Sentences with phrase «by mechanistic»

Second, the inferences that are made to the outcomes of events by the mechanistic model may serve as a constraint on entropy maximization.
His ideas were marked by a mechanistic materialist foundation, a characterization of human nature based on greed and fear of death, and support for an absolute monarchical form of government.
We've got big brains that make it possible for us to think, and we think that we have free will and that our behavior can't be described by some mechanistic set of theorems or ideas.
So many of our grandparents and parents were influenced by this mechanistic train of thought, pressured by the experts to believe that if they picked up their babies when they cried that that they would create a tyrant of a child and become enslaved.
The processes of nature are regarded by the mechanistic view as being a relation of cause and effect, which is a relation of equivalence, energy and momentum remaining constant; causality implies quantitative equivalence.
But this next chapter will make no sense at all unless we have grasped the distinction between the world as it appears on the one hand outwardly and as revealed by mechanistic science, and on the other hand the world that is hidden beneath appearances but is as real.
With the development of the modern world the organicistic metaphor was replaced by the mechanistic.
The thought of the Western world for the past two hundred years has been dominated by a mechanistic view of the nature of reality.
Rolston laments that many influenced by the mechanistic worldview of industrial civilizations think of nonhuman nature as something devoid of value until assigned importance by human beings.
A second response was to develop a different worldview in which Christians could both affirm the empirical evidence for evolution and deny that it has the reductionistic implications given it by the mechanistic worldview.
Now many Chinese realize that a society can not live by mechanistic science alone.
The issue, therefore, should not be settled by any mechanistic dismissal of the possibility.

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What nominalism called in question is the universal, those principles and causes larger than the mechanism of nature or ideas generated out of nature seen as mechanistic by man.
However improbable in a mechanistic sense the elaborate organic structure created by life may appear, it seems increasingly evident that the cosmic substance is drawn toward these states of extreme arrangement by a particular kind of attraction which compels it, by the play of large numbers in which it is involved, to miss no opportunity of becoming more complex and thus achieving a higher degree of freedom.
The convergence model represents human communication as a dynamic, cyclical process over time, characterized by (1) mutual causation rather than one - way mechanistic causation, and emphasizing (2) the interdependent relationship of the participants, rather than a bias toward either the gisource» or the «receiver» of «messages.»
The Chicago School of Theology made much of its opposition to philosophical idealism; but its strategy of thought in transmuting evolution into something other than mechanistic naturalism was actually dictated and directed by the vestigial remains of its own personal idealism.
Appropriately, Eslick writes: «It is likely the polemic against substance was originally motivated by Whitehead's reaction against mechanistic materialism, in which substances are inert, vacuous pieces of matter or stuff» (SCCW 504).
The primary answer is that modernist thinking assumes the validity of Darwinian evolution, which explains the origin of humans and other living systems by an entirely mechanistic process that excludes in principle any role for a Creator.
It is mechanistic in that it can be seen to be caused and limited by its prehensions of its own actual world.
And Whitehead says that he does not think it is inevitable that the human mind spatializes, though it often does this, and when it does, one way or another, whether through partiality or something else, it deforms the object of knowledge and of experience... [But] Bergson believed that, at least to some significant degree, the spatializing tendencies of the human intellect and of human intelligence, can be overcome by a biology and a physics that is less mechanistic.
There is no «problem of evil» for this mechanistic and deterministic view of the world, for the place of God is finally taken altogether by blind chance, causality, and impersonal law.
For two reasons: it takes away the simple, mechanistic understanding that hard, physical, certain reality was the paradigm by which we must understand the world.
The goal of therapy within Bateson's view of mind would be to increase our aesthetic resonance with the unity of contexts, transforming our consciousness from a linear, mechanistic view of reality to one governed by the aesthetics of patterns.
In particular it binds humanity and nature when these have been wrenched apart by technology and mechanistic thinking.
Recognizing the need for liberation from inward and outward sources of oppression, it also proposes a liberating vision free from the suffocating constraints of the mechanistic, deterministic, substantialist view of reality, it is all the more remarkable in having been written by two professional theologians, although one of them, to be sure, is a professional biologist.
But it seems to me that Dr. Altizer has fallen into a naturalization of historical time, that he has been led astray by his nineteenth - century mentors, who were battling against the rigidity of a mechanistic universe, for there is no doubt that in the mechanistic and objective sense the past is dead and unchangeable.
They have in their undertone the mechanistic world - view that suggests that a good society must function like a machine whose operation is controlled by the laws of nature» (pp. 44 - 5).
Pictured in this mechanistic light, congregations suffer in a state resembling the dilemma of the unselfconscious, ahistorical peoples described by Freire: they do not know their plot.
In fact, all my anxieties run in the opposite direction: that, in order to affirm the uniqueness of humanity within organic nature, as well as the unique moral obligations it entails, we will reject all evidence of intentionality, reason, or affection in animals as something only apparently purposive, doing so by reference to the most egregiously vapid of philosophical naturalism's mystifications — «instinct» — and thereby opening the way to a mechanistic narrative that, as we have learned from an incessant torrent of biological and bioethical theory in recent decades, can be extended to human behavior as well.
Neither the new science nor the new religion can be contained in the old formula of a legal — mechanistic universe; that is, the image of a universe running according to rules laid down by an external law - maker.
It seems to me, therefore, that the metaphysical background of process thought is far more germane to the evolutionary picture provided by biology than is the mechanistic philosophy, implicit or explicit, that so often accompanies evolutionary theory.
(ENTIRE BOOK) A collection of essays by prominent physicists, biologists, geneticists, zoologists, philosophers and other thinkers about the relationship between science and philosophy, particularly the teleological versus the mechanistic explanation of the universe.
The metaphysical background of process thought is far more germane to the evolutionary picture provided by biology than is the mechanistic philosophy.
They were convinced that one could get further and discover more by employing a mechanistic model for what even they felt obliged to call «living» phenomena.
Or will it yield the same kind of mechanistic style that has made conservative jurisprudence so morally empty — and so incapable of facing the challenges raised in litigation by the left?
Internal teleological systems are accounted for by natural selection which is strictly mechanistic process.
All thought and all that happens on this earth were finally related to God and redeemed by Christ, but with the emergence of the industrial world, mechanistic compart - mentalization separated interconnected parts of society and set religion in a corner.
I can not do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science.
All the examples I have given of self - organization in biology are explained by biologists in strictly mechanistic terms, complex though these mechanisms usually are.
Therefore, my curiosity is pretty well satisfied by a purely mechanistic answer to my question.
A mechanistic sociobiologist argues that individual human limitations imposed by genes place constraints on society.
The implication of the new subatomic physics was that certainty was replaced by probability, or the notion of tendencies rather than absolutes: «we can never predict an atomic event with certainty; we can only predict the likelihood of its happening»... This directly contradicts the mechanistic model we explored above, and it implies that a subject such as normal birth needs to be looked at as a whole rather than its parts...»
This answer by Philipp to another question gives a great run - down of all the mechanistic problems with applying this truly democratically (especially if considering making the franchise contingent on it).
The government wants a mechanistic way of describing how something hits the central nervous system and then affects mood and thought, but there's no way of documenting that without resorting to talk of «brain» and «mind», and even if there was, plenty of substances we don't want to target - like taurine, nutmeg or incense - would be covered by it too.
The mechanistic modelling, treatment of people as resources, obsession with the short - term, and management by targets in the public sector are all symptoms of the sick ideology that has driven management culture, which Simon brilliantly dissected.
Furthermore, interactions between the environment and the epigenome may provide mechanistic insight into many toxicological phenomena that are not well - understood, such as non-genotoxic carcinogenesis, age - based windows of susceptibility, developmental reprogramming by early life exposures, and trans - generational exposure effects.
By providing mechanistic insights into how these bacteria interact with the host, this research will contribute to efforts to devise these future therapies.
It was commissioned by Roderick MacKinnon, who shared the Nobel prize in 2003 for his work describing the structural and mechanistic properties of such channels, which are tunnels that regulate the flow of ions across cellular membranes.
Last year her lab published evidence that one mechanistic consequence of the disease is a disruption of the process by which neurons can recycle and reuse proteins needed for neural control of muscle.
«This is really the first time we've gone from risk variants highlighted by GWAS to a mechanistic and molecular understanding — right down to the nucleotide — of how a mutation can contribute to the risk of developing disease,» says Whitehead Founding Member Rudolf Jaenisch, who is also a professor of biology at MIT.
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