Sentences with phrase «by meditation»

So the 35 minute DVD followed by meditation really kept me grounded and connected and focused on my intention.
So the 35 minute DVD followed by meditation really kept me grounded and connected and focused on my intention.
All 59 images are accompanied by a meditation that I'm sure are going to speak to you.
Being guided by the meditation suggestions in the book kept my sleep and stress levels on track during a hectic time in my life.
But you are controlling your body by meditation so it can happen that it may help you in weight loss.
Hence, the changes induced by meditation are comparable to those achieved by intense long - term training.
The researchers suspect that the microbiome was also altered by the meditation.
According to research, powerful pain - relieving effects in the brain are provided by meditation.
When properly balanced by meditation, exercise, and nutrition, they bring vitality to our bodies and stability to our mind.
So before you start thinking that the relaxation response can only be brought about by meditation however, you should know there is nothing magical about this phenomenon.
After the set, there's a relaxation followed by a meditation.
This, I believe, is an accurate representation of what Anselm intended by his meditation on the grounds of faith seeking understanding, and Hartshorne's account clearly expresses the situation of the believer in relation to the two opponents.
Then I'm very lucky, in my office space, three days a week there's a guided meditation run by a meditation teacher out here, Will Kabat - Zinn.
We get less of the writings of St Paul himself — just a short paragraph for each day, followed by a meditation written by Bishop Michael, and a short prayer.
But a lot of people are intimidated by meditation thinking there are rules to follow, that they are doing it «wrong,» or that it is difficult to sit for long periods of time because it feels physically uncomfortable or they find their minds racing.
Her work is inspired by meditation techniques drawn from her deep interest in Buddhism, which explains why there is such a strong process - based aesthetic and quality to her almost - hypnotizing surfaces.
Check out these free «Relax into Sleep» and «Deep Rest» meditations by Meditation Oasis HERE
«Our long - term hope is that this research, and the research that follows, can be used by the meditation community to create support systems for the full range of meditation - related experiences,» Britton said.
While conducting research for their book, The Mind of the Leader, Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter interviewed more than 1,000 leaders and found that practicing mindfulness, meaning a focus on the present, achieved by meditation and other techniques, helped those leaders engage with their employees, create better connections and improve company performance.
We are Blessed... Thank you very much... Request you to post and share such Sermons to our mails also so that we will be blessed by this meditation.
«If the authors only suggested meditation or therapy and didn't address the issues they believe to be at the root of the morale problems — funding, bureaucracy and fighting with administrators — then I think faculty would be justified in feeling a little insulted» by the implication that their problems could be solved by meditation or therapy alone, he wrote in an email to Science Careers.
Pain - related activity in the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices was reduced by the meditation.
Science has proved we can activate the pituitary gland after the age of 18 to secrete growth hormones by meditation.
This metaphor --- of a bird with his / her two wings — is used often by meditation and Yoga teachers, to help their students understand more clearly how wisdom and compassion, truth and love, must always work together: how neither can stand (not to mention fly!)
It is possible to eliminate migraine headaches if stress can be relieved by meditation or other relaxation techniques, or if the offending stimulus can be found and eliminated.
Implementing a daily Mindfulness lifestyle practice that is complimented by meditation, yoga and other physical activities (that bring strength, flexibility and functionality to the body) we reach peak performance.
Amelia's practice is guided by an inner quiet and visualization of a balanced and healthy body; the mind is calmed by the breath; transformation within is cultivated by meditation in stillness and through gentle movements.
Mantras can be attained by a meditation teacher, but there are many you can also get on your own.
Ajai has been created by meditation teacher and founder of Thyroid Yoga ®, Fern Olivia Langham (Ravi Priya Kaur).
Choksi's investigation of materials and temporality for accessing existential insight is augmented by meditations on hands and feet — the first tools used by humans to move toward these more exalted realms.
Written by meditation expert, psychotherapist, and spiritual teacher Stephan Bodian, this book takes you beyond familiar mindfulness practices by offering guided meditations and direct pointers that invite you to realize your natural state of inherent wakefulness and peace.
Inspired by His meditation practice And the teachings of the buddha, He meets every opportunity with A Warrior spirit mentality.
An excavation of the residue of colonial occupation and other global power shifts can be traced throughout his oeuvre, accompanied by a meditation on the notion of freedom in different guises.
A few people that I follow on Instagram swear by meditation and setting aside a few minutes a day to clear their head.
People often feel so intimidated by meditation that they automatically strike it out as something they should do but can't find the time, money or circumstances for.»
Yoon's paintings evolve in a process guided by meditation and concentration.
Without the tiny buzz I got from my glass of wine, I felt more compelled to roll out my mat and do some gentle stretches followed by a meditation.
The description of each of the station churches begins with suggested Bible readings and other texts from the commentaries and sermons of the church fathers, followed by a meditation.
We shall have to lay ourselves open to it, by meditation and a receptive patience, if we are to receive what the Bible is designed to give us.
When we look deeply into ourselves or nature — by meditation or science — we find an underlying reality, present alike in all that is.
Guilt and horror of a practically psychotic intensity had combined with physical illness, and ordinary disappointments, to effect a spiritual desolation which was eventually assuaged by prayer to Christ, by meditation on the person of Jesus Christ, on his Words in the New Testament and his sacramental presence.
You wake up and move into sun salutations, followed by meditation.
She explains that we'll spend the hour doing a general intake questionnaire, followed by meditation, and after assessment, she'll figure out what essences will serve me best.
The discussion is followed by meditation to quiet the mind and bring focus to the body and the woman's growing baby.
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