Sentences with phrase «by generalized»

«Dispositional optimism, as defined by generalized positive expectations for the future, virtually always predicts better psychological adjustment.
The Neoglacial period is characterized by generalized glacier advances that take place coinciding with the decrease in Northern Hemisphere solar forcing.
conditions & is not constant as exactly derived from 3 different 1st principle references by generalized entropy maximization mathematics.
Abnormal behaviors may last minutes or hours and can be followed by a generalized seizure.
Symptoms can last a few minutes to several hours and may be followed by a generalized seizure.
It is advisable to find your individual calorie needs rather than going by generalized guidelines.
If you want to divide humans by generalized, uninformed, simplified positions.
He obtained such concepts by generalizing «particular factors discerned in particular topics of human interest; for example, in physics, or in physiology, or in psychology» (5).
I agree with Hartshorne that this goal was to formulate a philosophy of panpsychism by generalizing fundamental features of human experiencing.
For Wilson these roots and some of this knowledge are themselves guided by what he believes are the universal and eternal principles of Darwinian evolutionary theory Wilson never acknowledges that, by relying on that theory and by generalizing it, he subscribes to principles that transcend particular histories just as surely as do the ideas of the theological and philosophical transcendentalists.
Conversely, by generalizing the social situation one could generalize a desirable historic phenomenon as well.
The previous discussion indicates how Whitehead believes one can, by generalizing from occasions of human experience, talk meaningfully about the nature of nonhuman actual entities in themselves.
Not only do we fail to recognize our epistemological limits by generalizing abstractions, we also unconsciously generalize our individual finite perspectives into an infinite universal reality (MT 42 - 43).
«By generalizing the behaviors of dogs that look a certain way, innocent dogs suffer and may even be euthanized without evidence that they pose a threat.
By generalizing a personal dilemma, they resolved it.
According to the USDA NRCS, Soil Survey Division Staff -LRB-[1995]-RRB-, the US General soil map (STATSGO) is made by generalizing more detailed maps and is not suitable for local planning or productivity analyses.

Not exact matches

To counter it, «hold onto your truth and resist generalizing statements by realizing that they are in fact forms of black and white illogical thinking.»
As we discussed in part 1, the S&P STRIDE Index Series can help by providing a framework for estimating the annual income stream available in retirement using the concept of the Generalized Retirement Income Liability or «GRIL» Read more -LSB-...]
the problem can be generalized into a form where you can make an agent do anything merely by promising a spectacularly high reward; if the reward is high enough, it will overrule any concerns the agent has about your inability to deliver it.
The generalized information we provide regarding tax minimization planning is not intended to, and can not, be used by anyone to avoid paying federal, state, or local municipalities, taxes, or penalties.
The plumbing and mechanics of the synthetic gold market, in our opinion, are symptomatic of a more generalized preoccupation in the financial markets at large for risk mitigation, and a quest for greater leverage during a market phase where returns have been compressed by an excess of capital.
From there, we will suggest generalized levers that plan sponsors can use to help increase the health of their plan and minimize any challenges caused by negative net cash flow.
GFI aims for diversity in their hires primarily through hiring practices that are intended to help them minimize the effects of bias, such as encouraging staff to score applications anonymously, using generalized ability tests, and meeting applicants only late in the process.88 While they've hired many women, including in seven of nine director roles, they find that their team is lacking in diversity in other ways, and they've met with Encompass to discuss further steps they can take to develop their diversity strategy.89 One staff member we spoke to mentioned that they hoped GFI would be able to begin paying interns, which might help diversify their team by broadening the pool of potential interns who could afford to take a position with GFI.90, 91
From generalizing and assimilation of cases there is progressively generated a description by which all and only cases of experience can be characterized.
Secondly, I find it appalling that people would use the criminal actions of some individuals to generalize against an entire faith followed by 1.1 billion people in the world.
What is here said of the eschatological meals open to all is then generalized to an interpretation of Jesus» conduct as a whole: «This conduct is neither that of a prophet nor that of a sage, but rather the conduct of a man who dares to act in God's stead, by (as must always be added) calling near to him sinners who apart from him would have to flee from God.»
There have been particular institutions that have been dominated for a while by secular liberalism, but it's a mistake to generalize on the basis of those examples.»
It is as though the underlying picture of theological schooling came from engineering: we receive theories from «pure» scientific research, generalize applied theory from parts or from implications of the «pure» theory, and then devise techniques and technologies governed by the applied theory to solve well - defined practical problems.
Granted this, however, the panpsychist generalizing in Whiteheadian fashion from the case in question must argue either that both mental and physical properties (Or the two kinds of spatiotemporal extensiveness enjoyed by mental images and physical brains respectively) are real and that all entities have both kinds, or that mental properties are real but physical ones only apparent.
For example, in the above illustration, F is immediately later than G. And E both feels F directly and feels G through the medium of F. Thus, during E's process of concrescence, E's simple physical feeling of G is immediately later than E's simple physical feeling of F. To generalize, the mediatist accepts the following thesis, which follows from the mirroring thesis and the definition of «immediately later»: one simple physical feeling is immediately later than another simple physical feeling just in case the actual occasion felt by the latter is immediately later than the actual occasion felt by the former.
If the method Whitehead employed in the 1905 paper were to be generalized so as to be applicable to other cosmic epochs (as was suggested above might be possible by choosing other essential relations to represent different cosmic epochs), one would desire a criterion of «meaningfulness» for the field of the essential relation other than the satisfaction of Euclidian geometry (or any other geometry, for that matter).
By thus generalizing what is manifest in our experience of the world into a necessary feature of every final actuality, Whitehead arrives at what I have termed the thesis of solidarity (MT 227).
The five different essential relations which Whitehead discusses in the 1905 paper all correspond to different ways of picturing the current epoch, it is true, but there is no reason why Whitehead's method could not be generalized to other cosmic epochs by making several modifications.
By removing the property of connectedness, the concept of serial relation is generalized as follows: any relation that is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive is a strict partial order.9 Note that the concept of strict partial order is inclusive, in that a serial relation is a strict partial order that is connected.
In «Time,» I generalize McTaggart's notions of A-series and B - series, and contrast four theories of temporal order, one of which is illustrated by Whitehead's conception of the temporal order of actual occasions.
Don't generalize people by their religion.
By dint of their profession, physicians still possess a generalized authority and social credibility.
For the early explorers, and certainly for those in Europe reading their first reports, the specificity and detail of America's native flora and fauna, and even more, its aboriginal Indian cultures, which by 1492 had already completed a long and distinguished history in this hemisphere, were swallowed up in a generalized feeling of newness which replaced that specificity and detail with the blank screen of an alleged «state of nature.»
The generalized aim to spread the love of God and neighbor is too vague.12 The metaphor should also provide a reference by which the minister can strike a satisfying balance between what the congregation wants of the minister and what the minister needs in order to satisfy a sense of calling.
Mark did not follow the outline of the collected «Sammelbericht» simply because he was unaware of them as assembled into a chronological outline by Dodd, but knew of them only as he himself presents them: a series of independent generalizing summaries, probably, like the kerygma and the Gospels, primarily topical in nature.
Although pure mathematics and impure practice thus combine to suggest that living things, human selves and societies, should not be pictured on the model of Chepstow Castle — as though they were ping - pong balls, single shells that either insulate or shatter — our generalized common - sense notions of inside and outside by and large remain early Norman in their simplicity.
In any case, at least the fallacy of simple location, and in part the fallacy of misplaced concreteness, two of Whitehead's most important critical ideas, arise from and are explicitly attributed to Whitehead's reading of and engagement with Bergson's philosophy.17 Indeed, these two critical ideas about failings in the history of philosophy are addressed by both Bergson and Whitehead with the same twofold strategy: (1) a common method designed to minimize the distortion that enters into our metaphysical descriptions while allowing us still to generalize (extensive abstraction); and (2) a common descriptive postulate or tool (the epochal occasion).
Suppose we take this process and generalize and say the nature of reality is events or processes which are created by the present unifying of themselves out of the possibilities of passive past causes.
From James in particular, Whitehead borrowed the generalized notion of «experience» as pervasive and as constitutive of all entities, characterized chiefly by vague and preconscious feelings of causal connectedness and mutual influence among the neutral entities.
How can she be female (using her more generalized processing pattern) and still function in a social world shaped by a male - related way of specialized processing?
In response to the first claim, Pelikan quotes Lionel Trilling: «It is probably true that when the dogmatic principle in religion is slighted, religion goes along for a while on generalized emotion and ethical intention — «morality touched by emotion,»» but it «then loses the force of its impulse and even the essence of Its being.»
To generalize this point, we should say that a properly constituted interreligious polemic should deploy as methods of argument and proof only tools that are recognized as authoritative and demonstrative by both sides.
Whitehead's is by far the most brilliant attempt to generalize what is common to all three forms of the psychical by his concepts of feeling of feeling, or physical prehension, and mentality, all included in what he calls creativity.
We may generalize the issues raised by Thornton's proposal by asking whether any high Christology is possible within a process perspective.
One may then generalize this intuition and, employing the criterion of «active singularity,» further argue by analogy that whatever is experienced to act as one must also feel as one, whether this be an animal or a cell, a molecule or an atom (1970a, 36, 143f.
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