Sentences with phrase «by global warming alarmists»

Thus, each unbound di - bound gas composing over 96 % of the raw atmosphere gets ignored by global warming alarmists as if these two gasses are completely irrelevant to the global A: $ kv.
James Taylor of the Heartland Institute penned a Forbes article where he claimed that Christy's findings «refute frequent assertions by global warming alarmists that global warming is adversely affecting Sierra Nevada snowfall and snowpack.»
Perhaps the most notorious of agenda - driven proxy reconstructions was published by global warming alarmist Michael Mann.
Preventing asthma is now the principal reason brought forward by the global warming alarmists in Congress to cripple the U. S. economy with energy - rationing regulations.
The «hockey stick» graph was touted by global warming alarmists as evidence of rapidly rising temperatures and as justification for government action to curb carbon dioxide emissions.
What I have seen through a period of time is the selective use of data by the Global Warming Alarmists and dismissal of anything else that doesn't suit their «theorising».
-LSB-...] No Tricks Zone, another instance of fraud perpetrated by global warming alarmists who have charge of data.
Contrary to the currently prevailing views — promoted by global warming alarmists, by Al Gore's preaching, by the IPCC, or by the Stern Report — the increase in global temperatures in the last years, decades and centuries has been very small and because of its size practically negligible in its actual impact upon human beings and their activities.
Keep in mind that almost all the scary predictions by global warming alarmists have failed when scrutinized by experts.
The Green Policy Fairness Coalition already cites efforts by global warming alarmists to use lawsuits against the federal and state governments bypass the legislative process.
I am writing to urge Houghton Mifflin to resist the censorship by the global warming alarmists disguising themselves as environmentalists and scientists of the textbook: American Government, 11th edition, by Professors James Q. Wilson and John J. DiIulio, Jr..
RSS was originally supposed to provide a quality check on our product (a worthy and necessary goal) and was heralded by the global warming alarmist community.
So although it has been taken for granted by global warming alarmists that human activity has caused the climate to warm, Svensmark's study strongly challenges this assumption.
What we will find is that, extrapolating from history, it is almost impossible to get warming numbers as high as those quoted by global warming alarmists.
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