Sentences with phrase «by microhabitat»

Comparative genomic analysis from 82 wild and wild - derived species grouped by microhabitat - use identified variation corresponding with one of these QTL, further supporting broad association with habitat use across the Malawi cichlid radiation.

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This research shows that individual animals» behaviors can increase their chances of survival by allowing flexible, real - time adjustments to the many different microhabitats encountered in the wild.
«This strongly suggests that lizards rest on backgrounds that heighten their own camouflage to reduce the risk of being attacked by birds, and that individual behaviors have an important role in enhancing camouflage across different microhabitats,» says Marshall.
Notably, the portion of the focal region behind the robotic fish identifies the microhabitat in which the flow perturbations induced by the robot beating tail are expected to generate relevant effects on golden shiners» swimming, as demonstrated in [20].
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