Sentences with phrase «by means of this data»

By means of this data the DSP incorporates upcoming curves in its gearshift strategy — it avoids unnecessary gear changes on narrow roads, for example.
Furthermore, data subjects will be informed of their rights by means of this data protection declaration.
By means of this data protection declaration, our company would like to inform the public about the type, scope and purpose of the personal data collected, used and processed by us.

Not exact matches

That meant her studies produced data on how men and women approached various negotiating games both before and after the election of Donald Trump (these negotiations were generally conducted via chat so they could be objectively scored by other experts).
The U.S. Senate voted today to repeal a set of rules approved under the Obama administration that were meant to safeguard consumer data from being collected by internet service providers without a user's knowledge or consent.
Most of the homebuilders are U.S. - based, meaning they benefited from the tax cuts, are shielded from tariffs and could be helped by rising wages and higher labor participation, a largely overlooked data point in the Bureau of Labor Statistics» report.
An estimated 90 percent of US businesses are family owned and, although data is hard to come by, that means that many of the 4.3 million small businesses that closed last year were family businesses, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Big Data means different things to different people, but Farrell defines it as what happens when the information gathered by a company becomes too big to manage, either because of its volume, variety or complexity.
By transparency, I mean they have full price transparency (know what they are paying for media vs. data vs. services vs. tech), they have attribution transparency (see each individual vendor's contribution to the sales funnel), they have audience transparency (know where their data is sourced from), and channel transparency (know distribution of ads on desktop, mobile, etc.).
Their absence meant open season for sellers, who responded by pulling a record $ 30.6 billion from equity funds, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) data.
And by robust, Zuckerberg doesn't mean the entire world will be streaming House of Cards on Netflix, but people in developing countries may be willing to pay for add - on services like weather and food pricing data.
This means that business owners who track keyword data provided by Google on search traffic are now out of luck as keywords won't be supplied for these secure searches.
This means that computers could have the benefits of data delivered by light — high speeds, no heat caused by electronic resistance, and no interference from electromagnetic radiation — but would also be able to slow that data down enough so that computers chips could do something useful with it.
In a study released by Citrix Systems in June, data showed that «Google Maps is preferred over Apple Maps on iOS devices throughout most of the world,» meaning most people would rather download the Google app on their iPhone than use the one that comes pre-loaded onto their device.
Using mean values suggests that Canada lags the US by about 17 % (2009 data Wikipedia, but if one uses median values, the gap drops to about 7 % (see this Mark Thoma blog for the Distribution of Income in OECD Countries.
And selling now would mean fetching nearly the highest valuation among industry acquisitions of size announced in the past decade, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
If you see this notification, that means you are one of the millions of users who were affected by the data breach.
But in a memo to employees announcing the hiring of Mr. Talwar last month, Goldman's chief executive, Lloyd C. Blankfein, and its president, Gary D. Cohn, noted that «the traditional means by which financial services are delivered to consumers and small businesses is being fundamentally reshaped» by technology and the use of data and analytics.
The techniques listed here are by no means an exhaustive list, but they should help demonstrate the types of tools at your disposal and the various capabilities they give for data - driven social media marketers who are willing to leverage them.
The suggestion of changing Facebook's default privacy settings from opt - out to opt - in, meaning the company would need to ask for permission to collect data right away instead of collecting it by default, seems like it would be the most dangerous to Facebook.
The mean credit card debt of U.S. households is approximately $ 5,700, according to most recent data from the Survey of Consumer Finances by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
By that we mean, how easy would be to keep adding new players, new skills, new sneakers, different ways of reading input data...
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What followed was the introduction of the Graph API, which was the means by which Facebook would facilitate the data exchange, and as you can see on an old Facebook developer page, Facebook was willing to give away just about everything:
That means new features that rely on user data must be built by one of the two giants, or, as is always the case in a centrally - planned system relative to a market, not built at all.
Our focus was on arithmetic mean (average) household incomes by quintile (and the top 5 %) over the 50 - year history of this data series.
The number of «underwater» homeowners in the fourth quarter of 2012 declined by 1.7 million from a year earlier, meaning 1.7 million U.S. households have regained home equity, according to data released Tuesday by CoreLogic, a research company.
Privacy advocates say that means trouble for Canada's ability to shield sensitive information such as health or financial data from the prying eyes of foreign agencies by storing it in computer servers on Canadian soil.
They are «usable as payment to indefinite parties for the cost of purchase or rent of items or receipt of services and which can be transferred by means of electronic data processing systems», the exchange describes, adding that:
The production of knowledge, decemination of information, and coqunication of the data are very much controlled by the TNCs, the industrialized states, and the global news agencies of the West through the highly sophiscated electronic means.
The «liturgical circle» begins by observing and listening to what the church does and says when it gathers for worship as the primary witness to what Christians believe, moves on to theological reflection on the meaning of these data, and then proceeds to reform worship so as to express these meanings more effectively.
We are allowed this latter statement because, as Bennett says, «the consciousness in question is not the objectifying «awareness of» by means of which we attend to data, but the «awareness with» by which much of our experience is lived» (PS 3:42).
This continued a theme pervading all his previous work, and paralleled very closely a statement by Whitehead in Process and Reality, where he says that triviality (in effect, the opposite of qualitative meaning) «arises from lack of coordination in the factors of the datum, so that no feeling arising from one factor is reinforced by any feeling from another factor» (PR 132).
Translated into Whitehead's terminology, this statement becomes: «the inherent meaning of the initial datum is appropriated by the becoming occasion in accordance with its subjective aim.»
Images and patterns are the stuff of the imagination, which is the capacity that unifies data into wholes; it does so by means of patterns rather than abstract concepts.
Husserl's doctrine of hyletic data, that consciousness freely imposes its meaning on a meaningless stuff, is rejected by many latter - day phenomenologists.
The givenness of these data means that the vectorial quality is a feeling of causation, of being created by and continuous with the environment which is constitutive of the self.
A hybrid physical feeling is a feeling which objectifies the actual entity which forms its initial datum by means of one of this datum actual entity's conceptual feelings.
The second subphase is one in which eliminations are made from the initial data by means of negative prehensions so that an «objective datum» is obtained for each feeling.
For example, what on * EARTH * do you mean when you say that the (very Biblical, very real, very undeniable) data about those who deny Jesus will be brought up «anxiously» by those who wish to «find at least one small corner of solace» where they can keep their «divisive and exclusive theologies»?!!
What we mean by event is these historical data elevated to cosmic dimensions by the acquisition of an understanding of human life which those data produce.
A proposition becomes part of a «form of subjectivity» when the reader admits it as a datum within the process of self - creation by assigning to it a valuative feeling; but that does not mean it is an «injunction.»
Men will come to see, as they are now beginning to see with the critical examination of language, that every conceivable structure of meaning carried by language is necessarily based on the selections of data and the forms of thought derived from the ruling interests of human life....
Metaphysical error, as Hartshorne says, is recognized by its lack of positive meaning, by its failure to afford a datum of any sort for experience.
And how blind does a person have to be to consider a massive, molecular database filled with data and knowledge beyond our present full comprehension that is made up of 104 billion atoms, (the human DNA molecule) and even consider for a moment scientifically that it came about by unguided chemical means.
The concrescence, however, uses these conceptual phases for the sake of a gradual process of integration and re-integration until a determinate satisfaction is reached wherein all the simple physical feelings are fully integrated in terms of their objective data by means of one patterned contrast.
This means that an occasion must be able to choose either the better or the worse alternative with a given set of initial data mediated by efficient causation with a certain initial ideal aim.
The second approach to comparative religion at Chicago was advocated by George Burman Foster (d. 1918), who accepted a widely held three - layered scheme: (1) a narrow history of religions — conceived to be the simple historical study of «raw» religious data, often colored by an evolutionary ideology — toward (2) «comparative religion,» which aims to classify religious data and culminates in (3) a philosophy of religion (or a theology) that provides a meaning for the comparative religion enterprise as a whole.
2) The qualitative measurement of human science data by means of Scripture: avoiding syncretism and relativism when doing contextualization.
This consists of an effort to discern the meanings of the data furnished by the history of religions, to locate these different meanings in their proper relationships, and finally also to place various religions in their reciprocal positions with regard to each other.
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