Sentences with phrase «by immersion»

One can only hope it was not going to be a baptism by immersion for the poor things.
Historical fiction lovers have it good: they can travel to distant places and times, and learn by immersion.
Early Christian churches, practiced baptism of youth (not infants) by immersion by the father of the family.
It was a trial by immersion, but as with such journeys, it was also one of discovery.
Yes, by all means, let us maintain, undergird, and strengthen our precious Baptist distinctives: our commitment to a regenerate church membership, believers» baptism by immersion in the name of the triune God, our stand for unfettered religious liberty, and all the rest» but let us do this not so that people will say how great the Baptists are but rather what a great Savior the Baptists have, what a great God they serve.
This debate concerned whether to accept as members of the denomination individuals who had not been baptized by immersion, the Disciples» practice.
(13 Articles of Faith) Our fourth Article of Faith states, «We believe the first principles and ordianaces of he gospel are first, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second repentence, third baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, fourth, the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.»
It is not unwise or unlawfull, to be baptised by immersion as Jesus did, if you were onced baptised by the sprinkling of water.
Therefore, considering the large contribution of these particles to the aerosol mass concentration in the atmosphere and the importance of the INPs, we study the ability of these particles as INPs by immersion freezing mode.
However, it has been shown that mineral dust particles have a dominant role as INPs by immersion freezing (Hoose et al., 2010).
This was followed by immersion in 30 % sucrose for 16 hours.
Ultimately, Wax says, «proponents of income integration must deal with the cognitive dissonance created by the model's foundational premise, which is that disadvantaged students» habits and attitudes are deficient and will be improved by immersion in a superior environment, [versus] discomfort with the idea of class - based cultural differences.»
In such rarely seen oil paintings as the 1953 works «Flächenteilung Schwarz - Weiß - Grau 2» (Field - division black - white - grey 2) and «Flächenteilung Schwarz - Weiß - Grau 1» (Field - division black - white - grey 1), viewers can see Lassnig exploring an abstract visual language bolstered by her immersion in French avant - garde circles and her relationships with such writers as Paul Celan, Friederike Mayröcker, and Oswald Wiener.
Instead, our beloved teacher and Lord, clearly demonstrated true humilities a perfect Son of man when he submitted himself to John the Baptist in water by immersion.
But do not think that this solves the ancient religious debate about baptism by immersion vs. sprinkling.
His editorials consistently supported accepting into membership such individuals without requiring them to be rebaptized by immersion, while many denominational leaders argued that this was a totally unacceptable practice.
Like Jesus, who was obscured by his immersion in the Jewish subculture, our pastor and congregation are obscured from the mainstream of society by their subculture.
This crazy baptism by immersion stuff and laying on of hands by the gift of the holy ghost... Jesus never did any of that stuff, man.
If by immersion in the water salvation be obtained, the frogs bathe continually.
In my church, we baptize people by immersion in a tank.
It can be achieved by immersion in the hedonistic world.
Snouts were dissected out and, post-fixed at 4 °C for 2 hours in 4 % PFA, then decalcified for another 72 hours by immersion in a 50 ∶ 50 mixture of 4 % PFA and 0.5 M EDTA.
Samples were prepared by immersion of grids of S -160-3 type (Cu coated with carbon film, Plano GmbH) in a small volume (0.5 mL) of solutions followed by solvent evaporation in a dust - protected atmosphere.
Glassware was cleaned by immersion in 30 % glacial acetic acid or 6 M HCl for at least 6 hours, rinsed with distilled water, and autoclaved twice prior to use.
The detector is further protected from background radiation from the surrounding rock by immersion in a tank of ultra-pure water.
You have to return to the Emerald Herald to level up, thus destroying any immersion and atmosphere built by the
A Borgesian palimpsest, a movie in search of a genre, a lament for film when it was film, a bittersweet critique of the deadening of moviegoers» sensibilities by their immersion in digital graphics — Leos Carax's barmy Holy Motors is all this and more.
Description: This film's original source novel was intended as a serious exploration of altered consciousness, inspired by the immersion - tank experiments of Dr. John Lilly in the 1970s.
«The compelling tale of a woman's journey from hopeless anger to genuine empowerment, made richer by its immersion in the world of commercial fishing.»
Hot water is provided by immersion heaters and controllable time clocks, and the shower heats its own water.
However, Sony was in the midst of appealing a decision from a 2004 lawsuit involving patent infringement claimed by Immersion.
If you're thinking that makes Valkyria Chronicles worth playing because it's a really clever hybrid of real - time and turn - based strategy touched by the immersion and excitement that comes from a third person shooter, well, you'd be right.
These games, existing at the «dumber» end of the AR scale, relying only on occasional GPS pings and rudimentary real - world overlap prove the success of augmenting our world isn't limited by our immersion.
Raised in Birmingham, UK's African - Caribbean community during the 1970s Anderson's worldview was shaped by his immersion in two distinct cultures.
Blandy searches for his cultural position in the world, often useing humour to ask just how much the self is formed by its immersion in the world of records, films and television, and whether the answers to life's questions can be found in these mass - produced objects.
A conceptual artist, he is renowned for his enigmatic and often mechanized sculptural installations, Shetty explores the fundamental ontological challenges presented by our immersion in a world of objects.
The writer has reviewed the 500W Samsung Dolby Atmos 5.1.4 sound bar and was blown away by the immersion.
Pieris speaks for many Asian theologians when he says that Christian theology must be «baptized by immersion» in the waters of Asian spirituality for its own renewal (quoted in Ariarajah, 4).
They practice baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, through faith and repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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