Sentences with phrase «by gaming phenomena»

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The creator of mobile gaming phenomenon Pokemon Go is exploring more sponsorships by companies that want to attract character - hunting players to their businesses, the chief executive of developer Niantic Labs said on Tuesday.
Your article «Game of life» featured our research into game transfer phenomena (GTP), by which players of video games sometimes react to the world as they would to a gaming environment (24/31 December 2011, p 76).
«Fruit Ninja Kinect» is an amazing evolution of the slice - em - up genre created by Halfbrick, which brings the worldwide mobile gaming phenomenon to Kinect so you can use your arms as blades in an epic battle against the world's most delicious produce is just beginning.
It took the world by storm following its release in early 2011, and continued the tradition of games like Doodle Jump and Angry Birds in both topping the charts and becoming a cultural phenomenon linked to mobile gaming.
His big break, Maniac Mansion — which the Oregonnative wrote, designed and directed — was released in 1987 by Lucasfilm Games, and almost single - handedly took the graphic adventure genre from niche concern amongst an endless sea of shooters and platformers to something close to a gaming phenomenon, one point and click at a time.
Esports is the latest phenomenon that's taking the video gaming world by storm.
If, by some chance, you are not familiar with the World of Warcraft, suffice it to say that it is an internet gaming phenomena that has wasted countless hours and more than a few thousand dollars of tuition.
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