Sentences with phrase «by kinesin»

The force exerted by kinesin - 5 in that process hasn't been previously measured.
By shining a laser light on a microscopic - sized plastic bead attached to a pair of microtubules linked by kinesin - 5 molecules, the team tracked their activity and discovered that this force is a function of the microtubule overlap — the longer the overlap, the greater the force.
The worm - like structures are microtubules driven by kinesin motor proteins.

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Things like HIV protease inhibitors, for example, or Kinesin - tubulin interactions do not appear to be covered by any of the subheads listed under these two headings.
Proteins called kinesins, for example, are natural nanomotors that support cellular functions such as mitosis (the chromosomal process that creates two nuclei from one parent nucleus) and meiosis (when the number of chromosomes per cell is reduced by one half).
A compound, adociasulfate - 2, was isolated from a marine sponge, Haliclona (also known asAdocia) species, that inhibited kinesin activity by targeting its motor domain and mimicking the activity of the microtubule.
A team of researchers led by Alipasha Vaziri, an associate professor and head of the Rockefeller's Laboratory of Neurotechnology and Biophysics, has found that a molecular motor, called Kinesin - 14, helps to guide the formation of a new microtubule along an existing one, and so directs the formation of bundles.
«Cell division: Physical forces involved in creating the mitotic spindle probed: The motor protein kinesin - 5 appears to help organize spindle's filaments by pushing or slowing them.»
The researchers found that the motor protein kinesin - 5 (green) helps prepare the spindle by organizing its filaments, or microtubules, (red) by pushing them or acting as a brake.
Originally identified as a protein essential for mitosis in fungi, kinesin - 5 was first purified about 20 years ago by Scholey's lab who found that it is unusual because it has motor units at both ends, allowing it to link two microtubules and walk them past each other.
In this example, the leading kinesin (LK) carries most of the load, with motor heads (blue) activated by a neck linker (yellow) that connects to the stalk (red) and senses the presence of the cargo.
Molecular Basis for Specific Regulation of Neuronal Kinesin - 3 Motors by Doublecortin Family Proteins.
Regulation of endosomal membrane traffic by a Gadkin / AP -1 / kinesin KIF5 complex.
Molecular Basis for Specific Regulation of Neuronal Kinesin - 3 Motors by Doublecortin Family Proteins % U
The kinesin - 8 Kip3 scales anaphase spindle length by suppression of midzone microtubule polymerization.
Vladimir Varga (Howard, MPG)-- «Characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin - 8 by single - molecule fluorescene microscopy» (2008)
«George was one of the first biophysicists who married experiments and theory by developing computational models of a bewildering variety of molecular machines — kinesin motor, flagellar rotary motor, RNA polymerase and protein translocation motors, «one - shot» actin polymerization motor and «slime - gun» motor of bacterial gliding,» Magilner said.
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