Sentences with phrase «by historians in»

Bond yields in Japan fell to 1.125 per cent, equal to the lowest recorded by historians in the past 4,000 years, and well below the level of 1.75 per cent reached by US bonds in the Great Depression (Graph 2).
They give different accounts of his conversion, both differing from the account of the event given by the historian himself in ch.
Paul Schubert, in a symposium devoted to the The Idea of History in the Ancient Near East writes: «When it comes to the idea of history, it must be said that Israel, through its sacred scripture... has proved to be the strongest and most influential single force observable by the historian in shaping the idea of history throughout two millennia of Western history.»

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Quickly, please have a look at this troubling essay by historian Jay M. Smith about a giant business — big - time college sports — that hasn't reinvented itself in years.
(Incidentally, we don't know how many people died in the Great Leap Forward, piled up in village ditches or abandoned on empty grasslands: the 16.5 million once given in official tolls or the 45 million estimated by some historians.)
It succeeds by what Temple University social historian Bryant Simon calls selling comfort in an anonymous, often dislocating world.
Levitt has worked tirelessly to build development studies as a multi-disciplinary field of scholarly endeavour, in which development economics plays an essential role but must be complemented by essential contributions from other social scientists and historians.
By LEWIS JOHNSON — Co-Chief Investment Officer November 17, 2016 The story of the Gordian knot was related by Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century ABy LEWIS JOHNSON — Co-Chief Investment Officer November 17, 2016 The story of the Gordian knot was related by Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century Aby Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century AD.
He's a devout market historian, old school market technician and fundamental analyst who uncovers ripe trading and investment opportunities by zeroing in on securities in which all three disciplines lineup.
Sociologists, historians and feminist economists, by contrast, have long - known that the neo classical assumption that families approximate individuals in their economic behaviour is bunk.
Increased recognition of the accomplishments of the Middle Ages (including the birth of engineering, social benefits such as universities, hospitals and the beginnings of corporations and labor guilds, as well as science, (all under the Catholic Church) has led to the label being restricted in application or avoided by serious historians.
One need not be a historian of education or a theologian to assess the damage done to public education and then to society in general by how these cases were decided and what public school officials were empowered to do (or so they believed) despite the clearly given cautions from the Supreme Court itself.
Historian James Hitchcock has an insightful column comparing the formal similarities shared by the Episcopal Church in the United States and the New York Times: One is losing members, the other subscribers.
Please, any Christian, honestly answer the following: The completely absurd theory that all 7,000,000,000 human beings are simultaneously being supervised 24 hours a day, every day of their lives by an immortal, invisible being for the purposes of reward or punishment in the «afterlife» comes from the field of: (a) Astronomy; (b) Medicine; (c) Economics; or (d) Christianity You are about 70 % likely to believe the entire Universe began less than 10,000 years ago with only one man, one woman and a talking snake if you are a: (a) historian; (b) geologist; (c) NASA astronomer; or (d) Christian I have convinced myself that gay $ ex is a choice and not genetic, but then have no explanation as to why only gay people have $ exual urges.
The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Christ, his execution by Pontius Pilate and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca.
The historical evidence of Jesus Christ «Most critical historians agree that Jesus was a Galilean Jewish Rabbi who was regarded as a teacher and healer in Judaea, [18] that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and that he was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.
The historian Jules Isaac... obtained an interview with Pius XII in June 1949 and felt he was heard «with good will and understanding sympathy»... During the 1950's, the signs of understanding increased in the Vatican media, particularly at Christmas or Unity Week; the philo - Semitic orientation of certain religious orders; the effort to understand Judaism in theology schools, and meetings in ecumenical settings, no longer met with distrust by Roman Congregations.
Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America Edited by Mary Jo and R. Scott Appleby Indiana University Press, 416 pages, $ 18.95 Can it be true, as the historian James Hitchcock darkly suggests, that the conservative Catholic William F. Buckley «has sometimes been regarded as a less than....
In his review of Jean Grondin's recently translated biography of Gadamer, historian of philosophy Richard Wolin asked «how hermeneutics, as personified by Gadamer, fares under real - world conditions.»
To traffic in such guilt by association between Arendt and the Cold War is ludicrous; it is forgivable in journalistic rhetoric but hardly from a respected historian such as Wasserstein.
Of particular importance in this regard, though little noted by historians or popular piety, are Nuechterlein's telling observations on the Lincoln who prosecuted the war through to its conclusion despite its frightful costs» whatever the popular and, in some sense, real perception of Lincoln as tenderhearted.
Goldberg is a political journalist, not a historian, and readers more familiar with the ideological twists and turns of the modern era will be familiar with his thesis: While the left has long depicted the right as fascist, it is in fact the left — from Hegel to Hitler to Hillary and, yes, the politics of meaning, too — that follows the fascist formula most influentially articulated by Mussolini: «Everything within the state; nothing outside the state; nothing against the state.»
(g) Two very brief and references to him in letters by Roman administrators, written about 90 years after his death, and two references by Josephus, a Jewish historian.
After all, John Wesley was perhaps the major figure in what came to be known as the «Evangelical Revival,» and the heyday of the evangelical experience in American life is often described by American church historians as the «Age of Methodism in America.»
All in all, Eusebius is one of the best historians of the early church, and this new edition by Paul Maier is the best available edition of Eusebius.
The historian who views an event from the perspective of some group, or of the relations between groups, may illustrate his argument by reference to individuals; but the argument itself concerns the functions of the group within institutional structures and the ways in which it illustrates institutional or conceptual patterns.
Third, the description of conditions is buttressed by the historian's hindsight, masquerading as the foresight of clever contemporaries: «the future held little in store for these fragments...» and «it would gain in strength and in its prospects for the future.»
Erhm there is much more evidence in most of the Tanakh that there were court historians employed by the Hebrew Kings too.
Imputation is described tersely and truly by an English historian of the Reformation, Patrick Collinson: «[It is] a transaction somewhat like a marriage, in which Christ the bridegroom takes to himself an impoverished and wretched harlot and confers upon her all the riches that are His....
Perhaps the lyrics apply to the last one, if we equate land - hunger with the desire for «gold,» but political history accounts of why «such - and - such a President or Congress eventually entered us into such - and - such a war» reveal time and again that a motivation of economic interest was not the reason, and seldom even the second or third reason, offered or discussed (even in the secret discussions hence uncovered by historians).
The Barefoot Lawyer: A Blind Man's Fight for Justice and Freedom in China by chen guangcheng henry holt, 352 pages, $ 30 A nnihilating a civilization that has withstood more famines, invasions, peasant revolts, civil wars, and tyrants than historians can keep straight takes work.
Years later, Constantine told his friend Bishop Eusebius (c.260 - 340), the most eminent of early church historians, that in the early afternoon, as he was praying, he had a vision of a cross of light in the heavens bearing the inscription «Conquer by this».
Historian Daniel Howe observes that the Unitarian clergy fomented considerable dissent in Massachusetts against the U. S. annexation of Texas by portraying the Texans as irresponsible speculators who had entered Mexico at their own risk.
In the words of Henri de Lubac, the distinguished theologian and historian of early Christian exegesis: «The conversion of the Old Testament to the New or of the letter of scripture to its spirit can only be explained and justified, in its radicality, by the all - powerful and unprecedented intervention of Him who is himself at once the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last..In the words of Henri de Lubac, the distinguished theologian and historian of early Christian exegesis: «The conversion of the Old Testament to the New or of the letter of scripture to its spirit can only be explained and justified, in its radicality, by the all - powerful and unprecedented intervention of Him who is himself at once the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the its radicality, by the all - powerful and unprecedented intervention of Him who is himself at once the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last....
Theologians, however, can still be moved by the question: The Lutheran Church historian Carter Lindberg, for instance, offers a strong defense of the classic Protestant understanding of almsgiving in his book Beyond Charity: Reformation Initiatives for the Poor.
Again, what Miola calls «a simplistic notion of religious identity» in a muddled age may itself be called simplistic, in view of the formidable arguments brought forward by such «revisionist» historians as Eamon Duffy, who show that traditional Catholicism was strong in the hearts of the people till well on into Elizabeth's reign.
There's a fairly new book, «Inventing George Washington: America's Founder, in Myth and Memory» by historian Edward Lengel: «Lengel wants to set the record straight, and he takes on the «cheats and phonies in addition to the well - meaning storytellers who have capitalized on the American public's insatiable and ever - changing demand for information about Washington.
But to debate the explosive growth of Christianity in the first century and pass it off as an argument and not recognized it as historical fact recognized by any historian....
No church I've ever been in has ever said 1 thing about «cheap grace» nor have the changes in society EVER been linked by ONE historian or social scientist to «cheap grace».
The following article is excerpted from the concluding chapter of historian Jaroslav Pelikan's book titled Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture, scheduled for October publication by Yale University Press.
Impelled by a need to find the roots of their form of Mormonism, leading historians of the Reorganization have embarked on an exercise in higher criticism, subjecting to close scrutiny Joseph Smith's story and Mormon scripture as well as the two official versions of church history.
An article in the Moral Majority Report by a young historian, Edward Hindson, cites Wilberforce and Finney as precursors of Falwell, and spells out their social achievements.
It would be a great sadness if, looking back at this period, historians concluded that these conservatives, by their uncritical partisanship, succeeded only in further discrediting the possibility of a religiously informed moral discourse in public life.
But historians are uncovering increasing evidence for the «poor man's [or «poor woman's»] divorce,» namely desertion (Marital Incompatibility and Social Change in Early America, by Herman R. Lantz [Sage, 1976]-RRB-.
A historian, to be sure, must feel some diffidence in offering such confident, perhaps judgmental assertions about a project that must be carried out by others — by theologians.
In short, as one Pentecostal historian puts it privately, large segments of the Holiness and Pentecostal movements were «captured» by fundamentalism.
He has been called by a modern English historian of Chinese culture «one of the most remarkable and brilliant men in history» (Joseph Needham, in Science and Civilization in China, 2 vols.
This essentially materialist approach — heroic valor, violent conquest, the clash of civilizations — gained increased academic standing from the neocolonial interpretation in René Grousset's three - volume Histoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem (1934 — 1936) and the planned U.S. multivolume collaborative History of the Crusades devised in the 1940s by the group of Crusade historians that had gathered around Dana C. Munro (1866 — 1933) and later John La Monte (1902 — 1949).
Although Beecher has not been forgotten by historians — they have produced studies of his preaching and trial, and he appears in most historical surveys — he has not received the level of attention his importance merits.
The Social Gospel was adopted by many Protestant churches in the late 19th and early 20th century, says Bass, the church historian.
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