Sentences with phrase «by municipalities»

If a bond was issued by a municipality outside the state in which you reside, the interest could be subject to state and local income taxes.
Property tax is based on the value of your property and put to use by municipalities for repairing roads, building schools or providing similar services.
Or the property will still be owned by municipality, with just the «management» of the school functions «sold» off.
Average sale price, active listings, and total number of sales broken down by municipality for first quarter 2018.
Separate rates are determined by municipalities, counties and school districts, and additional rates may be applied for specific purposes such as parks or libraries.
It aims to drive data and modelling - based decision making by the municipality on low carbon, resource efficient and resilient urban development.
The remaining 30 % is taxed by the municipality where the operating company has its business headquarters.
Public spaces run by municipalities, retail stores and private commercial shopping centres are designed to be safe environments for patrons and clients to enjoy their shops and services.
Animal Control Officers are employed by a municipality and are not state employees.
The distribution of plastic bags has been identified as a key environmental concern and has been called out by municipalities as a large contributor to land - fill waste.
The private door had to be eliminated to accommodate unforeseen requirements relating to hydro ducts that had been imposed by the municipality.
But prospects will vary by province and even by municipality, since many of these jobs are in the public sector and therefore dependent on government budgets.
The chart below compares the change in the number of sales by municipality.
The credit of the bond is backed by the municipality issuing the bond, not the federal government.
The answer will differ by municipality, but the question should be asked.
Some of these shelters are managed by municipalities, while others are run by private organizations.
Additionally, it would be costly to prosecute any violations of such a state law by a municipality, the fiscal estimate showed.
The volume of real estate debt, auto debt, student loans, bank debt, pension debts by municipalities and states as well as private companies exceed their ability to pay.
The language specifically states that the rule change is for homes that have been certified vacant by the municipalities.
They will be municipal bonds, supported by your taxpayer dollars and revenues received by municipalities.
If a bond was issued by a municipality outside the state in which you reside, the interest may be subject to state and local income taxes.
It also works in reduction in number of homeless animals, which are abandoned and killed by municipalities.
Even though buildings of all sizes and types have been allowed by some municipalities, certain risks are involved depending on how you go about it.
However, these benefits will require long - term support for local wind farms by municipalities and their residents.
Instead, income of PV plants is 100 % taxable by the municipality where the company has its business seat.
We are consulted and retained primarily by municipalities, hospitals, child and family service organizations, business corporations and insurance companies.
The proposed route of the pipeline expansion is through a sensitive area that has been designated for conservation by the municipality.
A shame, as online video is increasingly used by municipalities, in educational curriculum,... everywhere.
Local property tax rates are determined by municipalities and are applied to a home's assessed value.
For this reason, it's advisable to keep zero - coupon bonds in a tax - deferred account or to buy tax - free zero - coupon bonds issued by municipalities.
Do students with vouchers learn more in private schools or in those run by municipalities?
The percentage varies by province, and even by municipality.
His wife, Diane Prince, rented out a hall owned by the municipality in order to hold a weekend market.
Municipal operating spending has also increased because of further downloading of responsibilities by federal and provincial governments onto municipalities. The biggest increases in spending by municipalities over the past two decades have been for housing, health, social services and environmentâ $» all areas where federal and provincial governments also have responsibility, as the FCM's recent State of Canadaâ $ ™ s Cities and Communities report demonstrated.
In 2013, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill held up the extension in a bid to hasten the county's takeover of Safety Net welfare and election costs that were previously borne by municipalities.
Regulations and ordinances relating to vacation rental homes also vary by municipality.
Zayed believes the software, which was initially implemented in a pilot project for the City of Guelph, could soon be used by municipalities around the world.
Costs incurred by a municipality on or after April 1, 2016, to own, or lease for at least 36 months, a new clean vehicle for its fleet are eligible.
The simplest approach to funding - direct funding by your municipality, a government agency, or by the state (e.g., state department of public health, school department budget), or through a government grant - may be all that is needed, particularly if you are seeking to start a Community Access Defibrillation Program (CAD) serving your entire community, or a significant segment, such as the public schools.
SIDs and LIDs are assessments placed on properties by municipalities for infrastructure installed when a development is built.
SCC rejects leave to appeal by municipalities found liable for sisters» paralysis, Toronto Star
- Many plans to «end homelessness» were put in place by municipalities across Canada in the late - 2000s.
Since the Great Depression, when economic turmoil sent throngs of people with cars out into the streets to become gypsy cab drivers, cabs have been tightly regulated by municipalities around the county.
This much is apparently reference to the budget's promise to clarify «that commercial paid parking is subject to GST / HST when supplied by a municipality, hospital, university, public college, school or any entity established by one of these bodies.»
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