Sentences with phrase «by induction of labor»

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Being the scientist that you are, I am surprised that the drug having not been approved by the FDA for the specific use of labor induction would not have you raising at least one eyebrow.
I am stating that Cytotec was NEVER approved, by the FDA, to be used in the induction of labor.
While not fool - proof, some women decide to avoid the medical induction (therefore limiting the associated interventions) by trying natural means of getting labor started.
Also, the number of Cesarean sections dropped by 50 percent, oxytocin use for labor induction decreased by 40 percent, forceps use by 40 percent, and the average length of labor by 25 percent.
I have friends who lost their babies to preventable home birth accidents, attended by negligent midwives, and yet other friends who have lost babies because they refused induction of labor against the advice of their medical provider.
It has not been approved by the FDA for the induction of labor.
Recent declines in induction of labor by gestational age.
Unless it is the last resort, avoid medical intrusions such as labor induction, routine IV, delivery assisted by use of forceps, C - section, vacuum extraction, and episiotomy (rarely used nowadays).
«A better understanding of the pathways activated by telomere fragments and their contribution to fetal membrane senescence may contribute to the design of more effective labor assessment, perhaps including preterm birth risk and direct medical interventions for labor induction or prevention.»
While castor oil's effects on labor induction are still debated, the consumption of castor oil by pregnant woman has been shown to induce nausea.
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