Sentences with phrase «by liquidating their assets»

Bankruptcy helps people who can no longer pay their debts get a fresh start by liquidating assets to pay their debts or by creating a repayment plan.
The trustee works hard in order to pay back the creditors as much as possible by liquidating your assets, and the more assets the trustee recovers from you, the more the trustee is paid.

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More recently, a more shareholder - friendly board has reined in the manager and are working towards liquidating all assets by the end of 2019.
After a quick game of tennis, Dino manages to insinuate himself into Giovanni's business by virtually liquidating all of his assets and buying into his hedge fund.
The diagrams were convincing, but in the end Ajarry was another asset liquidated by order of the magistrate.
Bankruptcy: A legal procedure where the debtor's assets are liquidated by the court to account for financial obligations.
In that plan, excess cash would be immediately distributed to shareholders, with the remaining assets to be liquidated in a timely and orderly manner over the coming months by a shareholder appointed fiduciary, with all proceeds being distributed directly to shareholders immediately upon receipt.
However, in order to wipe tax debts clean you will need to liquidate non-exempt assets (determined by each state), and meet certain qualifications or conditions.
After the article was published, I was contacted by Scottrade and pointed to another Scottrade announcement this past August when FocuseShares decided to shut down all 15 ETFs offered through Scottrade and liquidate all the assets held in those funds.
Symons Small Cap Institutional Fund (SSMIX) has decided to liquidate, done in by «the Fund's small asset size and the increasing regulatory and operating costs borne by the adviser.»
An exit strategy is a contingency plan that is executed by an investor, trader, venture capitalist or business owner to liquidate a position in a financial asset or dispose of tangible business assets once certain predetermined criteria for either has been met or exceeded.
Filing a Chapter 7 is the type of bankruptcy most affected by assets you list because all non-exempt assets YOU OWN will be liquidated to pay off unsecured debts.
By Pledging Assets, a borrower eliminates the need to liquidate assets to obtain the cash needed for a down payment, avoids capital gains taxes associated with such liquidation, maintains a more liquid position, and continues to benefit from any future earned interest, dividends, and appreciation in their pledged aAssets, a borrower eliminates the need to liquidate assets to obtain the cash needed for a down payment, avoids capital gains taxes associated with such liquidation, maintains a more liquid position, and continues to benefit from any future earned interest, dividends, and appreciation in their pledged aassets to obtain the cash needed for a down payment, avoids capital gains taxes associated with such liquidation, maintains a more liquid position, and continues to benefit from any future earned interest, dividends, and appreciation in their pledged assetsassets.
The trustee is then allowed to liquidate certain bankruptcy estate assets to generate funds to repay creditors in priority order established by bankruptcy laws.
In addition, if the filer has joint assets with a spouse, such as a bank account or a home, the entire asset can be liquidated by the bankruptcy court in order to satisfy the creditors of the individual, even if only the individual is filing bankruptcy, depending on the laws of the state where you live.
I may have enough assets now to cover them if I were to liquidate them all, but technically I'm worth more dead that alive, since there's no guarantee that I won't killed by a meteor or gas explosion today.
The purpose of doing this is to free up assets and distribute the valuation among your creditors by liquidating them.
If you do decide to file, the court will appoint a trustee to review your debts, collect your nonexempt assets, and liquidate them to repay your creditors in priority order determined by the bankruptcy court.
Apparently, many mutual fund companies do not want to lose the assets that they already have captured in their inferior new funds by liquidating them and issuing refunds.
Though some assets are protected by law — a court can't force you to liquidate a 401 (k) to pay a judgment, for example, and states protect both traditional and Roth IRAs — second homes, non-retirement investment accounts and future earnings are all up for grabs.
When a nation like Greece is in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like The Netherlands are in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like the U.K. is in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like Switzerland is in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like China is in ecological deficit, it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like Italy is in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
When a nation like India is in ecological deficit it meets demand by importing, liquidating its own ecological assets and / or using the global commons by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A country can use more natural resources and services than its ecosystems can regenerate by liquidating its own ecological assets and / or emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
In a Chapter 7, Debtors are permitted to retain certain «exempt» property, while the remaining assets are liquidated by the trustee.
The conversion can be accomplished by dissolving the corporation and forming an LLC with the assets of the liquidated corporation, although some states offer a simplified conversion process.
By having the mortgage payments paid for one year, Bob and Suzanne's children would have time to grieve properly, liquidate assets, get the home ready for sale, and not have to sell the house quickly to get the best possible pricing.
Leaving funds to your heirs by way of a survivorship life insurance policy can help ensure that assets won't have to be liquidated in order to pay a tax bill.
Leaving your significant other with enough readily available cash to cover your final expenses allows them to better preserve their retirement savings by not having to liquidate assets.
If the amount a driver owes for bodily injury and / or legal fees exceeds the coverage provided by their policy, they will be forced to spend money from their savings or liquidate assets to pay their debts.
These payouts, called Survival Benefits, aim to liquidate some of the financial assets from the plan for use by the Policyholder
A statement issued by NLAR to its members says that «PWC's primary role will be to secure BMO's position as the primary lender» and will take possession of all assets belonging to Exit Realty on the Rock, which will be liquidated to pay off the outstanding debt owed to BMO.
Under Chapter 7 of the federal Bankruptcy Code, all of the debtor's nonexempt assets (each state provides that some assets are exempt from the federal Bankruptcy Code) are liquidated by the trustee and distributed to creditors.
By liquidating a non-core asset, real estate, firms can use the money to grow their businesses.
A Receivership is a court action, whereby a Receiver (similar to a Trustee) is appointed by a Court of Law to manage real estate for such time as needed to prosecute a lawsuit, or to manage and / or liquidate real estate assets for the benefit of a judgment creditor.
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