Sentences with phrase «by middle age»

Men who engage in high - impact physical activity and resistance training as teens and young adults are likely to have greater bone density by middle age.
Story about getting stood up by a guy for an online date by middle aged woman.
It found that young adults who frequently attend religious activities are 50 percent more likely to become obese by middle age compared with those who don't take part in any religious events.
Of the rest, half experienced a transient mental disorder, typically just a single bout of depression, anxiety or substance abuse by middle age.
However, both sleep and memory are altered by middle age.
In fact, more than 75 % of dogs get gum disease by middle age, which can affect more than their tooth health.
There's no room at the waist and, even for those not challenged by middle age spread, there will be absolutely no room at shoulder level either.
I can't conceive of a middle class defined by middle age whose particular interests in stability and property aren't defined by the creation and / or continuance of family.
Thank goodness that by the Middle ages people figured out that it's delicious in food!
«By that measure, humans could weigh half a ton by middle age, and well over a ton at retirement.»
I love the dramatic outfits I always try to add a touch of drama to my outfits I am so inspired by the middle ages and its royal style and the huge little details in their amazing designs.
Isobel Peachey, 31 may be the youngest Artist to paint an official portrait of the monarch but going by the middle age style in which she approaches the subject, she adds nothing original to Royal portraiture as a form.
The highest risk group had elevated blood pressure compared to their peers at age 18, but it was still within the range considered normal; this tended to develop into hypertension by middle age.
Three of them — «early below average, accelerated decline», «below average» and «persistently low» — had increased risk of COPD by middle age and were associated with 75 per cent of the COPD burden.
It's actually more normal than not in todays world to have Insulin Resistance by middle age; for many today, even younger than middle age.
Neurodegenerative brain changes begin by middle age, underscoring the need for lifelong preventive brain maintenance.
This is a movie by a middle aged Baumbach about a middle aged man's disgust with the twentysomethings» world and growing to be pleased that he's finally out of it.
Yet by skipping through time, Hong shows how young people start out eager and willing to learn, and then by middle age, become embittered know - it - alls.
Virtually all dogs of certain breeds (like Bichons, Poodles, terriers of all variety) will get them as they age (usually by middle age).
Since we don't get invited to many parties these days — we've entered the «come over for brunch» years — and Husband's stamina has been compromised by middle age, it's no longer an issue.
I think the plain answer is that the middle class is defined by middle age — by those who are no longer young but not yet old, and therefore completely break the frame of Emersonian generation - gap analysis.
Thank goodness that by the Middle ages people figured out that it's delicious in food!
«By that measure, humans could weigh half a ton by middle age, and well over a ton at retirement.»
MONDAY, Feb. 22, 2016 (HealthDay News)-- Men who engage in high - impact physical activity and resistance training as teens and young adults are likely to have greater bone density by middle age, according to new research.
Set in a beautifully crafted world inspired by the middle ages, its low - fantasy trappings really resonate with me as a virtual world I could potentially call home.
Redlands Qld Australia About Blog Middle Aged Mama is a blog for middle aged women, by a middle aged woman.
Isobel Peachey, 31 may be the youngest Artist to paint an official portrait of the monarch but going by the middle age...
By middle age, he says, «there are some people who make the wrong turn in life.
By middle age it begins to get significant, and we start to see friends and former classmates falling by the wayside.
The study also found distinct blood pressure patterns from ages 18 to 55 that reveal people at high risk for calcification of coronary arteries — a marker for heart disease — by middle age.
By the age of two their night sight had deteriorated, and by middle age they were completely blind.
By middle age, you may already have a full social life, a job and family demands, which means you may have to make some space for someone new.
By middle age, a clean, healthy mouth is essential to your pet's achieving a maximum life span.
By the middle ages this had developed into a mighty fortification and royal residency.
By middle age, children are generally adults taking care of themselves.
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