Sentences with phrase «by materialism»

As I lie dying I hope to be able to reflect on the fact that I brought nothing into this world and I can take nothing out and so make reparation for all the times I have bowed the knee to a society dominated by materialism.
Success is often blind - sided by materialism, and measured by the white picket fence, but no amount of money can purchase the character traits you've cultivated.
This view is rejected by materialism which admits no inner reality to non-human entities.
Some may be bothered by the materialism involved in two - salary families; yet how one relates to money and what it stands for is a concern for every one of us, whether we have a mite or millions.
In this country, it is very very hard not to be seduced by materialism.
While maintaining that the Church has not contradicted its teaching on usury, I do not think we can say the banking system itself is intrinsically sinful or evil, although it may be misused by men driven solely by materialism and profit.
He was also shocked by the materialism and promiscuity of American life (the Kinsey report had recently appeared), as well as the shallowness and spiritual hucksterism of the American churches.
Philistines: a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values.
I would mean by materialism the view that there are some parts of nature where there is nothing psychical, nothing mental, nothing spiritual at all.
The first is the assumption by materialism that physical reality is mindless stuff.
Jason Carroll, BYU professor of marriage and family studies, and two graduate students, Ashley LeBaron and Heather Kelly, have provided more insight into what may be one of the roots of the dissatisfaction caused by materialism — a diminished view of the importance of marriage itself.
Spirituality is generally thought to be undermined by materialism.
The living conditions fabricated by materialism and consumerism are depicted through Conteh's paintings that render slices of life and portraits that define this moment in time by people's dress, tattoos and hairstyles.
Later joined by sculptors Cesar (1921 - 98) and Niki de Saint Phalle (1930 - 2002), as well as the empaquetage (wrapping) artists Christo & Jeanne - Claude, these confident young artists proclaimed their «new sense of reality» and their determination to create a new concept of art which reemphasized the paramount importance of humanism in a society becoming more and more dominated by materialism.
Jim Gallagher has grasped something fundamental - that Pope John Paul sought to give people back their own identity, so often robbed from them by materialism, by political oppression or by poverty.
By materialism I mean both the passion for spending money and accumulating possessions, and the view that the material world is the only reality, with belief in a spiritual dimension being considered a throwback to primitive superstition.
Since the Enlightenment it's been stripped away, gradually as you said, by materialism and relativism.
Tellingly, Zvyagintsev last took on the topic of government corruption with his Cannes hit «Leviathan,» here's it's the delusions brought on by materialism that are on his mind.
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