Sentences with phrase «by modern science»

The effectiveness of this practice has been validated by modern science.
Those who reject physical evolution out of hand understand this, but unfortunately their position effectively rejects the whole understanding of the physical cosmos uncovered by modern science.
All creation myths are proven incorrect by modern science, so basically religion has no evidence.
We might consider too how Christian «love talk» looks in the light of the nature of the world as portrayed by modern science.
Others focus on harsh behavioural methods not backed by modern science.
Note another change that has been brought about by modern science's new world view.
There are a bunch of natural remedies that are ignored by modern science.
Every year, the benefits of the ancient practice of yoga are being better understood by modern science.
The creation myths of all religions are proven to be incorrect by modern science.
One further remark about the understanding of personality which has been made possible by modern science should be made.
And this isn't just some «folk remedy» discredited by modern science either.
Though these theories were eventually disproved by modern science, the word ethereal still invokes a sense of otherworldliness, fragility and spirituality.
The whole animistic approach to man, which in both religious thought and philosophical analysis can be traced back to man's earliest attempts to understand himself, has been destroyed by the modern sciences most closely related to the study of man.
It has been maintained that the contemporary world, which has been so decisively shaped by modern science, requires the presence of groups of people of adequate size.
It also possess antispasmodic and immune stimulant properties, which have been proved by modern science.
With our worldview challenged by modern science, modern Christians have long been tempted to think the Romantics allies are crypto - Christians.
However having an experience that can not be explained by modern science is not evidence for God.
In short, how are the truths of the Catholic faith to be synthesised with the leaps forward in our knowledge yielded by modern science?
Those who believe that miracles are refuted by modern science may view them symbolically rather than literally, saying, for example, that the stilling of the storm (Mark 4:35 - 41) shows that God is with the believer in the storms of life.
In defining the complex notion of wisdom, Deane - Drummond introduces the concept of wisdom as an understanding of different facets of reality, a contemplative «way of knowing» lost by modern science with its focus on specific discoveries.
Holloway made relationality central to his new metaphysics, partly because it is central to the constitution of «matter» as rediscovered by modern science and technology (see our editorials for Sept 2006 and July 2009).
In modern science, the term «theory» refers to scientific theories, a well - confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science.
Creationism is the notion that we were created by a supreme being 10,000 years ago and coexisted with dinosaurs for some time, a notion which can be dismissed by modern science with a laugh.
There is really no story at all inscribed in the confused series of cosmic occurrences brought to light by modern science.
Nikki Six from Motley crew came back from the dead also after a drug induced death / coma — The jesus thing is very easily explainable by modern science and to simple minds back then it was and could only be the work of a god.
The only relevant question for the theologian is the basic assumption on which the adoption of a biological as of every other Weltanschauung rests, and that assumption is the view of the world which has been molded by modern science and the modern conception of human nature as a self - subsistent unity immune from the interference of supernatural powers.
For all our thinking today is shaped irrevocably by modern science.
The doctrine itself must be the same identifiable, defined teaching that is the historic Catholic faith, but this has to be projected against the backdrop of the vast new vista of creation revealed by modern science.
What is interesting about the claim that the universe is intrinsically valueless is that this view is usually rooted in speculation influenced by modern science.
A development in this area of metaphysics is the fateful step demanded by modern science.
Such holistic unity applies to all physical things in the universe, as observed a posteriori by modern science.
In this cosmology, allowing for the 800 - year development of vocabulary and knowledge, we can see openness to biological and cosmic evolution, complexity, emergence, matter as density - of - energy — all cherished by modern science — as well as metaphysics, finality and theology, which the Church seeks to uphold and defend: all of which, incidentally, your magazine seeks to bring together, too.
I can not do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science.
As such, they have obviously been superseded by modern science.
On the other hand, what we might be able to evince is at least the congruity between our myths of meaning and the fabric of nature disclosed by modern science and consistent cosmological theory.
Spices are perhaps the best - known botanical agents, central to Ayurvedic medicine and among the most studied by modern science.
Whether or not Freud is vindicated by modern science, that humane perspective may be the most enduring contribution of neuropsychoanalysis.
No, we're not talking bullshit in order to entertain you or increase profits for some dieting book out there — we're talking about an activity done by human beings since the beginning of time which is approved by modern science.
For example, conventional wisdom has held that carrots can help maintain sharp eyesight — a belief that has been verified by modern science.
The time - tested teachings of Ayurveda are being proven time and time again by modern science and that holds true for the healing powers in this special tea.
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