Sentences with phrase «by liberation»

My work is underpinned by liberation rather than benevolence or charity.
Until 2009, B010 had lived in an area of Sri Lanka controlled by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam («LTTE»), where he worked as a mechanic and fisherman.
Put differently, the liberation of world markets, a process powered by the liberation of unprecedented amounts of fossil fuels from the earth, has dramatically sped up the same process that is liberating Arctic ice from existence.
There are a couple of enemy types that require more than a simple counter or swing of the sword, so a bit more attention is required, but the quality of the combat is often squandered by Liberation's frequent bugs.
He was also a Catholic convert and largely as a result of his influence I became interested in theology (although Hutch became a conservative Catholic in his later years while I ventured into the chilly hinterlands of the Jesuit mind to explore abstruse books deemed by the guardians of the faith as heretical, works by liberation theologians and apostates).
Perhaps you might find yourself a bit anxious and unnerved by this liberation; maybe in a way it's easier to narrow your life focus to calories and consumption.
Flanked at the other end by Liberation Square, the land in between is being developed to provide a «Covent Garden'type experience with café culture, restaurants and boutique type retailers.
Currently the most influential version, of course, is associated with movements shaped by liberation theologies: We come to understand God as we are a part of a community that is united by a common history of oppression and struggles for liberation by radically changing the arrangements of economic and social power that have made the oppression systemic in our society.
Because of the love, concern and care that this God shows to those who call on him / her, the God portrayed by liberation theology is able to elicit human response of faith and trust.
If the liberationist «analysis» of poverty and oppression in Latin America can no longer be credited, what political hope for the future has been bequeathed to the poor by liberation theology?
This is chiefly because in the latter part of the twentieth century, and led by liberation theologians, we have come to view science sociologically.
It appears that reproductive self - determination would go a long way toward real liberation (especially given the problems of overpopulation in the third world), but this issue has not been addressed by the liberation theologians.»
The EATWOT, a fellowship of theologians of the Third World who are heavily influenced by the liberation theology of Latin America, met in Delhi in 1981.
Preamble to Black Theology [Doubleday, 1973] I contend that the theodicy question as revised by liberation theologies will force Christian theism to the position of humanocentric theism, the form of contemporary theism in which the principle of functional ultimacy is most explicit.)
This granted, the burning question, asked again and again by Liberation Theology, concerns what image of God we have and what this implies for our life.
In this they were greatly influenced by Liberation theologies.
Likewise, process thinkers, if they are to have any real impact on the contemporary scene, must come to grips with the urgent social justice issues raised by liberation theologians.
Process thinkers must come to grips with the urgent social justice issues raised by liberation theologians.
But Lakeland would see Morris's interpretation of Whitehead as illustrating the charge by liberation theologians that Whitehead and process thought in general are counterrevolutionary instruments serving the status quo.
It has been raised again more recently in the face of the cultural challenges to dominant western theological formulations by liberation, feminist and Asian theologians.
It was dramatized by Mary Daly, theologized by Rosemary Radford Ruether and advocated by liberation theology.
Yet even if many of the questions posed by liberation theology are relevant, one can not necessarily respond to them with identical answers or even necessarily apply the same method in obtaining those answers.
Influenced by liberation theologies, we rightly recognize that all humans, particularly the poor, are our neighbors.
But the fundamentalists are popular with the Pinochet government because of their political conservatism and emphasis on passive acceptance of authority — in contrast to socially activist Catholic groups inspired by liberation theology.
Jon Sobrino has written that as long as there is suffering, poverty, exclusion and premature death on an immense scale — which is ever more the case in Latin America — there will be need for a theology (whatever its name) that poses the kinds of questions posed by liberation theology.
Seminaries, especially those that have been influenced by liberation theologies, recognize that professional ministerial education should not be defined only as meeting the institutional needs of the churches.
Some are most impressed by liberation movements and the new recognition of the liberating power of the gospel.
Hedström, living in Latin America for many years and deeply influenced by liberation perspectives, has published several works at the interface of liberation theology and ecology.
The theology of the fourth church is, of course, being formulated by the liberation theologians of the southern continent — José Míguez Bonino, Juan Segundo.
Novak leaves the reader with the impression that Latin America's devastating poverty is the result of the «misbegotten form of social analysis» employed by the liberation theologians.

Not exact matches

The rest of the tale is hearsay: that a heavily indebted Heywood, a former family friend and fixer who had helped get Bo junior into Harrow (Heywood's prestigious alma mater in England) had demanded a bigger cut of a business deal; that he threatened to expose underhanded dealings by Gu if he didn't get it; that Bo's police chief, Wang Lijun, had confronted him over the alleged murder (the death was originally put down to alcohol poisoning), after which Wang sought asylum at an American consulate; that Gu had shown up at a police station in a People's Liberation Army major - general's uniform to announce that she was under special orders from Beijing to «protect» Comrade Wang; that the couple had plotted to assassinate Wang and came up with three separate storylines to avoid being implicated.
For some, the liberation of living in the city of their choosing is worth the risk of being caught or judged by their peers.
Iraq's liberation from Saddam Hussein and his criminal underlings by the coalition of the willing last year has breathed life into many Labor activists — including Federal Labor leader Mark Latham — who are afflicted by anti-Americanism and / or pacifist inclinations.
Russia, China, and other Asian countries have figured out that the dollar reserve system is the mechanism of their economic enslavement and have started to prepare their liberation by accumulating gold in a big way before gold is formally reinstated as the world reserve currency or as a big part of that new reserve currency.
Darryl Garth of Solomonstouch suggests that cryptocurrencies will improve the world «by creating economic liberation from centralized powerhouses and create a healthier global economy that is fair, sustainable and decentralized.»
By the time liberation arrived, Geoff had made up his mind that he wanted to pursue ordination.
Overall, however, these traditional liberation concerns were either absorbed or left behind by the new green paradigm dominant at the Assembly.
Led by the indefatigable Philip Potter, former WCC General Secretary, the report evoked now - familiar liberation themes.
It might refer either to a project of liberation begun in 1789 or to a nation born in 496 by an archbishop's baptism of a king.
Praxiology theology is nothing more than atheistic and materialistic Marxism wearing the cloak of a saint and in South America it is known as «Liberation theology» (to this day, I know of no one liberated from any sort of oppression by it).
«Liberation theology is for the most part out of favor in Latin America because it has been largely deemed by indigenous people as increasingly irrelevant,» Raschke says.
He refused to believe that the false ideas of the human person and human history embodied in communism could divide Europe indefinitely; and by igniting a revolution of conscience behind the iron curtain, the man the last president of the Soviet Union called «the world's greatest moral authority» became an agent of liberation for his Slavic brethren and the precursor of new possibilities in international affairs.
His 1948 book was indeed moderate by comparison with the enthusiastic Marxism of the liberation theologians who were to come.
Even leaving out the idea I was also taught, that removing oneself from the system was a laudable act of counter-cultural liberation, with which I still have some sympathy, to teach one's children oneself, being able to choose curricula and readings and customize the teaching to every child's needs and gifts, is the kind of thing I was taught, by teachers of impeccable liberalism, to praise.
Animal - rights activists are up in arms about a recent statement by Peter Singer ¯ a bioethics professor at Princeton's Center for Human Values who was, once upon a time, beloved by those activists for his 1975 book Animal Liberation.
While having enough respect for Michael Novak to read him with openness and humility, I was left disturbed by some of his insinuations in the article, «Liberation Theology» What's Left» (June - July).
According to Tibetan tradition, the Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State was composed in the 8th century by Padmasambhava, written down by his primary student, Yeshe Tsogyal, buried in the Gampo hills in central Tibet and subsequently discovered by a Tibetan terton, Karma Lingpa, in the 14th century
If we don't speak — if our church leaders don't speak — we'll be absorbed into our culture's way of thinking, and our children will be catechized by progressive creeds of sexual liberation.
It has got away for so long with the kind of lunatic word - games that allow death - by - torture to be presented as an act of love, and eternal torment in the flames of hell to be seen as a necessary act of justice, that we should perhaps not be surprised that it has also managed to dupe its followers into seeing the systematic suppression and silencing of women as an act of liberation and equality.
He arrives at this standpoint by first claiming that the actual form and practice of liberation theology attends only to the concrete liberation of specific groups (PIPT vii - viii).
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