Sentences with phrase «by greedy people»

► People are forced out of their valley and sent to «the badlands» by greedy people who want to mine the land.

Not exact matches

That money left over is profit, which, rather than being hoarded by greedy capitalists as some in the media and the business community would have you believe, is most effectively used by reinvestment in product and people.
It was the reckless and greedy behavior of the banksters in this country who made a killing by playing with other people's money, and basically got away with one of the biggest thefts and frauds of our generation when.
«When the price of a stock can be influenced by a «herd» on Wall Street with prices set at the margin by the most emotional person, or the greediest person, or the most depressed person, it is hard to argue that the market always prices rationally.
Religion is a very bad mental disease, without religion there would be fewer starving people in the world, we would have settled Mars by now, and the abusive GOP and it's greedy banker uber - rich masters would be disempowered, as it is their veil of religion that disguises their evil, immoral and unethical nature.
They shun people based on a scripture that has been twisted and rewritten by greedy men for ages, to reach salvation for themselves they'd turn their backs on their brothers and sisters.
That's why we see people confused by actions of catholic priests abusing kids, and those greedy preachers... they are the wolves... tearing the flock apart... confusing people is the plot of the adversary....
Not forgetting 2 of his own family have accused him of verbal & physical abuse again & again / 2 Cor.13: 1 & 1Tim.5: 19 / but Dollar's Prosperity message preys on those prideful, greedy, self centered, sinful people who want to be rich.Do some soul searching and repent if this applies to you; you've been sadduced into thinking God wants you to be rich by a con (CreativeFlowDollarMinistry) The only prosperity he's interested in is his OWN!!!
I may not have caused the hurricane, but is it possible it was caused or at the least worsened by ignorant, greedy people who have so polluted our world that the very weather has changed?
Corporations, private equity firms and the majority of small and mid sized business's are run by ruthless greedy people.
I am certain that Christianity is a complete fabrication by the greedy and misogynistic peoples of an ignorant time in human history..
Used by very greedy self assuming people who think they above all others because «their» god or what ever supreme being they imagine in their heads has told them to.
The point being brought out in all of these verses is that these people were greedy, and they needed to repent and turn from their greed by being generous, honest and content.
By telling lies, distributing gold, and making promises to the ambitious and greedy, Mu`awiya turned some of the people against Ali.
I wrote to you in a letter not to associate with sexually immoral peopleby no means referring to this world's immoral people, or to the greedy and swindlers, or to idolaters; otherwise you would have to leave the world.
... now make a decent living by making and selling lots of stuff to greedy fat people in other lands like US, and no longer are State depemdants.
My mother watches these shows and she feels that God blesses her for giving money to these greedy people who WILL NEVER sit by her bedside while she is sick or after having a major operation — or even to speak with her or pray with her when she wants to pray with someone.
All testify that when land is exploited by greedy and ignorant people, everything collapses.
«Democracy will continue to be government of the people by the people for the people but what we have today is greedocracy which is government of the greedy by the greedy and for the greedy,» he added.
So businesses could dupe their employees into taking 401ks by playing into peoples inherent greed by telling them what they COULD make in one under optimal conditions, all the while allowing the greedy employer to raid the fat pension trust funds, bankrupting them and then handing the bankrupt plans over to the PBGC and robbing the employees who expected that money to be there.
He says times are challenging with working people continuing to be squeezed by what he calls «manipulation of our economy to benefit the greedy few.»
As a coach I see so many people almost blindly robbed by greedy cashed up supplement companies, hyped up exercise machines sold on late night TV and all the other dime - a-dozen diets
The scientists were concerned about people being misled by greedy advertisers boasting about antioxidants on billboards.
This is an unethical practice by greedy business owners who can care less about people with STDs...
Each episode opens with an innocent person being victimized by a greedy individual.
Both characters are greedy, but I'll take Mr. Krabs, who's genuinely loyal to his «son - like» fry cook over this wacko father any day (who by the way, wasn't a real person, but made - up for the movie).
December 30, 2010 • Go to France, Britain, Ireland or Portugal — you'll find the same sentiment on the streets of all these debt - ridden European nations: Europe's financial crisis was caused by rich and greedy bankers and politicians, yet it's the poor who're picking up the tab — people like Mariana Silva.
According to legends, these are the ghosts of people who were selfish or greedy during their lifetimes and are consequently doomed to a sort of half - life, kept alive by the flesh of human corpses.
«[A] droll and intelligent series... As Brunetti makes his tactful way through a Venetian maze of office politics, family connections and moral conundrums, his focus switches from school children procuring narcotics to old people victimized by greedy and unethical medical professionals.»
In short, day - trading is a fool's game that sucks people in by appealing to their greedy / impatient desire to make «fast money».
People who have worked with the lawyer described him to TheDCNF as ruthless, greedy and unbothered by ethical questions.»
Really brutal bear markets like the biggest one in the Great Depression were so brutal that there is nothing to compare it to — financial leverage collapsed that had been encouraged by government policy, the Fed, and a speculative mania among greedy people.
The use of limit orders generally means that a person is being greedy, hoping to cut his purchase price by a small amount.
The trouble comes in when people perceive the mixed breed as a single breed, as in «Mixed Breed dogs are healthier than purebreds, aren't as high - strung as purebreds, are friendlier than purebreds, live longer than purebreds, etc.» Recent attempts to denigrate purebreds as genetically unfit animals bred by greedy exploiters go overboard in extolling the virtues of mixed breed dogs and muddy the waters.
And, instead of rewarding these people for their publicity, Nintendo punishes them by making them pay royalties... I don't know man, but that is horribly greedy and unethical from Nintendo's part.
Asking such a high price seems like a ridiculously greedy cash grab by Activision to get those who refused to buy IW for MWR (people like myself) to actually buy it now that it's a standalone.
pat - «Similarly many environmental activists believe that man's influence is a form of sin and nature (Gaea) will soon strike back...» You can phrase the position of a fictitious group any way you want of course, without rebuttal, because they don't really exist, though there are people who fit the description — especially if by «many» you mean more than three — but the more accurate reality is most of the human beings you would lump under the rubric «environmentalist» would more accurately be described as believing that short - sighted and greedy human attempts at total control and domination and complete disregard for the healthof the environment have gotten us out of balance with what was an interlocking web of balanced and dynamic systems, and would appear to have unbalanced many of those systems as well, including the still poorly understood cycles of climate; or weather, as we laymen call it.
All will be drilled by nowaday greedy person.
Most leaders whom try to really help people by putting a halt to the greedy few end up being murdered.
People that are irresponsible, wasteful, greedy, selfish and stolen the Water from others should never benefit nor be advantaged by their immorality over those who have NOT been unethical, immoral or self - indulgent.
Corrupt financiers who defrauded small businesses of millions were described by the sentencing judge in court this week as «utterly corrupt... rapacious, greedy people».
Now comes my interest in all of this... The stereotypical Jewish businessman who is greedy and unwilling to share, as horrible a stereo type that it is, has survived for well over 500 years... How long will the Chinese gold farmer label survive if nothing is done to remove the connotations and worse, as MMORPGS are played by more people and terms from these games become more accepted by the wider community, how long till the first little white boy goes to school and offers to pay his Asian friend to do his homework... or maybe it is already happening?
This beast grows stronger with every passing news article, late - breaking t.v. spot or report of more workers affected by the actions of a few greedy, short - sighted people.
«The biggest problem has been created by people who get greedy and buy and place and kick the renters out,» says Kitty Mrache, a longtime Airbnb host who rents out a cabin on her Santa Cruz, Calif., property.
(Of course you will say no) It is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and one of the most often implemented tricks trotted out by greedy and / or financially desperate commissioned sales people.
Poor lending programs, geared to bring in abundant loans to a greedy lending institution, contributes to a loss in value for thousands of decent people who are victims of plain greed by mortgage lenders.
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