Sentences with phrase «by isolated»

Investigators are still working out what happened at The Lending Club and whether the problem was caused by an isolated incident or individual.
If you had a tough compliance policy and were following it, when the company, which might otherwise be blameless, is caught in an act committed by an isolated employee it can demonstrate that steps were taken to try and prevent anything from happening.
The court was not persuaded by isolated statements in the AIA legislative history indicating that AIA trials were intended to be a «complete substitute» for federal court litigation.
The recent «non-winter» effect in much of the real Upper Midwest has been accompanied by isolated «snow droughts» (2002 - 03, last year... jury still out on this one), but otherwise normal, near - normal, and above - normal levels of snowfall.
The IPCC is strengthened by this isolated failing!
A stretched canvas forms the work's primary structure; loosely applied paint, punctuated by an isolated cluster of thick, frenetic paint strokes, consolidates multiple layers of paper and fabric fragments, concealing much of the surface.
The objects are «looked at» by an isolated, purposefully unflattering self - portrait of the artist on an opposite wall.
Wake to absolute silence in a pristine world this morning, surrounded by isolated wilderness and spectacular vistas of extraordinary Milford Sound.
Specifically, claims of success were based on reports that omitted important factors for student learning and test score outcomes and utilized crude data supported by isolated, small effect sizes.
The Opportunity Culture models are full of career paths and variations that solve so many of the problems caused by isolated, inflexible, uniform teaching roles in most schools today.
One of the most pivotal moments of House of Cards «last season was President Frank Underwood being shot by an isolated detractor and plunged into a woozy, icy deathdream.
Though Ozu was discovered relatively late in the Western world, his trademark rigorous style — static shots, often from the vantage point of someone sitting low on a tatami mat; patient pacing; moments of transcendence as represented by the isolated beauty of everyday objects — has been enormously influential among directors seeking a cinema of economy and poetry.
While the force exerted by isolated single muscle fibers does not increase after strength training, the specific tension (the ratio of involuntary strength - to - size of the muscle does (Erskine et al. 2011).
When Dr. Price analyzed the foods used by isolated peoples he found that, in comparison to the American diet of his day, they provided at least FOUR times the water - soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat - soluble vitamins, from animal foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish, organ meats, eggs and animal fats — the very cholesterol - rich foods now shunned by the American public as unhealthful.
When Dr. Price analyzed the foods used by isolated peoples he found that, in comparison to the American diet of his day, they provided at least four times the water - soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat - soluble vitamins, from animal foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish, organ meats, eggs and animal fats — the very cholesterol - rich foods now shunned by the American public as unhealthful.
Similar to the pre-exhaust, again using the same muscle group, but this time you work the other way around so you would do a compound exercise first followed by an isolated exercise.
It is no wonder fish roe was so highly prized by isolated natives.
The photom... ▽ More Wide - field searches for transiting extra-solar giant planets face the difficult challenge of separating true transit events from the numerous false positives caused by isolated or blended eclipsing binary systems.
Abstract: Wide - field searches for transiting extra-solar giant planets face the difficult challenge of separating true transit events from the numerous false positives caused by isolated or blended eclipsing binary systems.
From preliminary epidemiology, pathogen isolation, and reproduction of the clinical disease by the isolated virus, BYDV, Koch's postulates were fulfilled, and a new flavivirus causing a serious duck disease was identified.
At the turn of the 20th century, projects such as the construction of telegraph lines and highways began pushing into the Brazilian Amazon, often cutting through territories inhabited by isolated tribes.
He argues that it was very likely a tame cat, because wild animals, when they were buried at all at this time, were represented only by isolated bones.
-LSB-...] Nothing can be achieved by isolated strikes, the parliamentary struggle, or the vote, because «private property is sacred», and the capitalists have accumulated such debts that the whole world is in bondage to a handful of men.»
Banners asking Wenger to leave after a 4 - 0 win against Hull and these chants after the Everton game show that the supporters» minds will not be swayed by isolated good results.
Amidst my groggy morning scroll I was stopped dead in my tracks by an isolated six - second - soundbite:
The «choice,» though, is not one faced by isolated women exercising private rights.
In the substantialist view, reality is constituted by isolated substances.
If reality is constituted by isolated substances, reality is fragmented.
But what do they share with religions such as those embraced by the ancient Greeks, the ancient Egyptians, early native American Indians, or the thousands of other religions made up by isolated cultures not influenced in any way by Christianity or its founding influences?
The announcement came days after the latest failed missile launch by the isolated state.
The complete economic picture requires a broader perspective than provided by those isolated on the cost or humanitarian side of the debate.
Hari has been able to convince big chains to make system - wide changes in the past by isolating one or two ingredients, such as the «yoga mat chemical» or corn syrup, that she feels are especially dangerous for customers and would be feasible for the company to cut.
Instead, by isolating Windows, he let the division's leadership come to that conclusion on their own.
This is done by isolating multiple systems that can be made to run on a single piece of silicon.
We began by isolating two problems in the logic and mathematics of Hegel's day which he attempted to deal with by means of his dialectical logic.
Everything in God's creation is interrelated, and one can not separate protection of the environment from protection of humanity: Again citing Benedict, Francis observes that «the world can not be analyzed by isolating only one of its aspects, since «the book of nature is one and indivisible,» and includes the environment, life, sexuality, the family, social relations, and so forth.»
But we are not able to do this by isolating a part of life, the part where the existence is related to itself and to its own being, but by becoming aware of the whole life without reduction, the life in which the individual, in fact, is essentially related to something other than himself.
If you really want to get rid of the extremists, you have to make them into insignificant bugs by isolating them from the own culture — praise the good muslims so they become Americans and not the enemy.
By isolating themselves from the sorts of self - inflating fantasies that choke love, they would learn how to love as God does.
Let us not create more radicals by isolating them.
But Nietzsche has also, we might add, made it eternal by isolating it from the movement of his history.
But where Nygren attacks the synthesis by isolating agape from eros as two utterly different conceptions of love, I shall try to show that he focuses on the wrong point.
Barry Callebaut's CEO, Antonine de Saint - Affrique, told us in China during the Ruby launch that the team developed the pink - colored and berry - flavored chocolate by isolating specific compounds in cocoa beans, yet it kept the detailed process a secret.
The purple range, which comes just one week after leading cocoa processor Barry Callebaut announced it has developed pink chocolate, derived naturally by isolating specific compounds in cocoa beans.
Commercial seed producers avoid cross-pollination by isolating varieties and planting them at least a mile from each other, which is farther than the average bee flies.
By isolating him against a lone WB instead of 2 CB he will gain that little extra space and be able to do more for the team.
Researchers are actively at work creating less invasive tests to screen for chromosome disorders in developing babies, such as by isolating the baby's genetic material from samples of the mother's blood.
One sergeant (now retired) from the 75th Precinct told Daley that Cuomo's father - in - law was an arsonist and that Cuomo had personally interfered with the investigation by isolating the father - in - law from detectives and by erasing his arson record from the state computer.
We shall therefore continue to use the column to mirror society, by isolating the topical issues of the moment for analysis and drawing attention to lapses so that they can be redressed.
However, sleuths including Alan Turing and Donald Michie at the Bletchley Park facility in Britain eventually broke the code by isolating certain repeated phrases and guessing what they might be — the once - fashionable «Heil, Hitler,» for instance.
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