Sentences with phrase «by kriging»

question, why not construct some smooth surface - by kriging say - and find the average temperature based on that?
The range is given by the spread of values from ERA - Interim, JRA - 55, GISTEMP, HadCRUT4, a version of HadCRUT4 infilled by kriging from Cowtan and Way, and NOAAGlobalTemp, processed as discussed here, and discussed further below.
I used Geostatistics by Kriging to depict the spatial distribution of such anomaly.
But in the data gaps, it consists of satellite data that have been converted to near - surface temperatures, where the difference between the two is determined by a kriging interpolation from the edges.

Not exact matches

Charles and his mother, Mary (Alice Krige), are the last of a dying breed who are able to stay alive by feeding on the life force of young women.
What I will say is that as I was watching Ghost Story, there's this part where Krige, as the ghost Eva, promises her lover that she «will show [him] things [he's] never seen» in a supernaturally menacing sort of way that will be echoed exactly by Clive Barker's Cenobites in the novella The Hellbound Heart from 1986.
Prairie's adoptive mother is played by Alice Krige, or as Star Trek fans know her, the Borg Queen.
** / **** Image C Sound C starring Laura Harris, Richard Lintern, Francis Magee, Alice Krige screenplay by John Rice & Rudy Gaines directed by Richard Caesar
Directed by: Mick Garris Starring: Alice Krige, Brian Krause, Mädchen Amick, Ron Perlman MPAA Rating: R Distributed by: Image Entertainment Release Date: September 4, 2012 Running Time: 89 minutes
Combining facets of Dark Water and Rosemary's Baby with Dante's Inferno, the Orpheus legend, and the Old and New Testament (via scripture - quoting signs and Rose and Sharon's symbolic names), the film is detrimentally overstuffed with backstory, unbelievable protagonist behavior, and video game - worthy dialogue that doesn't improve even when spoken by a wraithlike Deborah Kara Unger or a psychotic Alice Krige.
Directed by: Jonathan Frakes Written by: Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore Starring: James Cromwell, Patrick Stewart, Alfre Woodard, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Alice Krige Produced by: Rick Berman Original Music by: Jerry Goldsmith
Seeking untangled answers, Rose soon finds herself caught between spooky, dreadlocked pariah Dahlia Gillespie (Deborah Kara Unger) and a group of repentant «others,» if you will, led by the frizzy - haired Christabella (Alice Krige).
* / **** Image A Sound A Extras B starring David Thewlis, Katie Carr, Jim Carter, Alice Krige screenplay by Simon Moore, based on the Dinotopia books by James Gurney directed by Marco Brambilla
Directed by Barbet Schroeder, the film follows Chinaski as he drinks his way across East Hollywood's seamier bars, matched glass for glass by fellow lush Faye Dunaway until a sexy literary patron played by Alice Krige takes an interest in Henry.
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Death and the Queen by James Goss, narrated by David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Alice Krige, Blake Ritson, Beth Chalmers, and Alan Cox, published by Big Finish Productions
Cowtan and Way circumvent both problems by using an established geostatistical interpolation method called kriging — but they do not apply it to the temperature data itself (which would be similar to what GISS does), but to the difference between satellite and ground data.
In statistics, originally in geostatistics, Kriging or Gaussian process regression is a method of interpolation for which the interpolated values are modeled by a Gaussian process governed by prior covariances, as opposed to a piecewise - polynomial spline chosen to optimize smoothness of the fitted values
Alternatively the Kriging approach adopted by the BEST project seems to me to be a promising tool for achieving near complete coverage over recent years, while degrading gracefully as we go back in time.
Though error estimation was not not done (more accurately, not reported or discussed) in the BEST study, kriging by its nature does a lot of error estimation.
They applied a new method that fills in missing temperatures over sea ice by combining satellite data for missing areas with a method known as «kriging,» which calculates missing data by checking nearby temperature station readings.
The attention to the kriging methodology notwithstanding, it seems to me that those most likely to be persuaded by BEST's arguments that UHI is no longer an issue will be the same people that did not see it as a major shortcoming of the data to begin with.
The data were interpolated using a kriging method (Schäfer - Neth et al. 2005), which basically takes into account data points in the vicinity of a location to be reconstructed, weighted by the ocean correlation structure.
to kokoda 6:07 pm You shall find some comments on that paper on the web site «climate dialogue» of Marcel Crook and other dutch scientists that complements well truth n ° 9 The «kriging» or homogeneization perpetrated by Sherwood seems to lower the credibility of the «data» used.
I might add that the adjusting, infilling, correcting, kriging etc described by Zeke are superimposed on the basic problem described by Ms. Gray in her comment to Watts: We have no intrinsic method of separating signal and noise, even given pristine temperature records, and the existing records are anything BUT pristine.
They also use EOF, so that does appear to be a better methodology than kriging, at least as [kriging is] implemented by BEST.
Why is it important that multi-century old data, collected by hand using data handling procedures that in general would earn a sophomore physics student a D -, at best, using instruments wholly unsuited to the task, be massaged, corrected, infilled, kriged, zombied, and otherwise tortured beyond recognition in order to tease out «anomalies» of small fractions of a degree / decade, if NOT for the `........
But when that value is kriged or extrapolated inland, then those polar shore ice effects are incorrectly amplified by being assigned to locations that are not much effected by the retreating shore ice.
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