Sentences with phrase «by human involvement»

Cultural Landscapes are «landscapes that have been affected, influenced, or shaped by human involvement

Not exact matches

Trojans are typically spread by social engineering - for example, by tricking people into clicking a link, installing an app, or running some email attachment - and, as such, unlike viruses and worms, Trojans typically do not self - propagate - instead, they rely on human involvement.
«Before our involvement, for example, Mr Evans and Ms James were represented by the eminent QC Stephen Knafler who argued this case to the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
That Jesus was generated by God without human male involvement goes beyond what historical, or scientific, reason allows.
His ideas regarding God's responsive involvement in the world, his ever - changing action upon it and reaction to it, and his own enrichment through history and human creativity must surely be accepted by Christians as authentic insights into the nature of the living God.
Involvement in the multitudinous problems of a rapidly expanding urban area or exposure to the increasingly bitter struggle between labor and management or entanglement in the luxuriant and rank growth so abundantly fostered by the new wealth of the «gilded age»: these and other factors caused many men to re-examine their roles as ministers and to seek more effective ways of ministering to the needs of their time.11 Perhaps the most important thing that happened to such men was that they became aware of the many factors bearing on human welfare and thus of importance to the Christian gospel.
And offering tax credits related to the cost of education and training obviously helps raise relative earnings by enlisting individuals» active involvement in the buildup of their «human capital.»
A deeper involvement in social issue borne out by our commitment to the gospel takes us to an open arena of human sufferings.
They would also abolish the use of the legal method by which evidence of British officials» involvement in torture and rendition was first brought to light, campaigners from human rights group [Reprieve said.
The accusations of me distributing anti-Semitic statements on blogs were initiated by notorious human rights campaigner Scott Long who had to quit his position at Human Rights Watch (HRW) due to his involvement into slandering British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell for which both Mr Long and HRW had to make a public apohuman rights campaigner Scott Long who had to quit his position at Human Rights Watch (HRW) due to his involvement into slandering British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell for which both Mr Long and HRW had to make a public apoHuman Rights Watch (HRW) due to his involvement into slandering British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell for which both Mr Long and HRW had to make a public apohuman rights campaigner Peter Tatchell for which both Mr Long and HRW had to make a public apology.
It would be recalled that a Commissioner of Police (COP), Mr Patrick Timbillah, who was Director General in charge of Police Human Resource Development in March 2015 was indicted by the Police administration over his alleged involvement in a police recruitment scam.
The Forum on Human Germline Interventions, organized by AAAS, convened a multi-disciplinary group of scientists, ethicists, and theologians to participate in discussions regarding scientific freedom and responsibility issues; the history and status of religious involvement; ethical and theological issues; therapeutic vs. enhancement applications; and setting policy and developing guidelines on human germline research and applicatHuman Germline Interventions, organized by AAAS, convened a multi-disciplinary group of scientists, ethicists, and theologians to participate in discussions regarding scientific freedom and responsibility issues; the history and status of religious involvement; ethical and theological issues; therapeutic vs. enhancement applications; and setting policy and developing guidelines on human germline research and applicathuman germline research and applications.
The objective of this paper is to describe the history of the American Physical Society's (APS) involvement in the defense of human rights and to acquaint the reader with some of the many actions taken by the Committee on International Freedom of Scientists (CIFS) to alleviate the human rights violation scientists worldwide.
It is produced by the brain and spinal cord into early adulthood as it is needed for many developmental processes, and although earlier studies of human white matter hinted at its involvement in skill learning, this is the first time it has been confirmed experimentally.
«I was able to gain a much deeper understanding of the relationships between human flexible behavior and the underlying involvement of human neurological processes,» says Dutra, who earned a fellowship from the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates to be involved in the study.
«Initial messages from our Online Cupids ® service may be automatically generated with no human involvement, and, messages and / or correspondence thereafter may be generated by third - parties hired or contracted by Us.
Messages sent from our Online Cupids ® service may be automatically generated with no human involvement, and Online Cupids ® messages and / or correspondence may be generated by third - parties hired or contracted by Us
Filmmaker Libby Spears examines the global child - sex trade and the United States» involvement in human trafficking in this documentary, which includes animated segments by Japanese pop artist Yoshitomo Nara.
Jointly administered by the state departments of education and human services, the GoodStarts program provides $ 7 million in state and federal aid for programs aimed at 3 - and 4 - year - olds that offer educational, social, health, nutritional, and child - care services and highlight parental involvement.
This organization works to improve every area of the relationship between animal and human by using animal education and community involvement to reach and educate the world.
Furthermore the entire biosphere is energised by extra warmth and the whole carbon cycle speeds up with extra warmth from sun or oceans without any need to invoke human involvement at all.
For example, articles published by companies that provide fossil fuels may be more likely to downplay the human involvement in climate change.
A British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has dismissed a complaint filed by a Vancouver lawyer who alleges his former employer asked him not to bring his male partner to a firm social event, and that he remove references in his online firm bio to involvement in the Canadian Bar Association's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity group.
During her tenure, Jemma represented JUSTICE at the Equality Diversity Forum, the Mental Health Alliance, Human Rights NGO Alliance (hosted by the BIIHR) and the War Crimes Community Involvement Panel.
In conclusion, the current involvement of a legal professional in the human rights area of practice is a result of a difficult and bumpy road taken by humanity all over the world through the ages.
OFAC is the US Treasury Department, which is responsible for economic and trade sanctions against countries and individuals accused by the US authorities of involvement in terrorism, drug trafficking, human rights violations, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, transnational organized crime and other unlawful activities.
The distinction here is arguably this: an AI is completely autonomous, whereas a DAO still requires heavy involvement from humans specifically interacting according to a protocol defined by the DAO in order to operate.
Survey Methodology This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Interactive on behalf of among 252 human resources professionals (employed full - time as a human resources representative; not self - employed; with at least significant involvement in hiring decisions; non government); and 8,038 U.S. employees (employed full - time; not self - employed; non government) ages 18 and over between November 12 and December 1, 2008 (percentages for some questions are based on a subset U.S. employers or employees, based on their responses to certain questions).
Issues that can be addressed through agreements consistent with human rights principles include meaningful acknowledgement of Indigenous interest in the relevant area, recognition and protection of contemporary cultural practices, allowing (and where necessary, assisting) the involvement of all native title holders who may be affected by outcomes of any framework agreement, and ensuring a cooperative approach to implementing any agreement.
The significance of father involvement is reinforced by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, reporting that «Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have better self - esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior compared to children who have uninvolved fathers.»
An evolutionary perspective suggests that father involvement has been important in the increased fertility of human hunter - gatherers compared with the other great apes.21 - 23 That observation contrasts, however, with a world today where fertility levels are plummeting in most countries, with fathers typically investing large amounts of resources and care in few offspring over prolonged periods.6, 24 In this latter case, the time and resources provided by fathers may help develop a child's social and educational capital, in turn helping him / her succeed socially as an adult.25
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