Sentences with phrase «by informed people»

I believe the arguments for high gas decline rates are made by informed people who truly believe their results.
The topic is interesting — which is why I added my contribution in first of all quoting the AR4 definition of radiative forcing and then describing the relevant energy pathways as understood by informed people.
Considering Dr. Amy no longer practices, how is she possibly ensuring her job security by informing people of the proven risks of homebirth?
The new research finding has important policy implications, according to Dr Santella: «If rapid HIV testing was widely available in dental settings it could help to reduce the spread of the virus by informing people who aren't aware that they are HIV - positive.
I long for a weight machine free future, and it starts by informing people about the wool that has been pulled over their eyes: machines do not keep you safe.
«Bias is something that should be comprehensible by informed persons even if not legally trained.

Not exact matches

And since more people are informed by the front section of the paper, or their Facebook filter bubbles, than they are by the business pages, the politicians end up setting the tone.
Recognize that the way you behave, speak and engage with other people can and will inform these actions by others.
After weeks of silence, Amazon's retail team informed Nest employees on a conference call late last year that it would not list any of the newer Nest products recently announced by the company, according to a person familiar with the call.
Logging onto Facebook gives you the chance to be indignantly offended (or maybe just mildly piqued) by other people's ill - informed views and idiosyncratic behaviour.
Of course, this sort of expertise informed by an algorithm can make people deeply uncomfortable.
The strategy forum, which is led by Blackstone Group LP's Stephen Schwarzman, planned to inform the White House Wednesday before making the announcement public, according to another person familiar with the matter, who wasn't authorized to discuss the news publicly.
The content of this site is meant to inform investors, potential investors and their intermediaries, and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation by anyone in the United States or in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation.
This big data presentation does a pretty good job, but to sum it up, big data utilizes many of the digital footprints left behind by people thus allowing corporations to utilize that information to their advantage to build predictive models and make more informed decisions.
On Monday, Facebook began informing people whose data may have been compromised by Cambridge Analytica through an app developed by the researcher Aleksandr Kogan.
By bringing the right people together, and working collaboratively to inform both the industry and policy discussions, DCIIA seeks to serve as an unbiased, informed resource in support of the defined contribution community.
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His writing is informed by his experience guiding hundreds of people through their own life insurance buying journey.
«We will be reviewing the recommended redactions from DOJ and FBI, which these agencies shared with the White House, and look forward to conferring with the agencies to determine how we can properly inform the American people about the misleading attack on law enforcement by the GOP and address any concerns over sources and methods,» Schiff said.
The more I have tried to comprehend the nature of the Wesleyan tradition and to develop a theological method informed by its distinctive vision of Christianity, the more I have had difficulty understanding my own tradition and myself within the outlines of what most people seem to mean by evangelicalism.
I love all those things and I'm often informed by well - meaning people that if I were honest with myself I'd realize I'm ambitiously and greedily going after those things.
You want to claim that those people who murdered the natives were not «informed» by their Christianity and were just «people» and yet you want to claim that any atheist who commits evil is doing so BECAUSE of their atheism.
This moral discipline informs Fredriksen's effort to present her subjects as persons who loved, aspired, and suffered, rather than as mere ciphers moved by abstract historical or cultural forces.
Rather, the person and power of Jesus allow us to come boldly to the throne of grace through our prayers, are the focus of our worship, are a model for how we live, are the means by which we face the tragedies and turmoil all about us, and inform our eschatology.
The survey was conducted after the 2016 United States presidential election and polled more than 21,000 people described by organizers as «business leaders, informed elites and general citizens.»
Nevertheless, quite apart from the ill informed attacks upon something which never was the Christian Faith, there are some legitimate criticisms, made by sane and thoughtful people, which must be considered.
It is difficult at this point to imagine that any informed person is still unaware of these developments, for feature articles on recombinant DNA technology have been carried by national periodicals from the Atlantic Monthly and Harper's to Time magazine and even the Saturday Evening Post.
Christianity, socialism, and feminism are all alike in the sense that each has a logic of its own and attracts a wide following, while also being opposed by many well - informed and intelligent persons.
In these cases it may be appropriate for, say, a teenage girl who made a mistake one night and was not fully informed by either her parents (due to their beliefs or whatever), or, as happens more often than people would like to admit, was coerced into it, to have the option of abortion available.
I am embarrassed by some of the people that call themselves Christians and give the rest of Christianity a bad name... many Christians are well - informed, intelligent, and open - minded.
When Santorum couldn't admit he said he didn't want to improve black people's lives by giving them other people's money, even though the tape recording, taken together with the context of what he was saying, clearly shows that he said black, then that's dishonesty, that's lying, something that his christian faith should have informed him about.
The roots of this distinction lie in Augustine's thought: the service of private ends by private persons manifests cupiditas — wrongly directed, self - centered love or motivation — while efforts by those at the head of communities to serve the good of those communities show the effect of a concern for justice informed by caritas, rightly directed love.
In other words, they have neither gone the way of experience - rich evangelicalism, nor have they offered an experience that relates honestly to people informed by science and a humanistic world - view in their own lives.
If all people were by nature completely disposed toward the good, it would be necessary only to inform them of it, and the good society would be assured.
Such questions can be difficult - either inherently or contingently so» and imperfect or even unsound positions can be adopted by intelligent and well - informed people who are doing their very best to think honestly and carefully about them.
If the pro-life side truly wins a basic point, for example, by persuading people of the dignity of every human person» then that principle will begin to inform other life issues.
The young girls in the video tell their stories of being deemed «aggressive,» «loud,» «angry,» «unladylike,» and «rude» — all descriptors informed by stereotypes of black women and black people.
A person could be opposed to abortion, for example, because they believe that life begins at conception whether they are informed by religion or not.
You said «A person could be opposed to abortion, for example, because they believe that life begins at conception whether they are informed by religion or not.»
Chances are by a person who felt that what he or she felt was more important and that since we aren't talking about it 24/7 then we just needed to be informed and re-educated.
People theology is completely informed just by what is written in red letters in some editions of the Bible — the reported actual words of Jesus.
Maybe, just maybe, what we've been told the Bible says (assuming that informs our «paper theology») is somewhat askew, which would explain why our «paper theology» in turn is askew at times and needs adjusted by some «people theology.»
But perhaps one can derive a more encouraging lesson from the success of the slogan «Be Like Mike»: many people wish to be as gifted and as disciplined as Jordan is as an athlete, and their hopes and dreams are informed by an image of what they would like to become.
It appears that this statement was designed by Jesus to reveal a person's theology rather than inform it (which is the best way to change it).
He wants to see them do five things: «Initiate a focused approach to the claims of Islam; make a political and cultural analysis of the unique impact of the Islamic evangelization of black males; approach Islam on theological and evangelical levels; assess the geopolitical and strategic implications of Islam in Africa and South Asia, since the fortunes of black people in the U.S. are informed by what happens to blacks elsewhere In the world; and, mount a major effort to investigate the success of Islam in prisons.
They arose instead from the practices and the teachings of the ancient Hebrews, a people whose deep and widely celebrated commitment to learning was and still is informed by an epistemology that is profoundly communal in character.
Finally the assembly agreed on a number of guidelines for a new information order, including: the elimination of the imbalances and inequities brought on by media monopolies; a «better balanced dissemination of information and ideas»; freedom of the press and of information; and respect for each people's cultural identity and its right to inform the world about its «interests, aspirations and social and cultural values.
People need to cultivate the ability to stand back enough to gain aesthetic and intellectual «distance» between themselves and what they see in the media, and then, from a critical perspective informed by their own faith, look at what the media are doing and saying.
The common moral praxis of Jews and Christians is most definitely theologically informed by the doctrine we share in common: The human person, male and female, is created in the image of God.
But what they don't understand is, they had influenced others who were not as informed or devout, people who have experienced chaos and grief, and they sought a way out of all of this, by paying into Camping's ministry.
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