Sentences with phrase «by historians who»

Erikson remains worth reading, but his post-Freudian account of Luther was long ago demolished by historians who found his reading of sources to be biased.
Readable reflections on Jesus Christ by a historian who makes use of the categories of process thought.
Back in the 1990s I read an essay by an historian who spelled out the 5 steps that all despotic rulers and regimes of the 20th century used to come to power and gain control of the populace.

Not exact matches

As a historian by background who has written quite a bit on the Great War, it's always nice to see the media cover things that otherwise have been long forgotten outside the ranks of historians and buffs.
By LEWIS JOHNSON — Co-Chief Investment Officer November 17, 2016 The story of the Gordian knot was related by Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century ABy LEWIS JOHNSON — Co-Chief Investment Officer November 17, 2016 The story of the Gordian knot was related by Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century Aby Plutarch, a biographer and historian who lived in the first century AD.
He's a devout market historian, old school market technician and fundamental analyst who uncovers ripe trading and investment opportunities by zeroing in on securities in which all three disciplines lineup.
Except by Tacitus, one of the greatest Roman historians who chronicles from around 14 AD to 96 AD.
«I do find it a puzzling quality of liberal Christians that they tend to get excited when something that had been a cherished belief or practice of the Church is shown to have been false,» says Rod Dreher, commenting on a new book by a Notre Dame historian who says that the early Church's stories of martyrdom were false.
The Spanish historian and Dominican friar Bartolomé de las Casas (1484 — 1566), who accompanied Spanish conquistadors to the New World wrote of the atrocities committed by the Spanish Christians against the native peoples, including the slaughter of women and children.
The historical evidence of Jesus Christ «Most critical historians agree that Jesus was a Galilean Jewish Rabbi who was regarded as a teacher and healer in Judaea, [18] that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and that he was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.
And yet you are guided by the ramblings of five authors from the 1st century CE who basically are regurgitating local myths and embellishments and have no supporting backgrounds as trained historians.
This program gives Wilson many opponents: anti-functionalists among theorists and historians of religion (it's no accident that among theorists of religion Wilson chooses arch-functionalist Émile Durkheim as his hero); evolutionary theorists who don't think that such theory is usefully applicable to social groups; those who think it is applicable to social groups, but conclude that religious groups are maladaptive; and theological realists, who think the whole enterprise vitiated by its procedural naturalism.
Of particular importance in this regard, though little noted by historians or popular piety, are Nuechterlein's telling observations on the Lincoln who prosecuted the war through to its conclusion despite its frightful costs» whatever the popular and, in some sense, real perception of Lincoln as tenderhearted.
You know, the Roman - Jewish historian who was considered a traitor by the Jews?
The historian who views an event from the perspective of some group, or of the relations between groups, may illustrate his argument by reference to individuals; but the argument itself concerns the functions of the group within institutional structures and the ways in which it illustrates institutional or conceptual patterns.
This is now being properly researched by historians like Dr Foa, who insists that, as a result, we can be sure that the «more recent image of the aid given to Jews by the Church arises not from pro-Catholicideological positions, but above all from thorough research into the lives of Jews during the occupation, from the reconstruction of the stories of families or individuals.
Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes.»
The fact of Jesus» existence has been corroborated by the historian Josephus and some other historians who lived at that time.
Historian Daniel Howe observes that the Unitarian clergy fomented considerable dissent in Massachusetts against the U. S. annexation of Texas by portraying the Texans as irresponsible speculators who had entered Mexico at their own risk.
In the words of Henri de Lubac, the distinguished theologian and historian of early Christian exegesis: «The conversion of the Old Testament to the New or of the letter of scripture to its spirit can only be explained and justified, in its radicality, by the all - powerful and unprecedented intervention of Him who is himself at once the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last....
Again, what Miola calls «a simplistic notion of religious identity» in a muddled age may itself be called simplistic, in view of the formidable arguments brought forward by such «revisionist» historians as Eamon Duffy, who show that traditional Catholicism was strong in the hearts of the people till well on into Elizabeth's reign.
There's a fairly new book, «Inventing George Washington: America's Founder, in Myth and Memory» by historian Edward Lengel: «Lengel wants to set the record straight, and he takes on the «cheats and phonies in addition to the well - meaning storytellers who have capitalized on the American public's insatiable and ever - changing demand for information about Washington.
On the matter of self and fulfillment, John Boswell, a Yale historian who has written some of the major texts employed by homosexual activists, asserts, «Not only is homosexual eroticism the oldest and most persistent strand in the Christian theology of romantic love, but Christian religious life was the most prominent gay life - style in Western Europe from the early Middle Ages to the Reformation, about two - thirds of the period since Europe became Christian.»
That there were men in Palestine in Jesus» day and later who claimed the gift of prophecy and led many astray is shown not only by the Gospels (cf. Mk 13:22; Mt 24:24) but also by the works of the historian Josephus.
Wallington's World, by historian Paul Seaver, represents a contribution to the Weberian legacy of a quite different sort.3 Nehemiah Wallington was a Puritan artisan who lived in London from 1598 until his death in 1658.
It is first written by a Roman trained historian who was also a doctor.
(3) A more imaginative approach has been taken by some theologians who have suggested that the resurrection was an act of God and therefore not a part of human history, and is therefore not subject to the judgment of historians.
Along the way, Burleigh reminds his fellow historians that it was Stalin's propagandists who initiated the campaign against Pius XII, a fact that has recently been given dramatic confirmation by Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest - ranking intelligence officer ever to defect from the Soviet bloc.
The historian Richard J Evans wrote that, by 1939, 95 % of Germans still called themselves Protestant or Catholic, while 3.5 % identified as «gottgläubig», i.e., someone who still believes in God, although without having any religious affiliation, and 1.5 % atheist.
* There is now a superb biography of Charles S. Peirce, with an excellent concluding essay on his thought by the historian, who is also a capable philosopher, Professor Joseph Brent, who has become a close friend, although I had not heard of him until a year or so ago.
Oh and additionally... you need to study REAL history concerning the crusades because the notion of converting Muslims to our faith by the sword is nothing but a fairy tale told by revisionist historians who desire to create a history that meets their agendas rather than report truthfully.
Two (Noel and Gier) discuss Altizer's relation to other nontraditional options for religious thought, and two are written by historians of religions (King and Eliade), who view Altizer in perspectives provided by the discipline in which he did his doctoral study.
It will contain a series of essays on the history of the Christian ministry written by Church historians who have met in several conferences and submitted their manuscripts to one another so as to produce a genuine symposium.
Several historians have suggested that the most important mode of entrance had been by emigration of Christians from Persia at the time of persecution, particularly in the latter part of the reign of Shapur II (310 - 379) who persecuted the Christians severely from AD 339 onwards.
Rolando Balugani, historian and vice president of the Palatucci Association, asserted that the new allegations take «no account of the dozens of witness statements made by Jews who said they were saved by Palatucci.»
On February 6 the well - known Dusseldorf historian Christoph Weber, who had been invited by the Catholic faculty to give a lecture at Tübingen during the summer semester, sent a telegram to Dean Bartholomäus canceling his lecture.
Yes, the Mighty Thor — who has been portrayed by a man more or less since 1962 (well, really since Roman historian Tacitus recorded the Germanic deity known as Donar in the seventh century, but whatever)-- is getting a gender overhaul.
I have very little doubt that our generation will be looked back upon with jaw - dropping incredulity by future historians who will marvel at how, in the 21st century, having peered at the mind numbing infinity from Hubble, delved into the quantum irrationality of CERN and unraveled the beautiful simplicity of the DNA codons, we still made important life decisions based upon the presumed wishes of some hokey, invisible, all - powerful sky - fairy dreamed up by some illiterate Arab tribesmen in a tent in the Middle East 2,000 years ago.
A great many writings on this theme are extant, some by jurists or historianswho tried to associate their position with a Christian point of view — others by politicians.
The book is a brilliant presentation of the cognitive dissonance that results from a faulty education, especially for a historian who continues to be hounded by the models of harmony he found at Chartres Cathedral and in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.
So why is it that, only thing we have is in the Bible, and not actually recorded by the Historians or the Roman Empire who lived in Jesus's days?
Mr. Navasky is exercised by «a new cadre of Cold War historians» who claim that the Communist Party was «at the center of a nest of spies,» which it was.
In many radiant lives known to him who even now are bearing what Paul called the fruits of the Spirit, in thousands of whom he has read who across the centuries have displayed those fruits, and in the many millions who, passing, have left behind them no written records but presumably have also been characterized by these fruits, the historian sees the beginnings of the fulfillment of that purpose.
Also potent was the mounting tide of secularism, reenforced by intellectuals, such as the Jew Georg Morris Cohen Brandes (1842 - 1906), literary critic and historian, who were out of line with the Christian tradition.
However, ancient historians such as Josephus, who delighted in listing Herod's crimes, do not mention what would have been Herod's greatest crime by far.
It is inevitable that those historians of religions majoring in specific areas are constantly rivaled by scholars outside the field of religion who are interested in the same areas.
Karl Barth understood this well when he wrote: «Strange as it may seem, it is still true, that those who fail to understand other churches than their own are not the people who care intensely about theology, but the theological dilettantes, eclectics, and historians of all sorts; while those very men who have found themselves forced to confront a clear, thoroughgoing, logical sic et non find themselves allied to each other in spite of all contradictions, by an underlying fellowship and understanding, even in the cause which they handle so differently and approach from such painfully different angles.
I imagine that I have a more human view of prophetic inspiration than some Mormons do, since I am a historian who sees prophets as very much creatures of their times as well as people who are inspired by God — much like the prophets of the Old Testament.
Reimarus was a historian, but his work was published by a philosophically minded man of letters, Lessing, who thereafter found himself under attack from the orthodoxy of his day, especially that of Hauptpastor Goetze of the city of Hamburg.
Bloom, who, as he himself informs us, is neither a believer nor a historian, is convinced that he is restoring a text covered over by centuries of institutionalized misreading.
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