Sentences with phrase «by implication god»

In the late 20th Century, churches face a situation unprecedented since the Church's formation (comparable in magnitude to the era of the Christian apologists and the Reformation), in which most churches» thought and practice — and by implication God's revelation — are framed within and associated with communication and modes of thought of a past stage of cultural development.
In this late 20th Century, churches face a situation unprecedented since the Church's formation (comparable in magnitude to the era of the Christian apologists and the Reformation), in which most churches» thought and practice - and by implication God's revelation - are framed within and associated with communication and modes of thought of a past stage of cultural development.

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Basinger believes that process theists, and by implication many traditional theists, have misconstrued how God is able to coerce.
Those people take advantage of the doctrine and let everyone else know that they've got the church, the church's doctrine, and by implication the Bible and God himself backing up their bad, bullying behavior.
After all, it is argued, the Romans themselves did not appear to take it seriously (Vespasian's famous deathbed joke, «I think I am becoming a god» seems to indicate as much): it could only be believed by those who were either insane, such as Caligula, who went so far as to sacrifice to himself daily and made his beloved horse a high priest of his cult, or irredeemably barbarian and by implication, stupid, such as the Britons of Colchester who built an enormous temple to the Divine Claudius.
In Psalm 29, the writer proclaims with majestic confidence that God is greater and stronger than every form of chaos, and by implication, than every idol through which we imagine we can control the manifestations of chaos.
The implication is that no human situation is too desperate to be retrieved by the grace of God, who works in history in His own incalculable ways and at His own time.
It is therefore quite significant that a recent article by Bultmann seems to be by implication a defence of Ksemarm's position against an initial criticism by the Barthian Hermann Diem: Diem had maintained that when all is said and done Käsemann has presented Jesus as only proclaiming «general religious and moral truths» about «the freedom of the children of God», rather than a message in continuity with the Church's kerygma.
Being grafted into the Trinity may be stated christologically without denying the trinitarian implication spelled out in later Christian theology: I am defined by the wisdom and power of God revealed in the death of Christ.
Those implications, however, are circumscribed by the guiding insight of God's infinity.
Rather, the question is this: Does the school's overarching goal to understand God truly have any implications for the way the school is governed by any of these polities?
By exploring the implications of the reversal of the mental and physical poles in God's case, Marjorie Suchocki is able to marshal a strong case for the alternative of a single concrescence (PS 5:237 - 46).
The first hypothesis will be denied not only by positivists but also by philosophers who take seriously the religious implications of a doctrine of God as infinite, immutable, simple, and necessary.
The implication that suffering is an attribute of creation designed - in by God seems incompatible with the Crucifixion as being brought about by God's desire for reconciliation with Man.
Or to put that the other way round, God created Man — and by implication the whole material order to which he belongs — in order to glorify his Son.
In its thematization at the 1983 Vancouver Assembly, the phrase integrity of creation was clear in general implication but lacking in exact definition.2 In meetings of the Church and Society Working Committee, the phrase has come to name the intrinsic value that each and every living being has in and for itself as a creature loved by God, and the instrumental value that living beings can have for one another and for God as instances of an evolutionary and web - like creation.
But again, and even with the possible implication of divine judgment in the death of Rachel, we see the repeated motif of the Jacob cycle: the tension between sin and divine grace, the expression of faith that Jacob - Israel is saved and redeemed only by the will and purpose of God (35:5), and finally the repetition of the promise and the blessing, and the second account of the changing of Jacob's name to Israel.
For instance, it speaks of the earth and heaven, Lord - men, Hell and heaven, 3 good deeds and by implication its opposite the bad deeds, righteous soul and by implication the unrighteous soul, at the judgment day4; Light - darkness, believers - unbelievers; 5 God - creation; 6 servant - master; 7 Good - evil.8 There also the repetitive emphasis on the otherness of God as in the notions of «the Lord of the Throne of Glory Supreme», 9 «Lord of the Throne of Honor; «10 emphasis on His power «Lord of Power; «11 His reach «The Lord of the two Easts and Two Wests, «12 and so on.
In the published play, however, Mr. Zuss is spared the indignity of pleading his cause and, by implication, God is also spared» the indignity of justifying his ways to man.
On the present occasion, a journal issue devoted to exhibiting the implications for theology of post-Whiteheadian metaphysics, it is my function to point out that post-Whiteheadian metaphysics, in one of its developments, points towards a radical theology in the sense made popular by the Death of God movement.
Kierkegaard defends himself against the apparently Pelagian implications of this thought by stressing that even though each individual sins through his own disobedience (sin is not a category of necessity), nevertheless, in this act of disobedience he reveals his solidarity with Adam and Eve and all other persons in history, who together make up the collective human race which, in Adam, stands guilty before God.
But then, by implication, he implies that how well we do so does not benefit God (for nothing does).
By extension every good deed, every struggle for justice and deliverance from oppression, every effort to care for and show concern about those who are in need, will be not merely a reflection of the divine mercy and righteousness but also an instrument for the bringing about of just such shalom or «abundance of life» for God's human children, So one might go on, almost without ceasing, to show that response in faith to the action of God in this vivid moment has its implications and applications for the whole range of human life and experience.
How else does it happen that the problem of the One and the Many, or any philosophical analysis of the meaning of God, is plagued, or at least challenged by a concern with its implications for a personal deity?
A second implication of St. Augustine's insight is that God in his own nature (as distinct from the finite human nature assumed by the Word) must be outside of space and time.
If God as concrete is constituted by all of the past, both immediate and remote, then it might be argued that God preserves all values (although some would deny the empirical and logical validity of this implication).
A contrasting view, which maximizes the explanatory role of creativity and by implication diminishes the role of God, is that of Walter E. Stokes, S. J. and William Garland.
To be sure, there is nothing new about the fact that the clear assertions or implications in scripture that God is really related to the world as Creator and Redeemer, and hence by experiences of love and care, judgment and forgiveness, create difficulties for theological reflection.
Our analysis suggests that one of the emerging coalitions will be united by belief in God, an understanding that such belief has implications for public life, and a preference for religious language in political discourse.
So in what sense can we continue to proclaim the special authority of Christian revelation while at the same time fully embracing the implications of our two axioms: on the one hand that our religious language, including our Christological categories, is never adequately representative of God, and on the other that it is always conditioned by historical relativity?
It is difficult to find this view expressed in bold predestinarian terms, especially not with the implication that God singles out particular - individuals by name and says, «Tom, you have to be poor.»
Furthermore, «those [scholars] who write about Jesus» desire to return the Temple to its «original,» «true» purpose, the «pure» worship of God, seem to forget that the principal function of any temple is to serve as a place for sacrifice, and that sacrifices require the supply of suitable animals» and, by implication, money - changers to facilitate their sale.
For in one sense God is «intervening» constantly — if by that we mean that God is perpetually sustaining us, loving us into existence, pouring God» s self into every secret crack and joint of the created process, and inviting the human will, in the lure of the Spirit, into an ever - deepening engagement with the implications of the Incarnation, its «groanings» (Romans 8), for the sake of redemption.
The implications of the constitutive relationality affirmed in CiV are stunning: no relations taken up by human beings in the course of their lives are purely contractual, -LSB-...] freedom is an act of choice only as already embedded in an order of naturally given relations (cf. 68) to God, family, others, and nature.
The first Implication is that a doctrine of God Inspired by emerging scientific models is speculative rather than dogmatic, not fixed in stone but open to new information and revisions.
31:33), binding the people to God and, by implication, to one another.
Here Joyce also discusses the changes in Tertullian's thinking with regard to the implications of penance, between the treatises De paenitentia, written while Tertullian was still in the catholic church, where «he had expressly taught that full and entire pardon is secured by penance,» and the later De pudicitia, where he «utterly denies the Church's power to absolve from any sin which deprives a man of the sonship of God conferred on him in baptism.»
By contrast, «to understand» (God or anything else) has been analyzed here in a way that excludes «essentialist» implications by insisting that to understand is itself not some one thing, but rather an indefinitely large number of capacities and abilitieBy contrast, «to understand» (God or anything else) has been analyzed here in a way that excludes «essentialist» implications by insisting that to understand is itself not some one thing, but rather an indefinitely large number of capacities and abilitieby insisting that to understand is itself not some one thing, but rather an indefinitely large number of capacities and abilities.
The other implication of this way of thinking about human nature is that we must not separate groups, classes or races of men by assigning to one the image of God and to the other the effects of the fall.
The second implication of the labor of thought proposed by Heidegger concerns language and consequently our effort to think the expression «word of God
The way my simple mind ascertains the implications of what that means is: Christ is God, God is love, so my thinking is to be guided by love.
But if changes in Christian morals are to this extent inevitable, what never changes is that the returning love for God in which faith by its very nature eventuates always has just such properly moral implications and that they always pertain to acting in the situation in a distinctive way — namely, so as to take account of all the interests affected by our action in order to realize these interests as fully as circumstances allow.
Voskuil is also by implication opposed to Lewis Ford's understanding of God as an ever - concrescing divine subjectivity which can not be prehended by worldly actual occasions.
The command is, you must love; the will is called to action, that is, the man is addressed, with the implication that he is placed by God under the necessity of decision and must decide through his free act.
«The implication for Jesus» prayer is this: As in this passage (Isaiah 51:19 - 22), where God will remove the cup of his wrath from his people after they have drunk it, so Jesus prays that the cup of God's wrath for sin, which he drinks for all, will in the same way be removed from his hand by the Father after he has drunk it.»
But as we are taught by our deepening insight into the dominant role of love in the world and the central place of man's response to that love, and as a consequence of our better understanding of human nature in its psychological depths, we are beginning to see ever wider implications of the truth that God wills and works for men to become men and in freedom to act like men.
He not only recognized, but was driven by, the ontological implications of this assertion: If the continuum hypothesis turned out to be true, Spinoza would be vindicated because God's infinity could be packaged into a neat series of numbers.
The implication in your post is that you NEED a god, and justify it by it's usefulness.
4:8, 16 --[Implications of God as Father] «expounded with moving insistence in the two [sic] epistles by St. John, the author of the Gospel.
Professor Ayala illustrates the very fashionable Catholic diffidence about the import of recent discoveries about the nature of the universe, whilst Clive Copus, who helpfully flags up the dominance of Ayala's school of thought at the Rome evolution conference last year, proposes the «Intelligent Design» (ID) argument that some parts of the universe point to God, and by implication that some don't do so nearly so well.
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