Sentences with phrase «by hucksters»

The trend over nearly a decade is this: as much as bitcoin is propped up by hucksters looking to make a fast buck, there are many more still who work on building the project along every day.
E3 is an awkward mix of artistry, cutting - edge tech and old - fashioned hullabaloo, filled of grandiose proclamations delivered by hucksters with $ 200 haircuts.
Ravitch, the onetime head of the U.S. Department of Education's research and development efforts, warns the department's new Office of Innovation and Improvement not to be taken in by hucksters peddling the latest fad.
The satire comes in the early post-war period when Americans were still not that aware of how they were being manipulated by hucksters to hawk their products on the radio and films were just getting ready to deal with that subject after a number of books and magazine articles were written tearing into advertisers.
It's certain to be over run by hucksters who prey on non-sophisticated investors they propose.
While I truly want to be with you on the hands - off - free - market argument, I just have to believe that these rules are in place for good reasons... like making sure your sweet Granny don't get fleeced by a huckster.

Not exact matches

After digging into the history of the term, I found that journalists used «fake» in the 19th century to warn American consumers about products proffered by patent medicine pushers, con artists and hucksters.
His real - estate career was derailed by a nondescript sidewalk huckster hawking telephone charge cards.
Pity 2 Timothy is a forgery written by an unknown huckster fraudulently under Paul's name in the Second century.
The religion business and their hucksters have been hit hard by this recession and are looking for any overlooked cash cows that they can con into forking over more of their money.
Because people wrote the gospels; people lie; and the «miracles» in the Bible have all been repeated by modern magicians, hucksters, and frauds.
You're better off actually doing something to oust those religion hucksters and GOP politicians (bought and paid for by big corporate, bank, and insurance interests) from the policy making aspect of our society.
Oh, and by the way, how many houses does he own; where are they; what's their sqaure footage; what kind of plane does he take to his huckster shows; and what's his annual income?
What's worse, the actual science too often gets lost in the pop culture circus dominated by publicity - hungry hucksters and companies pushing gluten - free products full of chemical thickeners and starchy substitutions.
Because women are told by BIG businesses and by all these fitness hucksters that weight training is bad for you.
If you think otherwise then you've been suckered in by such hucksters as Gary Taubes and Jimmy Moore who are peddling the same old Atkins turd polished up and re-branded as the new way to give yourself heart disease.
You are regurgitating old low - carb lies that are being spread around by book selling profiteers like Gary Taubes, Westman, Jimmy Moore and the rest of the pseudo-science book hucksters.
In episode 202, Penn and Teller examine the hucksters that tap into hysteria over personal safety to make big bucks from such products as gas masks, paper toilet seat covers and cell phones - while the average person is four times more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed violently at school.
Here, our wily superspy is actually a cheery huckster played by Leonardo DiCaprio who attempts to fraud his way to infamy as an outlet for his chronic daddy issues.
The chumps in this movie are the feds, the corporate weasels, the loud self - promoters, represented by a TV huckster played in appropriately grating fashion by Seth MacFarlane.
He's Hawks, a huckster posing as a «blind» street preacher lead around by his daughter.
«The capital and the country during that epoch were roiled by enormous political, cultural, and social changes; journalism was changing too, and Bernstein quickly came to understand that every good newspaperman was part truth - teller, part would - be savant, and, not incidentally, something of a huckster and scamp,» Holt said in announcing the deal.
With any new technology comes the hucksters in the form of author / entrepreneurs on the one hand selling the false dream of self - publishing your own book and getting rich, and dodgy publishing companies on the other, taking advantage of neophytes by cashing in on their ignorance.
It's interesting that this announcement comes around the same time that ZDNet released news of an automated Amazon catfishing scam that netted its huckster over a million dollars just since June, but by taking advantage of free pricing and the pay - per - page structure of KDP, that's exactly what happened.
They spring up like poisonous mushrooms in every fast - growing industry, hucksters who think they've found a way to make a quick buck by circumventing hard work and offering an inferior product to a gullible public.
It is a realistic book, because most of us know that the basic principles of investing are straightforward, but they get clouded by academics and hucksters.
There's a Niagara Falls - style wedding destination with haughty chefs, a crazy, beetle - obsessed rich guy who lives in a tower, and even a whole town of frogs led by a sagely huckster.
This moment has long been exploited by magicians, con men, hucksters, advertisers, and propagandists, and it has brought to the fore questions about the relationship of power, perception, and technology.
It's the kind of tactic used by advertisers and political hucksters.
Deniers make insane claims that climate science is a conspiracy by shady science hucksters and their leftist media dupes to defraud the public of wealth and freedom.
In the glacial progress of the defamation suit against me by Big Climate huckster Michael E Mann, there has been a most interesting development: a fellow scientist, Dr Judith Curry, has now filed an amicus brief against Mann.
The two seem despicably intent on turning more countrysides into bird - slaughtering, industrial wind factories, by aiding and abetting Big Wind hucksters like APEX and their blowhard - disinformation campaigns.
Hucksters overselling Big Climate alarmism are a major part of the reason «climate change» came dead last in a global survey by the UN ranking the issues people around the world care most about.
The article by Milo Yannopolous takes a look at the «social media gurus, a rag - tag crew of blood - sucking hucksters who are infesting companies of all sizes, on both sides of the Atlantic, blagging their way into consultancy roles and siphoning off valuable recession - era marketing spend to feed their comic book addictions.»
Montelongo has been described by Forbes magazine as a «Home - Flipping Huckster» who offers «long weekends of questionable advice, raucous showmanship and tours of foreclosed homes in some of America's poorest sections.»
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