Sentences with phrase «by foundational»

Conceptual limits, on the other hand, focus on the idea of freedom itself, as defined by foundational constitutional, political and social values.
by the foundational VOS - Pathfinder assumptions and calculations.
by Henry F. Schaefer III To find objective truth by science still requires operating by the foundational principles of transcendent truth and conduct.
Informed by these foundational perspectives, the resulting exhibition is layered and expansive.
Featuring works by foundational figures Augusto de Campos and Ian Hamilton Finlay, Concrete Poetry explores how these artists invented new forms such as cube poems and standing poems and continuously re-created their projects across media.
Confined to the undergraduate curriculum, teacher education has surrendered space - once occupied by foundational studies - to courses in the technical aspects of teaching and learning and to more clinical practice.
The boat trip has been organized as part of a conference sponsored by the Foundational Questions Institute to highlight some of the most controversial areas in physics.
«Innovation in the plant - based food space is propelled by foundational and informative books like this that expose the flaws in our current food system.
The non-foundational environment of cyberspace is created by foundational software packages that are run by foundational hardware technologies.

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These two coffee titans have tapped into that by focusing on creating a community and positive experiences between people as a foundational piece of their businesses.
Curbed reports that the homes could act as temporary housing for people affected by disasters, or for residential or hospitality purposes, as it can be built quickly and doesn't require foundational soil.
As I've written in the past, First Principle Thinking is a basic, essential, foundational truth «known by nature.»
ion is the foundational interactive technology that complements your website CMS by providing highly interactive content experiences that engage, convert and profile your audience.
Our mission of improving people's lives through our healthcare products is supported by five pillars — quality healthcare outcomes, customer focus, innovation, efficiency and the commitment of our people — that are foundational to our success and future growth.
At SXSW, one couldn't help but be reminded by how foundational technology is to the new news business, in all its forms.
This difficulty places an imperative on organizations to invest in as well as establish a foundational understanding of their buyer's values — supported by ongoing engagement with buyers to help them realize these values.
The Centre builds on the foundational work of MaRS and Social Innovation Generation (SiG), including the landmark report by the Canadian Task Force on Social Finance.
Acronym of For The Betterment Of Mankind; part of a foundational link building philosophy created by Jon Ball, Page One Power co-owner.
In the future, blockchain tools could serve as a foundational infrastructure for casting, tracking, and counting votes — potentially eliminating the need for recounts by taking voter fraud and foul play off the table.
However, despite the potential for emerging technologies like blockchain and executable distributed code contracts to challenge foundational market infrastructure, Giancarlo believes that they remain bogged down by regulatory challenges that will hinder the ability for the US to remain competitive and transition into the upcoming digital finance era.
By analogy, my house is strong enough, and I live in it with trust, though I question the sturdiness of some foundational blocks.
But in the face of a society marked by unbelieving ideologies and the culture of death, we deem it all the more important to affirm together those foundational truths of historic Christian orthodoxy that we do hold in common.
After all, it was Augustine's narrative of spiritual blindness followed by illumination that became foundational for nonreligious self - presentation.
The pairs in this experiment are opposites on a number of foundational issues — yet by being vulnerable and sharing about themselves as people, there was an instant empathy and trust that developed — regardless of their backgrounds and presuppositions.
He, in his primordial nature, is unmoved by love for this particular, or that particular; for in this foundational process of creativity, there are no preconstructed particulars.
Will you be explaining what you mean by «the gift of pastor (or pastor - teacher) is a foundational gift»?
For the Unity - Law vision the dynamic of «being known by distinct spiritual mind» is foundational to the existence and essence of creatures (and perhaps of the Triune Creator).
The foundational belief is not and need not be evidenced, it is grounded by the things that can be derived from it: first of all a working system of logic to begin, necessary before we can advance and examine claims by evidence.
«Evolution, a foundational principle of modern biology, is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence and is accepted by the vast majority of scientists.
But in most respects, postmodern theology as represented by figures such as Thomas Altizer and Mark C.Taylor rejects any attempt to formulate enduring principles and doctrines or to identify any ontological or foundational reality.
German Protestant theology had been dominated since the early 1920s by various theologies that had stressed and interwoven the concepts of revelation as foundational to theology and of the Word of God as a concrete address calling for a radical decision of faith or unfaith, with varying emphasis on whatever the address might actually say.
In the forthcoming Victories of Reason, Stark will attribute to Christian rationality and advocacy nothing less than the emergence of capitalism (pioneered by medieval monks, not industrious Protestants) and the foundational principles of equality and individual liberty that informed that most conspicuous Western achievement of all: modern republican democracy.
I think that we can do so only if we recover a foundational Theology — a doctrine of God — that is informed by a Judaic sense of the dialectic of divine distance and proximity, otherness and sameness, transcendence and immanence.
It should not be overlooked that both the trinitarian and christological decisions of this period, decisions that have to do with the most foundational aspects of the Christian faith and have been accepted in subsequent ages with astonishing equanimity, were decisions undertaken by the church under the aegis of Empire.
For Whitehead God is a metaphysical necessity, not as the world's creator, ex nihilo but as that foundational actual entity which is the home of eternal objects and the medium by which they can become objects of that aspiration on the part of ordinary actual entities which is the moving force of the world.
For in the reality constructed by human imagination, the reality of a thousand national identities, foundational myths, bogus perceptions of «our» innocence and «their» wickedness, who could ever be a judge whose impartiality would be recognized and whose arbitration would be accepted?
In Roman society, an auctor was one who, by virtue of some combination of qualities, was thought to stand closer to the foundational beliefs and forms of life of the Roman people than others and was consequently assigned responsibility for protecting and augmenting those beliefs and ways of living.
How many human rights activists would so willingly embrace a secular worldview if they realized that by doing so they throw out the foundational basis on which their tireless work to promote human rights rests?
Mind and Matter: An Immediate, Foundational Metaphysical Relationship Later in his encyclical Pope Benedict seems to depict the natural rise to a metaphysical knowledge oriented to a transcendent Giver, on the basis of observation of objective matter by spiritual mind:
As Frank Viola and I hope to show in a forthcoming essay, the label of «heresy» was only applied to people who not only denied, but activity worked against the foundational doctrines of orthodoxy, viz. the doctrines espoused by the Nicene and Apostle's creed.
Moreover, it is foundational to Catholic orthodoxy that God, the origin and end of all things, «can be known with certainty by the natural light of human reason from the things that he created».
The Pope goes on to enlarge upon this «foundational» truth: «This infinite and eternal love enables us to respond by giving all our love in return: love for God and love for neighbour.
Father White's brilliant reading of one of the foundational texts of Western civilization is well - introduced by series editor R. R. Reno, in a preface that should be required reading for anyone doing serious study of the Bible.
In this sense, the foundational assertions of Christian witness and theology, as distinct from their constitutive assertion, are all assertions about God; and this means that, in the very same sense, the concept expressed by «God» must be as indispensable to Christian theology as to the witness of faith en which it is the reflection.
The battle for Israel's deliverance from Egypt, the foundational event of the nation's existence, was won by Yahweh alone.
Thus we are receptive to the Incarnate Word as foundational Covenant, and can be led by the Paraclete into the Future the Word has pledged - into God.
This appears to be the only conclusion to be drawn from the real and underlying message of the piece, conveyed by its final one - sentence paragraph: «In short, Summorum Pontificum weakens the unity of the Church by failing to support the foundational insights of the Second Vatican Council»: the most «foundational» of all those insights, it goes without saying, being the absolute discontinuity between the preconciliar and post-conciliar Churches.
By bringing into focus the fundamental relationship between freedom and truth (and when this bond was broken), participants will be better prepared to articulate the foundational principles that can provide the basis for cultural, political, and religious renewal.
Denise, I think the consensus is here — if consensus is allowed in terms of being on their own journeys, even NP is leery of all beliefs — anyways, the consensus arrived at by Contextual epistemology, not Foundational, as it can not be seen as a given, is that Jesus did not even exist, so hence he can not even be a failed apocalyptic prophet.
What he sought was ecclesial density, a «density» characterized by an intensity of common teaching, worship vibrancy, the confidence of a tradition extending to the very beginnings of the Church, and the welcomed contention of many voices around and within all of it as each yet seeks better to understand the core, foundational truths that God is triune and Christ is fully God and fully human.
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