Sentences with phrase «by gatekeepers»

· Should new technologies empower broad populations rather than being controlled by gatekeepers?
The beauty industry is one of the most centralized systems, ruled by gatekeepers such as fashion magazine, women's media outlets and corporate brands.
Part of the stigma grew from the fact that vanity - published books were not vetted by the gatekeepers at a publishing house — whether large or small — and therefore did not benefit from editing, professional cover design, typesetting, and marketing.
Many of our authors - once shunned by gatekeepers - have gone on to become USA Today and NY Times bestsellers
We've left behind a world of publishing that was ruled by gatekeepers and oligarchs — the gatekeepers and oligarchs don't realize it yet and that's probably a good thing for readers.
These quest are mostly made of grinding and periodically blocked by gatekeeper quest.
We'll all end up paying the platform «pipers» for the privilege and sometimes being gouged by the gatekeepers (like Netflix, which is raising its rates again), but honestly most of us won't really mind.
Contribute to democratic content distribution channels instead of trying to get your content published on sites guarded by gatekeepers.
In sharp contrast to Pai, past Republican chairmen have recognized the threat broadband providers can pose to the Internet's unparalleled openness and acted decisively to prevent interference by these gatekeepers.
Related: Privacy of Location - Based Services on FCC's Radar A trade group known as The Internet Association, which counts Google, Facebook, Amazon and eBay among its members, said it would work with both the FCC and lawmakers on Capitol Hill to prevent «anticompetitive actions by gatekeepers
But Evans is among a growing number of young evangelicals who are questioning the status quo promoted by these gatekeepers
However, upon his arrival, he is met by gatekeepers who insist that he adopt appropriate «decorum,» meaning he must don a period costume and stay in character to search the grounds for his girlfriend.
Some people view corporate publishing as a fortress, surrounded by gatekeepers, moats and even a crocodile or two.
``... for those countless midlist authors stuck with unconscionable contracts because they had no choice, and the multitude of authors kept out of the industry by gatekeepers such as yourself, it didn't work.
The Dangers of Amazon and Other Monopolies» At 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Chapman (Building 3, second floor): Like it or not we exist in a world dominated by the Internet, which promised to be a democratizing force, but is dominated by gatekeepers such as Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon.
Certain writers» guilds, retailers, and agents have decreed that self - publishing is not really publishing because the content has not been properly vetted and approved by gatekeepers.
I don't even want to mention the levels of rejection by gatekeepers these poor folks go through to even get to the point they can give away their book in a contract.
From the way the editors talked, their teams of highly professional staff members use their expertise and savvy to publish winners submitted by the gatekeepers, the literary agents.
In response to the disagreement with the «imprimatur,» Joe defends that influential awards or recognition can help increase visibility for books yet address the downside how politics can intervene to judge which ones will be awarded or excluded by gatekeepers.
But you're saved by the Gatekeeper, a godlike being that grants you the ability to return to the earthly plane at will because you need to go back and stop the undead menace from spreading across the world.
Hard work, persistence, and a willingness to learn are what it takes to make it — it's not a matter of luck, or being chosen by gatekeepers.
The staff member has other tasks, the lawyers are impatient for their mail, documents are received directly by lawyers in meetings with others — too much can slip by the gatekeeper.
Could this lead to a «co-opting» of alternatives to fiat by the gatekeepers of the fiat system?
In addition: we firmly believe that everyone should be free to transact privately, and without the costs imposed by the gatekeepers of the world's currencies and markets.
In addition, if your call is screened by a gatekeeper you will be able to say that you are calling to follow - up on a communication.
A lot of readers still walk warily around self - published books, so it can only help if you're not giving obvious clues that your book was never vetted by a gatekeeper.
Many of our authors — once shunned by gatekeepers — have gone on to become USA Today and NY Times bestsellers Many of our authors have gone on to secure lucrative traditional publishing deals yet they return to Smashwords for the indie publishing side of their business
Telephone risks getting blocked by a gatekeeper (for example a PA, secretary or telephonist).
Those readers would've been denied access to these books (and many, many more just like them) by the gatekeepers.
Without the tools and platforms they have made available, I would still be locked up by the gatekeepers.
And it means disrupting the current mobile distribution channels (App Store, Android Market, etc) which are controlled by the gatekeepers.
So, you will not get brushed off by a gatekeeper or have your message go into an informal answering system that rarely gets checked.
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