Sentences with phrase «by kids every year»

There is nothing more satisfying than decorating the Christmas tree with homemade ornaments made by the kids every year.
A heavy burden is placed on society by the common cold, accounting for as much as 40 percent of time away from work and countless days of school skipped by kids every year.

Not exact matches

For example, Ride - On Carry - On, a kid's chair that turns a rolling suitcase into a travel stroller, was invented by a flight attendant who needed a better solution for traveling with her two - year - old son.
The Alpina was built by Marcel Bach, a former farmer who capitalized on his land and now seems to own much of the village, and Jean - Claude Mimran, an agriculture billionaire who moved to Gstaad to be closer to his three sons who were attending Le Rosey, the until - recently Canadian - owned $ 100,000 - per - year private school that specializes in teaching kids how to be properly rich.
More recently, in late January of this year, Magnetar received another settlement of about $ 11 million, according to regulatory filings, from CEC Entertainment — the operator of Chuck E. Cheese kid - friendly restaurants — which it had sued seeking additional shareholder compensation in CEC's 2014 buyout by private equity firm Apollo Global Management (apo).
Three years before, as a 16 - year - old high school kid, Dan Price saw bar owners being gouged by big financial firms every time they swiped a patron's credit card.
That's the motto of a new charity - Classes 4 Classes was started this year - that encourages students to give back by sponsoring kids in other classrooms all over the United States by raising money and resources.
«I've gone from being bullied by jocks as a kid to being bullied by nerds as an adult,» says the 41 - year - old stand - up comedian.
When it was acquired by Dell a little over nine years ago, many in the gaming industry saw it as a lame attempt by a stodgy corporation to buy its way into the «cool kids» club.
What's more, this change flies in the face of almost everything we've been told by so - called experts about raising successful kids — at least for the past 15 years or more.
As well, points out Jurock, the recreational and retirement property boom of a few years ago was «driven by Dad,» whose investing prowess during the stock market run - up put him in a position not only to buy that retirement dream home but to front the kids a down payment for their own place.
The Late Show host also spoke to Cook about his decision last year to publicly announce that he is gay, as well as the Apple CEO's efforts to increase the company's charitable works: «It became so clear to me that kids were getting bullied in school, kids were getting discriminated against, kids were even being [disowned] by their own parents,» Cook said.
The ravages of older age take more of a toll on us all each year, with previously good friends now finding all of their time taken up by kids and family, a never - ending crush of career - related busy - ness, or just plain, simple laziness.
By putting hundreds of kids between ages 18 months and 12 years old in a room to play with 80 toys — and then having them vote on their favorites — the company identified five toy trends ahead of the holidays:
What's worse, investors who pulled «profits» out of their Madoff accounts within the past six years may be forced by the bankruptcy court to give it back — even though they may have used it to buy a house or pay for their kids» college tuition.
One of the newest kids on the block, EightyTwo was founded this year in L.A.'s hip Arts District by Scott Davids and Noah Sutcliffe in homage to the year 1982, often referred to as the «Golden Age of the Arcade.»
Most kids are native technology users by the time they enter elementary school, with 8 out of 10 5 - to -8-year-olds using mobile devices, compared with only half of all children just two years ago.
I see these headphones being used by young kids 7 - 10 years old all the way up to 50 - year - old gamers.»
Compared with earlier generations, Millennials are known to delay marriage and having kids by several years, and wait a few years before buying a car and property.
Common goals include: 1) retiring by a certain age, 2) saving enough for your kid's education, 3) saving enough for a downpayment on a home, 4) generating enough dividend income to pay for basic expenses, and 5) consistently growing your net worth by 10 % a year.
Earlier this year, Kenney provided the inspirational spark for the idea by telling the Calgary Herald in March that «parents have a right to know what's going on with their kids in the schools unless the parents are abusive.»
While research from Common Sense Media shows that 84 percent of kids has a smartphone by 13 or 14 years old and another study shows...
My thinking is that by setting the kids up with a backstop for their golden years, they wouldn't have to prioritize saving the way I have been, and instead could take jobs they enjoy and (i hope) they think are useful in society.
Sarah and Matt also discuss a new white paper on the effects of redshirting in kindergarten (delaying a kid's start by a year), which suggest that being old for one's grade may result in higher test scores, increased college attendance, and reduced likelihood of incarceration for juvenile crime.
When women have kids during these years, they are most affected by the wage gap
Rooted in a personal development regiment since 4 years old and based on Napoleon Hill and Dr. Dennis Kimbro's Think and Grow Rich book models, Ian is currently conducting interviews with highly successful people from various industries to be included in his upcoming book on success for kids (written by a kid) entitled, Dream Hustle Code.
Most recently his work caught the eye of Forbes and was featured in an article entitled, The 12 - Year - Old Entrepreneur That Will Take Global Tech & The World By Storm Ian works closely with Dream Hustle Code, to help level the playing field for kids from communities that have traditionally been left out of the tech industry.
I've been known to sit on the lawn in the sun and make doctor appointments, and I listen to fun audiobooks while driving to pick up kids and while cleaning the house (I just listened to A Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes and I highly recommend it).
«By starting as early as 3 - years - old, your kids can grow up to be part of a more prepared and financially savvy generation.»
Just like the kids have to eventually move to their own homes, existing homeowners can't keep saving money by refinancing every year.
When I was 7 years old, my dad used to listen to a CD with me called For Our Children, which was a compilation of kids music performed by Bob...
Even if some of that candy ended up in the pillowcases of trick or treaters, there is actually no way the estimated $ 2.7 billion America spent on Halloween candy this year was consumed by those kids — though it would explain America's obesity epidemic.
Apparently, dentists have been cashing in on Halloween candy for years by running buyback campaigns in an effort to eliminate the excess Halloween candy from kids.
On the contrary, over the years Mort and the kids have responded by following her lead, so that they too often take the initiative to stop the nasty spiraling.
It's been more than thirty years since Jesus turned everything right - side - up for my folks and I felt the weight of that choice at the table that night, watching all this little kid crew, another generation, all perched around my kitchen table by the light of candles in the darkness, telling us grown - ups all the things we already knew about Jesus.
Kids as young as 8 years old, swing machetes high over their heads to hack off cocoa pods, spray lethal pesticide without any protective gear, spend hours splicing open the pods with knives, with little clue that the end result of their labor is candy that will go on clearance by February 15th.
the third: kids graduating from elementary school are coddled by delusional parents haven't seen anything about this either, but seriously, why would you celebrate that you have 8 more years of school left?
Many of our constituents, who have built emotional attachments through years of building relationships with these kids, are devastated by this wrenching cutoff.
So I learned about the humanities in the way most of us do these days — by reading, by watching documentaries, by filmstrips (okay, so maybe kids today don't know what filmstrips are but shout - out to everyone over 40 years of age).
At an enrichment workshop one mid-years engineer declared during a session on life - investment planning, «I'm in work I no longer find challenging — trapped by economic necessity and by career decisions I made twenty - five years ago when I was a mere kid
A few years ago, my partner and I were pushing our kid down the sidewalk in her stroller when we were approached by some Mormon kids.
He called you by your last name (a practice I use to this day), he had a way of instilling fear into kids who would goof - off and cause distractions in other classes (a practice I was very much unable to duplicate during my one - year stint as an 8th - grade English teacher), and you had to run the gauntlet of sentence - diagramming grammar, which advanced to a pretty complex level, before the more «cool - teacher» aspects of Mr. Pacilio were unveiled — and even then, the tests on those rock songs were no joke!
Robyn Smith, a 30 - year - old unemployed, single - mother of three, came by a recent toy distribution event at Rudd's church to pick up items for her kids» Christmas gifts.
When German kids go to high school and college, alcohol isn't a big deal to them because they have been «trained» so to speak by their parents for many years beforehand.
Anyway, here are more booklists: The 11 - year - old Core texts: Voyages in English 7 The Old World and America All Creatures Great and Small: Life Science MCP Mathematics E, which we're finishing from last year followed by Saxon Algebra 1/2 Barron's Math Wizardry for Kids Amy Welborn's Prove It!
Having developed complex computer systems for more than 30 years it always brings out the worst in me when I see such half *** ed efforts by the wunder kids who took my job and professional life.
«Has sexual freedom helped the twenty - five - year - old woman with two kids by two men who are no longer around?»
The Florida Project takes a similar feel, thanks to both Vinaite's acting debut and Brooklyn Prince, a 6 - year - old Orlando native who steals the show by just being a kid.
After the fight, he is with his trainers, in tears because he was just humiliated in the ring by a kid who was a year younger, a couple inches shorter, and 20 pounds lighter.
Thus, after several years of getting the three middle kids «nurtured by love,» in Dr. Suzuki's words, Mom was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
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