Sentences with phrase «by hydrogen when»

Boynton and his team used the Odyssey instrument to zero in on energetic gamma rays, which are emitted by hydrogen when it is stimulated by subatomic collisions, and on sluggish neutrons that had been slowed down by their interaction with hydrogen.

Not exact matches

Since then, the Steady State Theory has been disproven, and the Big Bang Theory has been shown to be correct, vindicating a form of «Creationism», which not only explains «let there be light» (the early universe was dominated by radiation — light), but explains of separation of light and darkness — the decoupling era, about 300,000 earth years after the big bang, when the universe cooled below the ionization energy of hydrogen, allowing it to become transparent for the first time.
All piping must be kept clean by periodic pumping of the water / hydrogen peroxide mix, all detritus must be removed from the greenhouse, the reservoir must be cleaned with the water / hydrogen peroxide mix and brushed when the nutrient is replaced, and no dirt is allowed in greenhouse, ever.
By finding places in the sky where radio telescopes pick up these 21 - centimeter emissions, astronomers can identify light from faraway, hydrogen - rich regions so ancient they date back to the era when stars were starting to form.
There are basically two types of lines, those produced by collisions between the atoms or ions and the electrons in the surrounding gas, which are called collision lines, and which are very bright for elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and neon, and lines which are produced when ions capture free electrons, which are called recombination lines, and which are bright only for those gases with the highest abundances in the interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium.
When the researchers added various alcohols, they found that the catalyst worked well, especially when helped by a common basic compound such as sodium hydroxide, which speeds the reaction by plucking hydrogens off the alcoWhen the researchers added various alcohols, they found that the catalyst worked well, especially when helped by a common basic compound such as sodium hydroxide, which speeds the reaction by plucking hydrogens off the alcowhen helped by a common basic compound such as sodium hydroxide, which speeds the reaction by plucking hydrogens off the alcohol.
MRIs work by tapping into an astonishing phenomenon: When placed in a powerful magnetic field, the hydrogen atoms in water molecules behave like small bar magnets.
WHEN Stanley Miller and Harold Urey created amino acids by shooting sparks through a «primordial atmosphere» of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water, biologists thought a full understanding of the origins of life was within reach.
Alternatively, the water at Cabeus may have been created when hydrogen atoms carried by the solar wind slammed into oxygen - rich materials in the lunar surface.
So hydrogen could build up to the point at which when it fused, it would release an enormous burst of X-rays in addition to the regular stream of X-rays produced by the pulsar action.
When surrounded by deuterium atoms (heavy hydrogen), that voltage gives the atoms an electric charge and then accelerates them into a nearby solid target containing additional deuterium.
This energy can be converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the same way hydrocarbon fuels are used.
Elevated miR - 182 expression already is associated with premature aging of the eye and, when MCG scientists mimic premature aging by applying hydrogen peroxide, miR - 182 levels increase.
Previously, researchers have produced hydrogen gas in microbial - powered, batterylike fuel cells, but only when they supplemented the energy produced by the bacteria with electrical energy from external sources — such as that obtained from renewable sources or burning fossil fuels, says Bruce Logan, an environmental engineer at Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
When the researchers switched the electric current off by deoxygenating the water, thereby removing the electron acceptor at the sediment surface, the depth of the hydrogen sulfide layer in the sediment rose in less than an hour, as deeper microbes could no longer consume it.
Powered by the electricity generated when hydrogen and oxygen combine to form H2O and with upholstery fabric made of fermented corn, the Clarity sure sounds green.
«Not only did we detect radio signals emitted by distant galaxies when the Universe was three billion years younger, but their gas reservoirs turned out to be unexpectedly large, about 10 times larger than the mass of hydrogen in our Milky Way.
When the water is drained away Berglund found that the fibres join together into networks held by hydrogen bonds, forming flat sheets of «nanopaper».
When combined with hydrogen peroxide, TAMLs neutralize many contaminants by breaking their chemical bonds.
Last year, researchers found that in conditions mimicking those sparked by a comet or meteorite impact, intense heat and pressure converted formamide (which forms when hydrogen cyanide reacts with water) and other simple substances into the four information - bearing nucleobases in RNA, a likely genetic precursor to DNA.
A major new discovery by scientists at the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Cardiff in the UK, and the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in Saudi Arabia, has shown that hydrocarbon wax rapidly releases large amounts of hydrogen when activated with catalysts and microwaves.
«Hydrogen (H2) produced from water splitting by an electrochemical process, called water electrolysis, has been considered to be a clean and sustainable energy resource to replace fossil fuels and meet the rising global energy demand, since water is both the sole starting material and byproduct when clean energy is produced by converting H2 back to water,» the researchers wrote.
When completed in 2011, the plant will make hydrogen from petroleum coke, an oil - refining by - product, in the process storing as much as 4 million tons of carbon dioxide a year in California's oil fields.
The experiment was kicked off by sparks inside a flask containing water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, all materials believed to have existed in the atmosphere when the Earth was very young.
Wüthrich found a way to determine the precise shape of a very large biomolecule by studying how its hydrogen nuclei wobble when exposed to carefully tuned magnetic fields — a phenomenon known as nuclear magnetic resonance, or NMR.
Different geographic areas have different proportions of hydrogen isotopes in their water, and by analyzing the isotopes in the eagles» feathers, the researchers were able to match them to the areas where they were eating and drinking when their feathers formed and thereby determine their summer ranges.
This aurora is driven by Jupiter's intense magnetic field, which causes particles to reach such high speeds that they can split the water molecules in the plume when they hit them, resulting in oxygen and hydrogen ions which leave their telltale imprint in the colours of the aurora.
Not only can they hide from mackerel amongst the jellies» stinger - covered tentacles when they rise from the seafloor to feed and digest at night, they can also survive for hours within the ocean floor's low - or no - oxygen muds, which are pervaded by poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas — an inhospitable place lacking any other vertebrate species.
The issue first raised its head in 2015, when a team led by Edmund Myers at Florida State University measured the difference in masses of the nucleus of a helium - 3 atom and a deuteron — the nucleus of a deuterium or heavy hydrogen atom — with a single proton bound to...
However, when water molecules are broken by the stellar radiation into hydrogen and oxygen, the relatively light hydrogen atoms can escape the planet.
When water (H2O) freezes into ice, the molecules are bound together in a crystalline lattice held together by hydrogen bonds.
When water molecules rise into the upper atmosphere, sunlight breaks the water into hydrogen ions which are fast and escape easily, and heavier oxygen ions which are carried away by the electric field.
In August 2015, hydrogen took the superconductor world by storm with the discovery that sulfur hydride exhibits high - temperature (203 kelvin) superconductivity when subjected to high pressures.
LCROSS also supported this theory when it crashed into the south pole by uncovering, in addition to water, other elements that are abundant on comets: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane.
Therefore, high - resolution follow - up optical observations were performed by the Hubble Space Telescope to reveal «beads on a string» at the center of SpARCS1049 +56 which occur when, similar to a necklace, clumps of new star formation appear strung out like beads on filaments of hydrogen gas.
Now, astronomers from MIT and Arizona State University have peered right back to the «Cosmic Dawn» — the time when the first stars were beginning to fire up — by picking up an extremely faint radio signal that marks the earliest evidence of hydrogen, just 180 million years after the Big Bang.
Astronomers have now peered right back to the «Cosmic Dawn» — when the first stars were beginning to fire up — by picking up an extremely faint radio signal that marks the earliest evidence of hydrogen, just 180 million years after the Big Bang.
It is thought that galaxy formation started when primordial clouds of gaseous matter (hydrogen and helium), the proto - galaxies, were singled out and started to collapse by their own gravity.
Hydrogen, the most common element in space, glows intensely in red light when heated by hot, young stars seen inside the «trunk.»
When the star's ultraviolet radiation strikes the gases in the nebula, they heat up, giving out radiation ranging in wavelength from blue — emitted by hot oxygen in the bubble near the star — to yellow — emitted by hot hydrogen and nitrogen.
When hydrogen gas is heated by the ultraviolet emissions of new stars, it produces a spectral signature called the Lyman - alpha line.
The one GOOD thing about these direct hits would be ELIMINATION of thick Hydrogen envelopes around these types of planets when these envelopes were HEATED by MUCH MORE LUMINOUS HOST STARS to the point where the envelopes FILLED the planets» Hill spheres.
A team of scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Utah State University, Northwestern University, and the University of Utah sought to understand this H2 relaxation mechanism by monitoring the effects of hydrogen (H) vs deuterium (D) on the kinetics of H2 formation when nitrogenase is attached to an electrode.
The process begins when the capsule, which contains frozen hydrogen isotopes, is struck by x-rays produced by the driver beams and undergoes a pre-pulse «that compresses it and gets it moving,» Barnard says.
The presence of the Lyman - alpha line was unexpected: while it is frequently detected in galaxies closer to Earth, the team thought that EGSY8p7's emission line would have been absorbed when the universe was formed by the hydrogen atoms believed to inhabit the space between galaxies.
A major milestone along this path was achieved in 2014 when the science team performed what could be considered a «heart transplant» on the telescope by installing a custom - built atomic clock powered by a hydrogen maser.
When vitamin C breaks down, it generates hydrogen peroxide, which can damage cancer tissue by shutting down their energy supply.
When it comes to odorous gas — there may be a number of issues beyond and / or caused by SIBO — malabsorption of fat, protein, hydrogen sulfide production via fermentation — Be sure you are working with a gastroenterologist that is willing to explore other causes along w / perhaps another SIBO test for your ongoing symptoms.
Saturated: A fatty acid is saturated when all available carbon bonds are occupied by a hydrogen atom.
The smell is caused by a gas called hydrogen sulphide usually contained in sulfur proteins found in some foods and is released when they are broken down by sulfur reducing microbes in the stomach or small intestine.
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