Sentences with phrase «by kapha»

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In Ayurveda (Sanskrit for «science of life»), an approach to medicine that originated in India over 3,000 years ago, the day is segmented into doshas, called vata, characterized by air and movement, pitta (by fire and energy) and kapha (by earth and strength).
Called to action by vata, kapha responds by initiating production of insulin and glucagon to maintain balance.
The diet to balance kapha corresponds to the many of the low - fat, mostly vegetarian diets out there including that recommended by Dr. Dean Ornish, as well as those who advocate for raw food veganism.
In the science of life, known as Ayurveda, we think of mid - to late - winter as a kapha (earth and water) season characterized by cold, damp and heavy qualities.
Milk is considered kapha and has cold, wet and heavy energies, that is cows, goat less so I don't know about camel but by the sound it would be more balanced but probably still kapha.
Lung issues are often related to a kapha imbalance within the body, and you should start by eating for bringing your kapha into balance.
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