Sentences with phrase «by human influence»

Climate change is occurring, driven by human influences and dangerous.
The majority of the newly protected region is untouched by human influence.
Whether these problems are genetic, or whether they were caused by human influence is not really relevant at this point.
Then, a year later he concluded that the warming was not only real, but could only be explained by human influence.
By comparing the numbers of extreme rainfall events in the two ensembles, we can work out if the risk of a wet winter has increased, decreased or been unaffected by human influence on climate.
Some observed weather events will have been made more likely by human influence on climate, some less likely, and it is a legitimate and very important field of scientific enquiry to work out which are which.
Because of large natural variability, the first approach results in an outcome suggesting that it is appropriate to conclude that there is no increase in precipitation by human influences, although the correct interpretation is that there is simply not enough evidence (not a long enough time series).
The remaining two islands, San Miguel and Santa Barbara, the most far flung of the islands offer sanctuary to seals and nesting birds as they are not as touched by human influences.
Right around the time Marris's piece ran, Boris was organizing an Earth Day dinner for the institute exploring a cuisine suited to the Anthropocene, this Earth age dominated by human influences (here's the menu).
Myles Allen suggests that «some observed weather events will have been made more likely by human influence on climate, some less likely, and it is a legitimate and very important field of scientific enquiry to work out which are which.»
A new climatic phase heightened by human influence has these waters rising again, endangering the existence of the popular island paradise.
One study found that an already strong El Niño in 2016 was probably enhanced by human influence, contributing to drought and famine conditions in southern Africa.
«Not only are ecosystems around the Arctic affected by human influences today, but the influence began more than a century ago.»
As for whether the world's recent extreme weather was made worse by human influence, that answer likely won't be available for years — and only if a research effort similar to the one that analyzed the 2000 U.K. floods is undertaken.
In the hunt for the beginning of the much - debated «Anthropocene» — a supposed new geologic era defined by human influence of the planet — the new research suggests a need to look back farther in time than the arrival of human - caused climate change, atomic weapons, urbanization or the industrial revolution.
By comparing the numbers of extreme rainfall events in the two ensembles, «Weather@Home» will work out if the risk of a wet winter has increased, decreased or been unaffected by human influence on climate.
Additionally, the researchers» detailed field data make clear that the land sinking around Washington is not primarily driven by human influence, such as groundwater withdrawals, but instead is a long - term geological process that will continue unabated for tens of thousands of years, independent from human land use or climate change.
His announcement this week that the warming can only be explained by human influences, brings him up to date with where the science was in the mid 1990s.»
«The Palovit and Fırtına Valleys are the regions being touched by human influence the least.
He was not allowed to say in his written testimony that modern climate change is dominated by human influences, that we are venturing into the unknown territory with changes in climate, or that it is very likely (> 95 percent probability) that humans are largely responsible for many of the observed changes in climate.
By comparing the numbers of extreme temperature and drought events in the two ensembles, we can work out if the risk of a heatwave or drought has increased, decreased or been unaffected by human influence on climate.
Ongoing climate change caused by human influences will alter the nature of how rain and snow falls; areas that are prone to dry conditions will receive their precipitation in narrower windows of time.
All told, about 20 % of the distribution of domesticated species across the Amazon seemed to be driven by human influences, while 30 % was likely due to environmental factors such as soil composition.
Our coral reefs are endangered by many different factors, both naturally and caused by human influence.
My take on his position is that on any climate issue whatsoever — if you can not prove there is no human influence (refute the null hypothesis by showing it is less than 5 % probable or 1 % probable or whatever), then we have to conclude that it (whatever the question is that is being looked at) is caused by human influence.
No area of the world's ocean is unaffected by human influence, as the accumulation of carbon, fertilizer runoff, and overfishing undermine biodiversity and the natural services that it provides.
Giaever continues ticking off the most common climate myths, going from arguing that it may not even be warming, to claiming the warming is insignificant, to asserting the warming is caused by water vapor, and ultimately that the warming is indeed caused by human influences:
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