Sentences with phrase «by learners in»

The theory and practice of social constructivism, which is based on the idea that knowledge is actively constructed by learners in supportive learning environments
This course is designed to get students thinking about appropriate and intentional interventions to address a variety of challenges faced by learners in the instructional setting.
«CCEA, as the Qualifications Regulator, has a statutory responsibility to ensure that qualifications taken by learners here are comparable to similar qualifications taken by learners in other parts of the United Kingdom.
This workshop helps educators and students understand that schools can become locations for passionate, effective action by all learners in all subject areas.
They contain easy - to - use lesson plans and activities that can be photocopied for use by learners in class or as homework.
Others use the progress made by learners in LearnUpon to build gamification and leaderboards outside their Learning Management System.
If the course utilizes job - aids or any resources, is it readily accessible by the learner in their learning environment?
Personalize the message by referring to any positive or helpful act demonstrated by the learner in the past.
Pull the small upshift paddle and the gearbox clunks into first, and my timid application of throttle makes the One - 77 chunter and judder away with all the grace of a Corsa driven by a learner in size - 12 wellies.

Not exact matches

In the interview, Schmittauer starts by explaining why incorporating video into your blogging strategy — either as a video blog or just as supplementary material — can improve your product and help visual learners understand what you're trying to say.
Learning circles are peer supported, facilitated by Library staff in Library spaces, and free for learners.
You can connect with Vishal on Twitter.Vishal is ably supported by Anshul Khare, who is an avid learner in various disciplines like psychology, philosophy, and spirituality with special interests in human behaviour and value investing.
In like manner, learning is not a source of liberating truth if truth is conceived as a finished structure of reality to be passively registered by the mind of the learner.
Just as the success of the computer depends upon the meticulous preparation of instructions by the programmer, omitting no step in the whole process, so it is assumed that the success of the human learner, who is believed to be (among other things) a very complex cybernetic mechanism, depends upon the scrupulous logical organization of teaching materials.
At most, the teacher «teaches» only indirectly by providing a context in which the learner may come to that combined self - knowledge and God - knowledge that is a «personal appropriation» of revealed wisdom.
because I needed help.Long story short.I am a slow learner and need time to absorb info.I don't like to just touch subject matter here and there.I like to go chapter by chapter and that takes to much time out of peoples busy day.O well, God has all the time in the world, and I have till I die.because I was on the computer a certain day, at a certain time, looking for a certain thing.
Error is then not only outside the Truth, but polemic in its attitude toward it; which is expressed by saying that the learner has himself forfeited the condition, and is engaged in forfeiting it.
In this manner the Teacher thrusts the learner away from him, precisely by serving as a reminder; only that the learner, in thus being thrust back upon himself, does not discover that he knew the Truth already, but discovers his Error; with respect to which act of consciousness the Socratic principle holds, that the Teacher is merely an occasion whoever he may be, even if he is a GoIn this manner the Teacher thrusts the learner away from him, precisely by serving as a reminder; only that the learner, in thus being thrust back upon himself, does not discover that he knew the Truth already, but discovers his Error; with respect to which act of consciousness the Socratic principle holds, that the Teacher is merely an occasion whoever he may be, even if he is a Goin thus being thrust back upon himself, does not discover that he knew the Truth already, but discovers his Error; with respect to which act of consciousness the Socratic principle holds, that the Teacher is merely an occasion whoever he may be, even if he is a God.
In so far as the learner was in Error by reason of his own guilt, this conversion can not take place without being taken up in his consciousness, or without his becoming aware that his former state was a consequence of his guilIn so far as the learner was in Error by reason of his own guilt, this conversion can not take place without being taken up in his consciousness, or without his becoming aware that his former state was a consequence of his guilin Error by reason of his own guilt, this conversion can not take place without being taken up in his consciousness, or without his becoming aware that his former state was a consequence of his guilin his consciousness, or without his becoming aware that his former state was a consequence of his guilt.
If the Teacher serves as an occasion by means of which the learner is reminded, he can not help the learner to recall that he really knows the Truth; for the learner is in a state of Error.
It is clear also that having such trust in the other means at some level that the learner is entrusting herself to the other by relinquishing the sort of control that subjects normally have over the objects they are studying.
In response to the questions of the learners, the teacher may join in the search by sharing the biblical onlook, which may need to be established by careful Bible study, including attention to the Bible's use of languagIn response to the questions of the learners, the teacher may join in the search by sharing the biblical onlook, which may need to be established by careful Bible study, including attention to the Bible's use of languagin the search by sharing the biblical onlook, which may need to be established by careful Bible study, including attention to the Bible's use of language.
In the case of learning people, both the learner and the one being learned are subjects: the spirit that enables one person to overleap the boundary of the body in knowledge and love and to incorporate the other in the self is matched by the same spirit in the otheIn the case of learning people, both the learner and the one being learned are subjects: the spirit that enables one person to overleap the boundary of the body in knowledge and love and to incorporate the other in the self is matched by the same spirit in the othein knowledge and love and to incorporate the other in the self is matched by the same spirit in the othein the self is matched by the same spirit in the othein the other.
In any case, a theological school according to this utopian proposal would reject central features of the Berlin model by denying that the capacities it cultivates in its learners are capacities for «theory» (in the «Berlin» sense of the term) which are subsequently to be «applied.&raquIn any case, a theological school according to this utopian proposal would reject central features of the Berlin model by denying that the capacities it cultivates in its learners are capacities for «theory» (in the «Berlin» sense of the term) which are subsequently to be «applied.&raquin its learners are capacities for «theory» (in the «Berlin» sense of the term) which are subsequently to be «applied.&raquin the «Berlin» sense of the term) which are subsequently to be «applied.»
In the ACT, for instance, learners of the Japanese language increased by a stunning 254 % between 2008 and 2011.
A firm believer in early training («Kids are the best learners there are, and the older they get, the longer it takes to teach them»), Colleen had all the children swimming by the age of 3, swinging golf clubs, tennis rackets and baseball bats by 4, skiing, bike and horseback riding, playing basketball and football ever since they were 5.
By understanding and respecting childhood, we help children grow into whole - hearted learners, practiced in thoughtful inquiry and critical thinking.
Life Learners Creating Change - Life learning parents create change by modeling self - reliant thinking and trust in our decisions about how our families live.
Role Playing How to Be a Good Friend by Mom Inspired Life Songs About Friendship for Kinder and Pre-K by Capri +3 Teaching Kids About Friendship and Being a Good Friend by Raising Lifelong Learners Making Friends: Teaching Kids to Learn and Respect Different Names by Munchkins and Moms How to Play with Friends a Preschoolers Visual Guide and Game by Powerful Mothering Helping Your Homeschooler Socialize by Still Playing School Making Friends Even When You Are Homeschooled by Learning 2 Walk Making Friends: Qualities We Look For in Friends by Tiny Tots Adventures Book Friends by Growing Book by Book Tips for Helping Preschoolers BE a Good Friend!
By the end of the year, some collections were already placed in new permanent homes, first - floor restrooms were renovated with a new entrance, and a new literacy office for English language - learners was unveiled on the second floor, said Brian Shepard, the library's director of operations.
As parents our job is to nurture and teach and I believe any teaching can be done in a humane, respectful manner accepted by both teacher and learner.
The new guidelines build on the 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting published by FOSI in 2016, and are designed to provide additional support for parents raising unique learners.
At the short ceremony held in Kirikiri Prison, the vice-chancellor, who was represented by the Director of NOUN's Learner Support Services, Prof. Nebath Tanglang, expressed delight over Ajogbor's feat despite the fact that he is incarcerated.
The calculated growth is determined by a New York State Education Department (NYSED) formula that factors in poverty, a student's prior test scores, whether a student has repeated a grade, whether a student is an English language learner or a student with disabilities.
Already, the Special Adviser disclosed that identified organizations have expressed commitment to join hands with the State by providing spaces in markets, mechanic villages and religious centres for the tutelage of adult learners.
Both the chancellor and transport secretary apologised in the Commons after 25 million child benefit claimants and three million learner drivers had their identities lost by government blunders in the last two months of 2007.
Although adopted by the Bush Administration, the current U.S. Department of Education has taken an inflexible stance, particularly in regard to children with special needs and English Language Learners (ELL).
An English learner in the El Paso metropolitan area, for example is nearly twice as likely to be reclassified by the end of seventh grade compared to a student performing at the same level in the Rio Grande Valley.
In the next group, a second student learned how to make the tools by simply watching the first subject and trying to duplicate what he or she did with no interaction at all between them; in the third group, subjects actively showed each other what they were doing but without gesturing; in the fourth group, gesturing and pointing were allowed but no talking; and in the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessarIn the next group, a second student learned how to make the tools by simply watching the first subject and trying to duplicate what he or she did with no interaction at all between them; in the third group, subjects actively showed each other what they were doing but without gesturing; in the fourth group, gesturing and pointing were allowed but no talking; and in the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessarin the third group, subjects actively showed each other what they were doing but without gesturing; in the fourth group, gesturing and pointing were allowed but no talking; and in the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessarin the fourth group, gesturing and pointing were allowed but no talking; and in the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessarin the fifth group, the «teacher» was permitted to talk to the «learner» and say whatever was necessary.
Volunteers designated as «teachers» were asked by an experimenter to continue upping the intensity of what they thought were electric shocks to a «learner» — who was actually in league with Milgram — who erred time and again on a word - recall test.
Before the consortium came together, he had participated in sequencing the genomes of two vocal learners, a songbird and a parrot, but he knew he couldn't do all of the additional sequencing and analysis work that would be required to identify genes related to vocal learning — not by himself, at least — so he teamed up with Genome 10K, a project aiming to collect genomes for 10,000 vertebrate species.
While Jarvis and Genome 10K were deciding which avian genomes to sequence, with Jarvis making sure the list included vocal learners and species believed to be their close relatives, they learned about another collaboration in the works led by Guojie Zhang of Chinese sequencing giant BGI and University of Copenhagen evolutionary biologist Tom Gilbert.
Free online courses from educational platforms such as Coursera, co-founded by Koller in 2012, offer a way for learners in developing countries in particular to gain new technical skills or take the business classes that pave the way for a career change.
The study investigated the changes experienced by adult learners participating in liberal adult education courses during a course of one year.
Naïve bees were then able to learn the task by observing a trained demonstrator bee while this skill was passed down through several generations of learners, ensuring its longevity in the population.
This is a long term project spanning many years that allows us to answer some questions about the natural trajectory of learning and how it's affected by variations in learners and their environment,» said Levine.
A further understanding of cognitive development in young students, Orosco said, both by researchers and educators working with English - language learners, could ultimately lead to better reading instruction for all students, improved measurement processes and fewer students unnecessarily being placed in special education classes.
By the time they reach third grade, English - language learners may begin to struggle with a more challenging reading curriculum, and because of this, their school may examine them more closely for comprehension challenges and may eventually refer them to the school's special education team for a learning disability diagnosis in their second language without fully assessing them in their native language.
The learner driver is shown a three - dimensional artificial environment by projection onto a wall in front of the vehicle and three monitors for the rear - view mirrors.
The Clothes Line is a resource by Oxfam exploring cotton production and the textile industry in India for learners aged 7 — 11.
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