size, her vision of education was being marginalized by a focus on test scores and a top - down approach to accountability.

Not exact matches

In contrast, parents who value a performance orientation, focus on their student's achievement as mainly measured by grades and test scores — the need to score better than others in order to succeed.
If you find your child's teacher is the one focusing too much on grades and academics, try asking questions that address the parts of your child that can't be measured by test scores and homework, such as character and friendships.
Some appear to be turned off by reports of Success suspension rates far higher than district schools» and the extreme focus on performing well on test scores.
It turns out that focusing on your worries by writing about them before a test can boost your scores, according to a different paper published in January in Science.
We address this limitation by focusing on the effect of school spending on such long - run outcomes as educational attainment and earnings rather than on test scores.
These «value - added» measures are subject to some of the same problems, but by focusing on what students learn over the course of the year, they are a significant improvement over a simple average test score (or, worse yet, the percentage of students that score above an arbitrary «proficiency» threshold).
The legitimacy of test score increases in District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), in particular those at Crosby S. Noyes Education Campus, are the focus of the latest installment in USA Today's «Testing the System,» a multi-part series exploring the extent and causes of cheating — by teachers, principals and schools — on standardized tests.
Murray's earlier books — Losing Ground in 1984, on welfare policy, and The Bell Curve (with Richard Herrnstein) in 1994, on the significance of differences in intelligence as measured by intelligence tests — aroused controversy, because, implicitly or explicitly, they focused attention on black Americans, who play a disproportionate role in welfare policy, and as a group score lower than whites on IQ tests.
Improving test scores by integrating maths across all subject areas and focusing on teacher training.
Luke Reynolds (recommended by Adam Steiner - @steineredtech) thinks students are «more than just test scores,» and hence focuses less on the test and more on overall classwork.
As a result, policymakers in many states have attempted to level the playing field by focusing on improvements in test scores.
In the face of these powerful forces, MI theory has served as a reminder to educators to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual child and has also offered conceptual support for educators seeking to prevent individual students from being stigmatized by a low score on one of these standardized tests.
Only one study, conducted by Jay Greene and Marcus Winters and focusing on the D.C. voucher program, found that voucher competition had no effect on the test scores of non-participants, while no empirical study of acceptable rigor has found that a U.S. private - school - choice program decreased the achievement of public school students.
In 2007 they approved funding for the first public Waldorf methods high school, in the Sacramento Unified School District; and (3) Three key findings on urban public schools with Waldorf methods: (a) In their final year, the students in the study's four California case study public Waldorf - methods elementary schools match the top ten of peer sites on the 2006 California test scores and well outperform the average of their peers statewide; (b) According to teacher, administrator and mentor reports, they achieve these high test scores by focusing on those new three R's — rather than on rote learning and test prep — in a distinct fashion laid out by the Waldorf model and (c) A key focus is on artistic learning, not just for students but, more importantly perhaps, for the adults.
But a 2013 review of HCZ by Danielle Hanson at the conservative Heritage Foundation was more sympathetic to HCZ, noting that Brookings» narrow focus on test scores in one Promise Academy misses the zone's mission to «reweave the social fabric of Harlem.»
Can the long - struggling Philadelphia school system change how we measure success by focusing on meaningful work instead of test scores?
Today a coalition of colleges and universities led by the Harvard Graduate School of Education released a report, «Turning the Tide,» that says colleges and universities should focus more on ethical engagement than test scores when considering prospective students.
Keeping in mind that test - based accountability mostly focuses on the level of test scores, not changes, and virtually never relies upon a rigorous identification of how test scores are caused by schools and programs, we have no way of knowing that that the kinds of schools, programs, and practices that we are pushing in education will actually help kids later in life.
A decade ago, the No Child Left Behind Act ushered in an era of federal educational accountability marked by relentless focus on closing race - and income - based «achievement gaps» in test scores and graduation rates.
For instance, in addition to the use of test scores and SGP, much of the discussion focused on separate achievement measures for each teacher that will be developed by individual teachers and their principals.
By 2015, a task force including DPS staff, community partners, and city agencies focused on providing services to DPS students will recommend to the board a metric to measure the growth of the whole child, not just by test scoreBy 2015, a task force including DPS staff, community partners, and city agencies focused on providing services to DPS students will recommend to the board a metric to measure the growth of the whole child, not just by test scoreby test scores.
Since the promotion policy was first implemented in 1996 by Paul Vallas, it has focused on test scores on the Iowa test, then the IGAP, ISAT, and SAT 10.
The misuse of and over-emphasis on test scores caused by pressures from media, corporate - style education reformers, and misguided federal laws has forced schools nationwide to teach to these tests, focusing one - sidedly on rote skills and ignoring higher - level thinking.
By focusing on graduation rates, Noble is upending long - held assumptions and practices about sending students to college that are primarily based on test scores and college partnerships.
And won't we, by focusing so much on test scores — especially if we're going to publish them by teachers» names — motivate teachers to want to teach in the grades that aren't part of the number - crunching?
It required schools to publish their scores on state tests not just as averages, but broken down by students» race, sex and other groups, a rule that most educators agree has focused attention on narrowing achievement gaps.
I argue there are three distinct, yet overlapping, logics of instructional leadership most relevant to the principals in this study: the prevailing logic, a broad and flexible set of ideas, easily implemented across a wide variety of school settings; the entrepreneurial logic, which emphasizes specific actionable practices that lead to increases in student achievement as measured by standardized test scores; and the social justice logic, focused on the experiences and inequitable outcomes of marginalized students and leadership practices that address these outcomes through a focus on process.
Legislation passed last year - SB 1458 by Senate leader Darrell Steinberg - requires changes to the API that reduce the focus on student test scores from 100 percent of the index to 60 percent.
Specifically, each of four evaluations of U.S. family income support programs found substantially larger test score increases per $ 1,000 of public expenditure than resulted from programs specifically aimed at improving educational outcomes by focusing on school readiness.
Our nation's educational focus continues to zero in on «achievement» as defined by test scores in specific academic areas and the resulting gaps therein.
What Peterson and Kaplan should have done was simply focus on the underlying data, which shows that for most of the past eight years, many states have set proficiency targets and cut scores on state tests that have undermined the goals (and, in some cases, high expectations set by) their old curricula standards.
Texas ASCD's Whole Child approach is an effort to move from a focus on narrowly defined academic achievement as measured by test scores in core subjects to a broader definition that promotes the long - term development and success of all children.
She points out how educators who go out of their way to help students are still restricted by NCLB's focus on test scores and graduation rates.
Evaluation systems often attempt to offset the focus on test score data by incorporating other measures of teacher effectiveness, including observations, peer review, and other teacher materials.
The new formula aims to focus on more than standardized test scores, with 60 percent of student progress measured by academics and 40 percent measured by «social - emotional and culture - climate» factors, such as suspension and expulsion rates and student and parent surveys.
The 50 stories gathered here, along with hundreds of others, were submitted as part of the Rethink Learning Now campaign, a national grassroots effort to change the tenor of our national conversation about schooling by shifting it from a culture of testing, in which we overvalue basic - skills reading and math scores and undervalue just about everything else, to a culture of learning, in which we restore our collective focus on the core conditions of a powerful learning environment, and work backwards from there to decide how best to evaluate and improve our schools, our educators, and the progress of our nation's schoolchildren.
The journalist of the Santa Fe New Mexican, though, provided the most detailed information about Judge Thomson's Order, writing, for example, that the «ruling by state District Judge David Thomson focused primarily on the complicated combination of student test scores used to judge teachers.
In short, focusing on non-cognitive abilities, those not measured by test scores, are more important in predicting success in high school and beyond.
Current education policy focuses on a failed strategy of school and district «turnarounds;» characterized by staff shake - ups and pedagogical practices that focus narrowly on raising test scores.
Focusing on the school leading the pack, the article describes how — in the two years Forrest Road Elementary has implemented Achieve3000 — its «Lexile score has zoomed by 142 points... measured by the Georgia Milestones Assessment System, the state's standardized tests
By excluding the use of student scores on statewide mastery examinations in teacher evaluations curriculum emphasis can return to a well - rounded experience instead of the narrow focus of artificial achievement in the form of test preparation.
The latest movement to add more technology into classrooms is repeating the same mistakes, focusing on how tech can help teachers by churning out more data about students, saving time and raising test scores.
It was uplifting to read that these identified schools and students increased performance success by adopting his methods, and not just simply by focusing on content to improve test scores.
Parents talked about wanting the opposite of homework in kindergarten, strict discipline, every aspect of the child's day controlled by the teacher and a focus on scores and tests.
Recent evidence on teacher productivity suggests teachers meaningfully influence noncognitive student outcomes that are commonly overlooked by narrowly focusing on student test scores.
The paper contributes to the literature by focusing on middle school teachers and by extending the analysis to student outcomes beyond test scores.
In this report Harris makes «Recommendations to Improve the Louisiana System of Accountability for Teachers, Leaders, Schools, and Districts,» the main one being that the state focus «more on student learning or growth --[by] specifically, calculating the predicted test scores and rewarding schools based on how well students do compared with those predictions.»
The matching method used by Figlio also results in a limited number of voucher participants whose test scores could be analyzed; the study focuses on children who would have attended relatively high - performing program - eligible public schools.
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