Sentences with phrase «by idealists»

Capitalism at its best is run by idealists who have great ideas about how to make the world a better place by offering more and better choices to individuals.
We started out with the proposition that the ideal of a fraternal organization of society will remain powerless if it is supported by idealists only; that it needs the firm support of a solid class whose economic future is staked on the success of that ideal; and that the industrial working class is consciously or unconsciously committed to the struggle for the realization of that principle.
And in terms of reputation, the anything - goes strategy seemingly suggested by some idealists is likely to be fatal to just about any charity.
The first three elements are, for Rosenzweig, the fundamental elements of any «healthy understanding» that has not been bewitched by an idealist view of reason.
It repeats the great story told by every idealist metaphysics, European and Indian alike: the purifying odyssey of exitus and reditus, diastole and systole, departure from and ultimate return to an abiding principle.

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My own personal favourites from 2013 included Difficult Men, by Brett Martin and The Idealist, by Nina Munk.
«I wouldn't call myself an idealist,» says Post, «but I'm driven by the societal impact this can have.
They came in with idealist beliefs in equal access to info and by extension to the markets but they are selling out, just like everyone else before them.
Each idealist in Peoples Temple was being carried by the driving force of his own personal utopian dream, which developed the momentum of a locomotive, and all Jim Jones had to do was switch the track toward the abyss [quoted in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, July 24].
Hartshorne therefore is willing to admit that he may be understood only by other Idealists or even only by himself» (HEP 17).
He led me to read the essays by J. E. Creighton, the Cornell idealist.
And the Marxist idealists are simply naïve when they believe that, once a reactionary government has been overthrown by violence, a just and peaceful regime will be established.
Today, admittedly, the vagueness of 2 and its ultimate basis upon inner - change has been dropped by many progressivist idealists in favor of 3a or 3b: a very - tight system of International Law, or an «EU for the world,» will save us.
At the time Whitehead was writing Process and Reality idealist systems were under attack on methodological grounds, first by C. E. Moore as violating the prescriptions of common sense, then by the school of logical positivism represented chiefly by Schlick, Carnap, and Ayer.
Man is neither perfectible, as idealists in religion and philosophy had supposed, nor the controllable object of nature, as described by materialists.
Somewhere in Appearance and Reality the English idealist philosopher F. H. Bradley remarked that «the man who, transported by his passion, feels and knows that only love gives the secret of the universe», is not engaging in proper metaphysical discourse.
Bonhoeffer speaks of different types: Aristotelian (man becomes a person by partaking of reason); Stoic («a man becomes a person by submitting to a higher obligation»); 4 Epicurean (man's life is heightened by pleasure, though it has a «defective concept of spirit»); 5 and the idealist tradition flowing from Immanuel Kant (the perceiving person is the starting point for philosophy).
Although he viewed disharmony as integral to the function of agape, he remained faithful to his inclination to be an idealist by subsuming disharmony under harmony.
But, contrary to the idealists who find competition distasteful, we do not win by doing our best.
The attempt might even be made positively to recommend this fixing of a terminological starting - point, by recalling that for Christian scholastic philosophy, too, in contrast to Platonic and Idealist philosophy, what first meets man's cognition and what he therefore rightly takes as the starting - point and model case of possible objects of his knowledge, is what is experienced by the senses and to that extent material.
There are plenty of moral idealists in the church who confuse the issue by thinking that they can establish justice in a simple manner.
This dialectical statement can not be simplified after the fashion of Idealist philosophy by making the dynamic tendency a component of the term itself, the latter being the «Absolute Spirit».
In 1844, Nikolas Lenau portrayed Juan as a disillusioned erotic idealist, embittered and defeated by the purity of his own passions.
This step by Descartes would plant the seed for the idealists who would follow and ground their philosophy within the thinkingsubject and simply remain in doubt or denial over the existence of objective being which transcends it.
There are, in the history of philosophy, continually renewed controversies between those who, where the theory of knowledge is concerned, are commonly called realists, and those who are sometimes called idealists, but also constructivists, between those for whom truth resides in the end in correspondence between proposition and fact, and those for whom it is something brought into being by more or less autonomous understanding.
(This point was established by E. Hirsch in his younger days in a critique of idealist philosophy.
James's world might look like those of the subjective idealist or the idealistic Romantic because it was engendered by the imagination; but it was not, for unlike theirs it came without the assurance that it rested on external foundations.
I think that neither Meland nor Loomer would have spoken this way, and that the difference lies in whatever it was that made «Wieman first an idealist, who could believe that human possibility is explained by an absolute potentiality.12
By these definitions lam not an idealist, nor were Peirce or White - head.
Since purely negative facts are taken to be meaningless because they would represent something unknowable, even by God, the axiom of positivity, that every fact must have positive aspects, 23 is, clearly, dependent on Hartshorne's idealist or experientialist postulate.
His relation to the three great metaphysicians we have treated — and it is possible that treatment in the light of others would also be illuminating — is by no means uniform, His relation to Berkeley has to be teased out, for the British idealist is not often mentioned by the neoclassical metaphysician.
These curious claims by Albert Schweitzer (in The Philosophy of Civilization [Macmillan, 1949]-RRB- lead one to wonder what he means by mysticism and whether, in the face of being variously labeled «idealist,» «rationalist,» «existentialist» and «radical» free - thinker, he is a mystic after all.
Albert Schweitzer's curious claims lead one to wonder what he means by mysticism and whether, in the face of being variously labeled «idealist,» «rationalist,» «existentialist» and «radical» free - thinker, he is a mystic after all.
I am an idealist - dreamer - visionary who is being forced into the present moment by Someone greater than myself who is telling me that all I ever wanted, is here.
But many idealists felt that the United States should play its proper role in the world, for example, by encouraging democracy everywhere.
Also i travel the states constantly and as a cynically tinged idealist i have been hopefully shocked many times by the humble love and sacrifice of people of faith.
It was a friendly letter, but one attempting to turn Luther into a quiet, optimistic, scholarly reformer, rather than the distraught theologian - poet, the small - town idealist the anxious pastor torn with concern for those misled, the cultured and uncultured alike, by wrong - headed institutional religion.
One should perhaps stress here that Fish is not arguing that Milton is an idealist, in the sense of someone who believes that «thinking makes it so» and that un happy situations can be simply wished away by the cheap expedient of declaring them otherwise.
Originally idealists, they soon became tainted by the more unsavoury aspects of their trade.
I also have forthcoming articles, which discuss the classical debates around the role of ideas in social change in the tradition of the Left and sketch an alternative approach that is critical towards determinism — the idea that human agency can be predicted by external material forces — but avoids falling into the common idealist trap when one tries to rehabilitate human agency.
In contemporary British politics, this idealist language is present in various political discourses: the project of a «Big Society» championed by the Conservatives aimed at reinvigorating altruistic values in citizens» behaviours so that they would help themselves and their fellow citizens instead of being «assisted» by the State.
In fact the USA has intervened in the Russia civil war by siding with the Tsar (an autocratic system like Monarchy; even though Woodrow Wilson was known for its idealist, non-interventionist, mindset).
She talked about her working - class upbringing (her brother is a bus driver) and she had a polite for rebuke for those middle - class idealists who think that the Labour party was founded by people inspired by a philanthropic concern for others.
In 1980, a 39 - year - old idealist named Bernie Sanders got his start in politics by winning a Burlington's mayoral election.
As spotted by Game Idealist, online retailer Amazon has just slashed the price of three excellent...
Bookended by war scenes that dramatize the fine line between civilized society and the brutality of war, it all comes together... bringing more power and poignancy to the two best scenes: as previously mentioned, Letts and Lerman go mano y mano in arguing the brilliance of Bertrand Russell, and their word battle highlights the age - old idealist vs. real world struggles; a mother - son scene towards the end is as heart - breaking as any we're likely to see on screen this year.
Greta Gerwig plays a staunch idealist who helms a suicide - prevention organization and tries to elevate her classmates by setting a good example, and by teaching them to keep their spirits up through proper hygiene.
An idealist lawyer is convinced to enter an unwinnable race against an incumbent senator by being promised he can say whatever he wants while campaigning.
Jennings presents Bennett as an artistic idealist trapped in the realm of a caged caretaker being pulled apart by elder women that invite and inspire shades of affection and alienation.
Instead of signing on, she quits her current firm and takes up a new post with the opposition — a band of far less monied idealists helmed by a good man with the improbably cartoon - villainous name Rodolfo Schmidt (Mark Strong).
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